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I guess the Murph is technically CrossFit, but I have yet to go to a CrossFit facility. That said, I agree with PTI in some respect that we should decouple exercise with respect for our veterans, or, more importantly, fundraising.
Osaka quit the French Open because she claims she’s mentally ill and doesn’t want to do press conferences. It’s really refreshing to see this current generation of athletes thinking that being f’d in the head is a virtue.
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I did the Murph this morning. Couple guys that normally just run with us, and are vets, asked a few guys to join them doing it. I knew what it was but hadnt tried it before. Probably wont again just do to the number of pullups. Regular guys pushing 40 really have no business trying 100 pullups. I ended up doing literally sets of 2 by the time I was finishing.

I'll stick to running and pushups/situps for the most part. I dont need to rip a rotator cuff completely off my body.
The pull-ups - with practice - aren’t too bad. When I started training for this I could do maybe 3 at a time and had to kip on the last one. I can now do 20 sets of 5 on minute intervals with solid form, no joint pain, at pretty low effort.

What killed me today was my cardio. I hit the first mile at like 6:15 and by the 3rd set of calisthenics (I was doing 20 sets of 5-10-15’s) I felt like I was in trouble. Made it through to nine sets, and things went to shit.
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I will not be disrespected any longer!

Edit: I still finished, dickheads. Just not at the pace I set out to do.
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I'm not sure what's more admirable, someone admitting they have anxiety about a part of their job and sacrificing the attention, (likely) money and fame because of that anxiety or someone like Marshawn Lynch pulling the "I'm just here so I don't get fined" routine. I respect both.

I didn't take it as her bragging, more so expressing that she can't handle it. If she had just no showed all the media stuff, that'd be one thing, but dropping out of a major and taking time off over this is proof enough to me that she's serious.

I mean, if Tiger did the same thing because of, ya know, whores, where would he be today?
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Metta World Peace famously thanked his therapist foremost for winning his first NBA Championship. Kevin Love has openly discussed his struggles with anxiety and depression. Michael Phelps has been the most famous athlete ever to share his issues with the world and now is a spokesman for a mental health/therapy. app. Barrett Robbins disappeared the night before Super Bowl 37 and has talked about being bi polar.

Off the top of my head. Just a bunch of soft, virtue signaling pansies. Basically.

(ps wayne your an idiot)
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-@bradyjames hit a legend up if you’re into Joe D. I’m the equivalent bartender/boat capitan as him. Go that Joe D. DNA #BertKriescher

-Came back from West Palm, lass and I towed the boat all the way back and picked up a couple stray pups (brothers) from the BVIs. Still working on a name for him. We rolled back with a boat and two dogs in tow having never done it before. I was proud of her.

Splashed the boat this morning, took the pups for a spin and had a great time. What a life man, sometimes.

-Went to work afterwards, killed it besides the rain which I love. Brady can probably attest.

Have a great night I know I will sleep like a champ.

@bradyjames I’ll be at Hyatt Centric pool bar after 3 if you want to come by bud.
Agree, if you’re giving someone shit because they’re admitting mental health issues youre the asshole. It’s real. Just be glad you don’t have it or don’t admit it.

I’ve been through some really tough times with it and sought counseling in my past and admitted as much when I came back here after months and months off.

Hey lets go make fun of the autistic people while we’re at it! Grow up kid act normal.

In all seriousness, you’re being genuine douchebag assholes (and I come from a place of knowledge on that). But it’s cool, she’s a silly, weak minded bitch. Or she’s addressing the public and saying it’s okay to have this problem and we all need to deal with it.

if you feel better punching down, you’re the piece of shit. Why wouldn’t you want to help someone in that situation? Oh I’ll just go on a message board and light her up! Okay cool. When things happen in your life we’ll do the same and you’ll wonder where the help is.

mental health is a REAL struggle for so many and it’s no ones fault. Telling them they’re a pussy actually makes YOU the pussy.

Im so happy I made it through mine, but that doesn’t mean I’ll shit on other people for it.

“Oh you have cancer? Grow up bitch and get through it, quit being a baby.”

