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- I am living proof that you can have MUCH better living through chemistry. I've been walking around with depression and ADHD my whole life and medication has helped get me to where I am now--which is, generally, a vibrant, active, fulfilled, and joyful life. Being open about that, and the struggle I had to get here, has been instrumental in keeping me in this spot AND in helping me help friends walk the same path I had to walk alone.

- I also got into lifting partly because it's an extremely potent endorphin hit. It's also a really great way to reframe "look what I look like" into "look what my body can do," because turns out the former will make you feel like a hot pile of garbage even if you are, outwardly, looking awesome. The former is also great if you want to flirt with eating disorders. The number of female powerlifters I know who have overcome some kind of trauma around that through lifting is dwarfs the number of lifters I know who got into this without any kind of heavy history.

Anyway, all that is to say I'd rather blow my brains out than do Murph. I'll just tell the vets in my life I appreciate them instead.

(kidding, a little bit.)

- Speaking of mental health and vets, support 22 Until Valhalla. Good dude, NKY local, taking his own struggle and turning it into something to help others.

- BF's family and mine finally got to meet in person this weekend. Weather was garbage, but man, what a wonderful feeling to have my whole family--my natural family and my bonus family--altogether and getting along like they'd known each other forever.

Life, enjoy the ride, atkot.
The mulch around our trees and certain segments of the sidewalk on our street are absolutely covered with cicada shells and wings. They're a lot smaller and harder to see than the ones from last year.
- 46 years old and yesterday was the first time I've ever done the whole "out on a boat" thing. Friends invited us to tag along for a day at Green River Lake. And while I'll never own a boat, or make a point to go all that often, it was a pretty perfect day. Definitely see why people get into it the way they do.

- I haven't noticed a single cicada, but then again, I never notice much of anything.

- My physical is in about 45 minutes. Usually just get it over with and listen for any warning signs, but dreading this one. I have completely let myself go physically over the past few months while dealing with my mom...very little sleep, very little exercise, poor eating, etc. But to be honest with you all, I've struggled mentally with the whole thing as well. So yeah, timely discussion we're having in GYERO today, because I think it could very well be something that he recommends I talk about with someone. And in the past I would've just shrugged it off, but if he says I should do it, I'll definitely listen.

- Soaking up as much of the NBA action as possible because once vacation begins, I'll be too preoccupied (and exhausted at the end of each day) to watch much of it. Go Blazers and whatnot.

- There are seven regions in KHSAA track/field. After four of them, my kid is still in the top spot for an at-large bid to the state meet (as I mentioned, she missed being an auto qualifier by .6 seconds). Kid will be on pins/needles over the next three nights as the final three regionals are held. As long as she stays in the top 10, she makes it.

- Non-sports event I'd like to attend in person one year (when they're back to holding it as normal)....the National Memorial Day Concert on the west lawn of the Capitol.
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Raiders had some pretty big balls trying to get Lynn on ADD meds. I know why Gruden never personally said a word to that man man. He was scared.

Was also interesting how it sounded like you got some sort of exemption from drug tests if you were on ADD meds. Lynn thought that was one reason they wanted him on stimulants.

Growing up in the “everyone’s got ADD era!!!”, I’m fairly confident those meds are way over prescribed and abused.

Getting to airport on time with 2 toddlers and a pregnant wife might only be rivaled with splitting the atom in terms of difficulty. We arrived at the gate to check in luggage 35 minutes before takeoff (in 5 minutes we wouldn’t have been able to check bags). Me and my wife were yelling so much on the way there with me redlining the rental car that I had to literally drag my traumatized 2 year old crying thru the airport to the gate. We arrived at the gate and I realized neither one had anything even resembling a mask on their person. When mentioning this to my wife she screams for me to STFU without the abbreviation at the gate which silences both my children and everyone around us.

I can only imagine what a scene we looked like as the check in agent literally stared at us up and and down and just said “feel free to board whenever you want” and now we’re all sitting on the plane with maskless kids and hopefully no one mentions it for what will be an amazing connecting flight in Atlanta.

And right after posting this I smelled a strong smell of shit. VERY strong. I tell my wife as I’m dealing with my crying daughter and she takes little man to the bathroom where apparently he had a massive blowout because we’ve been giving them way to much junk since we’re on vacation. He’s hysterically crying in the bathroom to the point I had to go in and help my wife and now he literally has shit on his shorts and my wife in her fingernails and this is going to be a wonderful 90 minute flight.

