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84 Lumber owns Nemocolin. Is there an event going on there or you just booked it?

One of my wife’s best friends from childhood is the spa director. We actually went for our last baby moon which happened to be for New Years and as we were leaving the New Years party I rode on the bus home I actually rode on the bus beside the guy who started the company’s daughter who runs the place now. My wife’s friend usually gives us a pretty sweet deal.
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Didn’t think it was possible but UKO is right. He is definitely an expert… suckage. Might actually be the GOAT at it.
Damn son, do you ever take off that aluminum foil hat to get your head out of your ass?
Terrible take about 80's music being shit. But not surprised considering the source.

Just a FEW albums in the 80's

Over 40 Million sold
Thriller - Michael Jackson
Back in Black - ACDC

30-39 Million
Bad - Michael Jackson
Born in The USA - Bruce Springsteen
Appetite For Destruction - GNR

20-29 Million
Slippery When Wet - Bon Jovi
Joshua Tree - U2
Purple Rain - Prince
Hysteria - Def Leppard

Yeap, 80's sucked. Left several like Madonna, Van Halen, Whitney Houston, Lionel Richie, and many more out.

- Count me in for a British, Spanish, South American, French, Italian, Australian, South African and Southern accent. Up in the air on Irish.

- Turned 42 yesterday. Every year, my wife asks me what I want for my birthday and every year I say, “I want you to take me out and get me drunk.” So Saturday, she surprised me with a van/bus escorting 8 of us around Cincinnati for drinks from noon to 7pm. Helluva good time and very kind of her.

- Grabbed lunch at Goose&Elder down by Findlay Market. Really building up. I enjoy that area during the day as much as anyone else but at night? F that. Little too real for me. Certainly wouldn’t want to live up that way.

- I’ll never not enjoy BRax posting a pic of one of his boys mean-mugging in their jersey on social media with a caption like “TOO MUCH SAUCE.”😂

- Watching “The Vow” on HBO about the NXIVM cult. It boggles my mind how people get involved, especially following some geeky looking weirdo who just talks in circles all the time. Of course, I do have some “friends” who apparently believe some former presidents are running a pedophile ring so maybe my mind should be less boggled.

- I can understand enjoying the Euro. I can’t understand a bunch of Yanks filling bars and screaming like it’s the NCAA Tournament. Oh really, Brayden - that big of Italy fan huh?

- Getting an Uber these days suuuuucks.

- Kings Island seems a helluva lot smaller than it used to.

- My go-to cake is now and always has been a chocolate chip cookie cake.

- Going to fight hard for a duckie theme 1st birthday party for my daughter. She really seems to enjoy duckies. Who doesn’t, really?

- To be clear, I’m not hating on America or the troops but July 4 is my least favorite holiday.

1. Christmas
2. Thanksgiving
3. Labor Day
4. Halloween
5. St. Patricks Day

^ What’s being celebrated doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with my ranking. Time of year is key.
How can Milwaukee be the “best”team left getting waxed by ATL without Trae Young, and they were getting beat handily before Giannis left the game.

If Kawhi Leonard came back for game 6 I’d legit think they have a damn good shot to win this thing.
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The Giannis FT fiasco is f'n embarrassing. It's obvious to everyone that he goes over 10 seconds everytime. It takes him 8 seconds just to take his 6 dribbles. He should be whistled for a violation each time he steps to the line. Even with the extra time, he's still tossing up air balls.

The league needs to set the shot clock at ten for every foul shot. That way the player can see how much time they have. If the buzzer goes off and the ball hasn't left the player's hands, then it's a violation. Easy fix.

I also think it's hilarious that the Bucks blew it signing Bogdanovic in free agency and now he's lighting them up in the ECF.
John Denver was only on “The Muppet Show” once (not counting specials) and I would have lost that bet big time.
Consider this partial list of bands/artists that arguably made their best music in the 80's.

Talking Heads
David Bowie
Tom Petty
The Cure
The Police

Now imagine placing whatever was made in the 00's over that.

Good grief...amateur at best.

U2....yes. His 2 most popular ones due to media airplay were in the 80's, but his best work was in the 90's.
Heads...70' and it isn't close.
TP.....given his first 3 were all excellent and in the 70's, then TFP.
The Cure....not a fan but given you had to pull this one out of your ass only adds to my correct point.
The is where it is funny....they only made 5 albums...2 in the 70's and 3 in the 80s'. All were excellent so I will give you this one on the basis of a 3-2 count.

I will add that the best genre overall in the 80's was country.

Sprinkles ;)
The Talking Heads released three albums in the 70s, which only scored one top 50 hit.
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