Ill fight all you touches on this.
Metta World Peace famously thanked his therapist foremost for winning his first NBA Championship. Kevin Love has openly discussed his struggles with anxiety and depression. Michael Phelps has been the most famous athlete ever to share his issues with the world and now is a spokesman for a mental health/therapy. app. Barrett Robbins disappeared the night before Super Bowl 37 and has talked about being bi polar.

Off the top of my head. Just a bunch of soft, virtue signaling pansies. Basically.

(ps wayne your an idiot)

You're a complete buffoon....the examples you provided are about those opening up about their struggles without bringing the attention to themselves, or the "look at me" mentality, contrary to what Osaka did initially.

Comprehension and understanding of a subject is a wonderful thing.....try it before you post next time.
Mental health issues are wide ranging. There are things like mild depression and on the other end of the spectrum there’s things like schizophrenia.

Most folks like athletes who exhibit toughness. Let’s equate mental health to physical health. If somebody tweaks their ankle and powers through it to win a championship, that is valued more than someone who shuts it down til next year. But you're also not going to look down on a guy who breaks his neck (and in fact sympathize with him/her).

So to provide real life examples:

1) Royce White: Please get the help you need; it's great you are bringing these issues to the NBA
2) Paul George: STFU and play.
Finally got to try the Smokewagon, pretty good actually. Haven’t found a Barrel Seagrass yet but have heard good things. Really like that Barrel Dovetail. Sweet sugary finish.

Fun down at the lake this weekend. Saturday felt like an October day, but we still rocked out on the docks. The Ooni was a massive hit. Just cranked them out. Made for a nice heater as well. I haven’t been to pizza school, but I got this down. Actually doing another cook tonight with some foodie friends.

Sunday was kinda meh weather too but didn’t stop us from having a good time. Cracked an Old Fitz 16, ECBP, ECTB for a little taste of Heaven Hill.

Monday was the payoff. Absolutely perfect day. Why we do this. Very good for my mental well being.
Mental health issues are wide ranging. There are things like mild depression and on the other end of the spectrum there’s things like schizophrenia.
Well this should be entertaining...

depression is a mood disorder.

schizophrenia is a psychosis.

They aren’t on the same spectrum. But please break down the DSM5 for us.

Your move Dr Freud.
Well this should be entertaining...

depression is a mood disorder.

schizophrenia is a psychosis.

They aren’t on the same spectrum. But please break down the DSM5 for us.

Your move Dr Freud.
Schizophrenia and Depression are considered mental illnesses, right? So on the "what would you rather have" spectrum, I'd much rather have mild depression than schizophrenia.
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You're a complete buffoon....the examples you provided are about those opening up about their struggles without bringing the attention to themselves, or the "look at me" mentality, contrary to what Osaka did initially.

Comprehension and understanding of a subject is a wonderful thing.....try it before you post next time.

Michael Phelps is the face/spokesperson for Talkspace, the #1 most successful online therapy/mental health app/site.

link: Talkspace

The Kevin Love Fund is a mental health foundation he started to help young kids overcome their challenges and discriminations.

link: Kevin Love

Both have written numerous articles/open letter to address the topic.

Those two in particular are LITERALLY asking you to look at them in order to help empower others who are experiencing the same issues. I honestly don't know how you can be so stupid and still be a functioning adult. You outdo yourself on a daily basis.
It's always cute how you miss the point, PTI. I know it's intentional, but also quite mentally fragile of you.
-Ate and drank like an asshole all weekend. Ruby's, crispies, bourbon, wine, bbq chops, smash burgers. Certainly welcomed in summer. I need a few nights of passing out at 9p.

-Grand Tour season is the best. Turn on background noise b/w 8a-12p every morning between now and late July. Excellent for coffee and knocking out work.

-Pool yesterday, first time over there, but it's really nice. Spent most of the day tracking down kids which is pretty exhausting. Nice to have the option though, G loves it.

-Finished TB regular season 3rd and now to the playoffs. Team is playing really solid ball. Top team is undefeated with like +85 run differential but we got the opposite side of the bracket so wouldn't meet them until the ship. Moms weren't happy with my "no pool" on gamedays rule BUT I don't make those rules. The gods do. You don't swim on gamedays. Period.

-I have no women's tennis takes.

-Bummed we're not getting the cicadas. Haven't seen 1.
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