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You need to request “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” by Rod Stewart. I hear it’s a crowd pleaser, but could be difficult on an inebriated, elder piper.

Wasn’t in the cards tonight. Maybe next time. Turns out today is the anniversary of his wife’s death and he always plays Amazing Grace,in her memory, in their back yard. First time in 5 years I’ve heard him on this date. Got it saved for years to come.
Regarding 73 and the free throws…

Two days before he convinced me to go to Seneca to practice. That’s right, practice for a middle aged free throw shooting contest. That week it was blistering hot with suffocating humidity. We roll up there we shoot for 45 minutes. He can’t miss. He’s feeling really good.

Fast forward 2 days later and he’s laying non stop bricks on the same goal. He starts bitching about the rims and saying they aren’t 10’ regulation rims. He furious. I want to say he kicked a ball off the court or something. Hours later at The Nation while everyone is enjoying the pool scene he’s still ranting about the damn rims at
My hamstring still hasn't fully recovered.

There was nothing wrong with the home run derby, I launched 3 bombs. You guys just sucked.

I say we skip the competition, everyone just throws a bunch of money toward BTBC and we have a massive party at BonzoNation and then find Thumper and the Plaid Rabbits.

The Jumpball rally you guys had going on was impressive. Geese and BBdK would probably be in the Olympics if Jumpball was an event in the Games.

That was a fun day and night.


“The pool party was a blast. Doc Bob brought this smokeshow from Virginia with healthy chest beefers. I didn’t give a shit about any of the contests. Shades were on and the frosties were flowing in the pool.”

“Wodie sat in the corner in his knockoff shades slurping some purple Kool Aid and Seagrem’s Gin concoction. He must’ve crushed 20 menthol heaters that day.”
You need to request “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” by Rod Stewart. I hear it’s a crowd pleaser, but could be difficult on an inebriated, elder piper.

This was a hell of an obscure bag pipe reference by me and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you a-holes not give me the credit I deserve for it!

* Also, the high school I am at ends their graduation ceremonies by having a pair of pipers (high school kids) march down the middle of the aisle playing “Auld Lang Syne” on the pipes. Very cool tradition but y’all don’t know about that so I referenced So I Married an Axe Murderer instead.
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That was the 2nd Olympics. I wasn't there but heard about it from Big A. Apparently you guys weren't counting his push ups due to bad form.
I'd defer to the delightfully tacky yet unrefined refs on that, but if they truly only counted proper form then all but maybe 4 entrants would have posted in that event.

Some real monkey-touching-a-football ish going on.

Let's GO!!!

Make no mistake. It's not revenge he's after. It's a reckoning.
Football Champ right here.


False. Maybe in the smaller, unofficial 2nd gyero. The first AND only real gyero Olympics, I won the football. Bbdk and I tied, had to go to a sudden death. I was a freshman QB, I would have been devistated if bbdk had beat me.
What's amazing is that I had to skip the sprint because of my back, and still finished third. In just the athletic events, I crushed everyone.

I'm still Facebook friends with bobs chick from Virginia. She befriended me after we hit it off.
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I think for the first time ever I got an ESPN notification about a UK player before anyone in the UK media tweeting it.

Givony reported Jackson is staying in the draft 10 minutes ago and still nothing locally.
I think for the first time ever I got an ESPN notification about a UK player before anyone in the UK media tweeting it.

Givony reported Jackson is staying in the draft 10 minutes ago and still nothing locally.
I hope Jackson is great in the NBA and understand why he's leaving, but I'm a little skeptical about his career.
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"In just the athletic events I crushed everyone." So for the sprints, was injured, but for all athletic events, was fine ? That is some GYERO bullshit if I have ever read it. LOL, never change GYERO, never change. I do not know what I would do w/o the couple hours a day read.
False. Maybe in the smaller, unofficial 2nd gyero. The first AND only real gyero Olympics, I won the football. Bbdk and I tied, had to go to a sudden death. I was a freshman QB, I would have been devistated if bbdk had beat me.
What's amazing is that I had to skip the sprint because of my back, and still finished third. In just the athletic events, I crushed everyone.

I'm still Facebook friends with bobs chick from Virginia. She befriended me after we hit it off.

Yeah, I threw five strikes at GYerolmpics part deux. Nobody tied or sniffed that. Just me hanging out where the air is crisp.

Tom Boat Brady
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