Anyway hope everyone had a great Memorial Day!!!
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Did anyone’s parents actually enforce the no swimming on game day rule? I know we swam every day whether we had a game or not. My mom certainly wasn’t going to have to deal with us complaining because our t-ball coach said so.

If you can’t swim and then play a game of t-ball...

That being said, glad you’re coaching those kids. A lot of kids need a good role model in their life.
Kentucky still has a mask mandate for another week and a half. Lol.

And I can tell you most are not following it. I was all over the place this past weekend. Our club every day, Porcini, Ten 20 Brewery, the one and only FABD… Didn’t notice one person wearing a mask.

- that article on Bowden was great and sounds like the Raiders just want dudes on the stims to dodge the drug tests. which is...a stupid policy, you just tell the tester "here's my therapeutic use exemption" and then test??? Adderall/Vyvanse/Ritalin aren't masking agents for PEDs or other banned substances, so that's a dumbass policy from the NFL that invites clubs attempting to abuse the system (if that is indeed how it works, per that article)

Also, Vince Marrow is the ultimate dude and I hope we can keep him forever. Whatever it costs, keep him locked in, Mitch.

And adult ADHD is actually UNDERdiagnosed, so no, the meds aren't overprescribed. They are abused by people who take them and don't need them. There is a difference between a kid in the UK library crushing up Addys during finals to stay up all night, and, well, me, taking Vyvanse in the morning so I remember not to lock my keys in the car and so I can do one (1) task at a time without getting distracted by 14 other things.

- mask mandate, lol.

- Llama, all the best to your family, and take care of yourself so you can keep making jokes PTI hates.

- my entire GD house is covered in cicadas. Anth, you may have some if you really want them. They are leaving their husks all over my fence by the hundreds daily.
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Ron Mehico posting from a plane with his heart rate at 180 after that airport scene is what GYERO is all about lol! Thanks for finding the time, Ron!

Thought the no swimming on game day was just some old school bs when I was a kid. Then I pitched one game after swimming all day and my arm felt like it was going to fall off during the 1st inning. Made me a believer.
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Our Dad certainly did. That rule carried more weight in our house than most laws.

If I want to get my dad worked up, I’ll bring up that time my good friend Ben swam before our big game with Griffin Industries in D1.

Head shaking, scowl forming, “he wasn’t worth a shit that game. Still can’t believe Tom let him swim before the game.”
If I want to get my dad worked up, I’ll bring up that time my good friend Ben swam before our big game with Griffin Industries in D1.

Head shaking, scowl forming, “he wasn’t worth a shit that game. Still can’t believe Tom let him swim before the game.”
Can't express the joy I get out of your Dad's facebook rants. Literally my favorite thing on the entire internet. I get like 1 or 2 a month. Check out this gem. As a youth baseball player, you think this guys is going to put up with swimming before a game? F*ck no. You can feel his rage building as it goes on.

SS: "If the reds plan on doing anything this year besides losing ; they need to fire
Parents “battling” depression, especially dads

Do you let your kids see you being a bitch or do you just go outside and turn over dirt in your garden like we have been doing since we walked out of the ocean

it’s natural as a human to have regrets about the past and to be anxious about the future. Everyone experiences that. EVERYONE.

All man made meds are over prescribed and it’s not because doctors are overly cautious. Companies don’t send sales reps hundreds of miles every day bringing gifts and lunches to these doctors for them to tell hyper little Johnny to sit down a read a book a little at a time to help his focus problem. They zonk the little ****ers out.
All man made meds are over prescribed and it’s not because doctors are overly cautious. Companies don’t send sales reps hundreds of miles every day bringing gifts and lunches to these doctors for them to tell hyper little Johnny to sit down a read a book a little at a time to help his focus problem. They zonk the little ****ers out.
thank you for today's most ignorant take. gfy and read a book yourself, dude.
The day of the league championship game, in which I was the starting pitcher, my coach randomly showed up at least a half dozen times to make sure half the team wasn’t at my house in the pool. The man meant business.

Speaking of LL, anyone else have any superstitions day of or in game? On game days I would always eat 2 bananas with peanut butter for lunch and mac & cheese (Kraft), Lima beans and polish sausage for supper. I also cleaned and polished my sweet ass blue Nike spikes before every game, right shoe/left shoe in that order. I once wore a garter belt while pitching in the championship game, “Nuke” Laloosh style.
I don’t remember a no swim rule, but I only made it in baseball to the 3rd grade(10ish) at beechmont.

I do remember a no Hardee’s before practice rule at Jtown for basketball. Hardee’s was within walking distance and as FR/Soph there wasn’t a better way to spend that hour waiting.

However after 2-3 times being caught and having to run 100 bleachers BEFORE practice, we stopped. ::pukeface::
-friday night: foil baked sea bass w/spinach, shallot and such. Recipe called for white wine(we were lacking) so I used Pernod.... fantastic with seafood. A must have pantry item for any serious home cook.

-saturday: work on the house, doubles with my tennis crew and dinner at a friend's house. He's a vegetarian so i was dubious...but he came through with a kickass wild mushroom/poached duck egg w/ veg broth and homemade croutons that was off the chain as they say. Purchased tix to see flaming lips in Cincy next april at the end of night. Nice.

-sunday: slept til 11(glorious). Lunch/record store with a friend I hadn't seen in years. Two separate cookouts in the afternoon and evening (FAT!).

-monday: breakfast with Dad at the waffle house. Ladies to the pool...I played tennis for 3 hrs. Beautiful day. Wrapped up with an episode of Deutschland 83 on prime. Recommend.

-while there is merit in "working through things" by oneself...spare me the tough guy bullshit, this ain't 1940. Nothing wrong with therapy and medication when *needed*. Nothing wrong with being honest/open about these things... especially when it can help others. Greatest commandment atkot.
Remember this started with an outspoken world class tennis player who makes $35M per year (most of it on endorsements) not wanting to do a press conference she is contractually obligated to do and then quitting a major over it. She then gave some BS story about depression to avoid criticism.
I just wonder if ALL of the cicadas burrow out and up to the trees. You think there's a few lazy cicadas who just don't feel like making the trip?

"17 years, time to go up Joe."

"F that noise dude. You go up and get your ass ate. I'm staying back."
If this guy can see a shrink there’s nothing wrong with it….

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A coach of a meaningless game coming by to check to see if anyone was in a pool. 😂That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a while. What’s he going to do suspend a 10 year old for touching swimming in the summer? Jesus Christ, it’s little league.

If I have kids with a coach like that I’ll post pics of them in the pool and tag it, “A little relaxing pool time before the big game tonight! @coachdicknose”
Shout out my kid being at the pool right now before basketball practice. It just means LESS in the Powerrr household.

Shout out cicadas really amping up the noise yesterday. Like they sound like they’re inside the house loud. Eh, I like them. I mean they’re fine for a once every 17 years thing. Next time they show up my oldest will be 30 years old.

Shout out Jesse Winkler’s sample size.

Shout out me biting my tongue seeing people mix up Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. Really showing some growth there if I do say so myself.

Shout out Joe Burrow throwing videos.

Shout out end of school year. CHEERS- oldest finishing middle school, JEERS- youngest heading into middle school. “Middle school was just the best!” - psychos

Shout out taking my oldest weight lifting yesterday. #girldad

Shout out youngest giving the best commencement speech of 2021.

Shout out parents anniversary dinner on Saturday, brunch on Sunday no masks, all vax.

Shout out goetta.
98% of the time we are inside. Cant grow our own food. Everything we do eat is made to be shipped and sit on a shelf. Cant navigate outside without the personal tracking device. No meditation/prayer. Zero survival skills.

How many medications heal or fix the issue at hand so you can quit taking them? How many lunches did the manufacturers’ reps buy for that doctor?
The Osaka decision really leaves sports journos in a tough spot. How do you champion a decision by someone, when the decision is that they dont want to deal with you because of the stress you put them through?

Lot of you seem to be immediately supporting the young lady with mental health struggles, and ignoring the hardship that these sports writers are going through.
98% of the time we are inside. Cant grow our own food. Everything we do eat is made to be shipped and sit on a shelf. Cant navigate outside without the personal tracking device. No meditation/prayer. Zero survival skills.

How many medications heal or fix the issue at hand so you can quit taking them? How many lunches did the manufacturers’ reps buy for that doctor?

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