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To be fair, pti made what was a really good bet. The way those guys won their last two majors was about as unlikely as it gets. I assumed if it was going to happen- it wouldve been much sooner than this.

That goes both ways. Pretty sure nobody predicted 12 surgeries and especially the endless severe personal situation/addiction problems for Tiger. He effectively took an entire decade off.

Regardless, my point all along when PTI would go on his endless age-related stat rants, is that Tiger/Phil aren't ordinary golfers.

It was a great bet all around, clearly.
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-This weather, sports, everything is just so far superior to that bullshit February weather you fat ankles prefer. Yesterday was glorious. Golf, bike ride, grilled out, ate on the patio(flank chimichurri) listening to a jazz, windows open on the patio. Man.

-Weekend weather looks unreal.

-The bet is finally over. 🤣 Couldn't have happened to a better guy. Eat shit, PTI.

-10 years ago. Sheesh.

-I'm just going to try and offend everyone in this post.

-Koepka has turned into a douche. I still like the guy but he's getting close to being too much.

-We're aware the areas outside of downtown proper, where we didn't spend 25 years and several BILLION dollars revitalizing, are doing ok. That's literally the point, dumbasses.

-Mill Ridge is a smaller farm, if you're going to be doing a tour, and they give an excellent one. Highly recommend.

-I don't think Rickie gets one. In fact he's heading the wrong way and has been irrelevant for a couple years. Dude just doesn't have the drive, imo. Love to see him get one but if forced to bet I'd fade.

-Vegas seems to be back. BBdk sent me a video of a concert with about 10k people. Just in time. Need to work on my blackjack strategy.

-Masks are off for me other than if I have to wear one for an airplane. He can keep them mandated as long as he wants face time with the ridiculous daily PCs but I'll just do business elsewhere if asked to put one on. Not going to make a scene or anything, I'll just politely move on.

-Stopped at the beerfest or whatever they had at Woodland Park this weekend. Only a few idiots wearing them in a spaced out OUTDOOR park.

-Love the lotto system Ohio is using to get vaxs. Great idea. Much better than shame and scare tactics.

-Woke up to cat shit on my spot of the sofa. 🤬 Of course that's my fault for leaving them on the patio. But still, 500' of floor to use and they pick my seat.

-Made it 30 minutes in to the Master of None spin off. That was BRUTAL. Maybe he's atoning for trying to get a girl to hook up with him, and then wrongly getting shame canceled, but that shit was terrible. Going to try and push through to see if it gets any better but not hopeful. Of course the wokes ruin something else. Goddamit.

-I really hope WCC, ABH and BBdk sweat their ass off. Settle in weirdos. Long, hot, humid summer coming.
* Been a while randoms...

* I hate Phil. He's like the real-life Shooter McGavin to me. But anything that causes PTI to catch a bunch of shit is worth it, IMO.

* Took a couple of days off last week to ready my yard for a big party I had on Saturday for my wife's 50th. Nothing makes you realize how old you are quicker than digging, dragging and hauling shit around for a couple of days. Every muscle and all of the fat in my body hurt.

* Got tired of battling weeds between my patio pavers all summer every summer so I power washed all the gunk out and swept some polymeric sand in there. Looks great and all the cracks are filled, just like a BBdK ice storm party.

* Had 50 people at my house. Smoked 4 pork shoulders and some bacon-cheddar sausages from Costco. Nobody went home hungry.

My nephew brought over some Col Taylor Barrel Proof. May just be my new favorite.

* My brother from Utah flew in. Hadn't seen him in a few years. He had heart valve transplants last year and looks great. Good to see him. He left for the USAF when I was 10 and I never get to see him enough.

* My sister is delivering the commencement address at our old HS later this week. So we'll have another mini reunion then.

* Another select soccer team "borrowed" my youngest this weekend, so she played 3 games with them and 1 with her normal team. Plus my oldest had a game on Saturday. And that concludes the 2021 Spring Season. Thank the heavens.

Of course the youngest has tryouts for the next soccer season later this week between the first two summer basketball practices of the year.

* Last day of school is Thursday. The pool opens this weekend. I'm ready for Summer.

* Not ashamed to admit that I am a fan of some little lemonade flavored Truly Seltzers that somebody gave me on Saturday. Strawberry Lemonade to be exact. Could be the poolside choice for ol' Dad this summer.

My estrogen levels have not increased from their consumption as of yet.

* Destin in a month.

* I'm liking the way the Big Blue football and basketball seasons are shaping up. I can't wait to tailgate at the Schem Estate. Don't tell him, but I miss that Italian Stallion.

* In fact, the few of you on here that I actually like and I should make an excuse to get together for a couple of beers soon.

* Haven't watched any TV other than sports in a while. Been busy with life, man.

Back at the office full time and trying to spin myself back in to almost human shape takes up all my time.

* I added 11x17 versions of the banners hanging at Rupp here to my office and it looks sweet. Michigan and Indiana fan can suck it.

* OK, that'll do for now. You kids have fun and be good to each other.
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So the bet went from 3.5 to 2.5 officially?

never mind found the actual bet

Originally posted by PTI (pti):
Okay, I'll wager $100 with Chase, BBdK and '73 that Tiger and Phil will combine for three major tournament victories over the remainder of their careers, at most.

I guess we can settle up once Tiger retires from regular tour play in about 2053.
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Hey, Anth, news flash here, bubster, because you haven’t lived in Louisville in over 12 years…

Even pre Covid and the bullshit riots unless folks were hitting up Ruby’s, a concert/game at YUM or Whiskey Row most people I know of where spending discretionary dollars in the East Market area. Also, when concerts and games are back at YUM, which is happening sooner than later, that area will come back. I can also attest to people I know in the commercial real life estate world and one of my best fiends who has work dinners entertaining doctors on the company dime 3-4 nights per week that Repeal and other establishments on Whiskey Row have seen a major uptick since mid April and are on their way back.

I am speaking from a position or knowledge and you are speaking from flaming ignorance. STFU on this nonsense. Despite you being the ultimate GYERORENAISSANCEMAN you aren’t the all knowing master on everything.
Hey, Anth, news flash here, bubster, because you haven’t lived in Louisville in over 12 years…

Even pre Covid and the bullshit riots unless folks were hitting up Ruby’s, a concert/game at YUM or Whiskey Row most people I know of where spending discretionary dollars in the East Market area. Also, when concerts and games are back at YUM, which is happening sooner than later, that area will come back. I can also attest to people I know in the commercial real life estate world and one of my best fiends who has work dinners entertaining doctors on the company dime 3-4 nights per week that Repeal and other establishments on Whiskey Row have seen a major uptick since mid April and are on their way back.

I am speaking from a position or knowledge and you are speaking from flaming ignorance. STFU on this nonsense. Despite you being the ultimate GYERORENAISSANCEMAN you aren’t the all knowing master on everything.
I mean my parents literally live in the middle of downtown Louisville, bud. At least until they can sell the place and get the hell out of there. Specifically the area you're talking about. Their windows were boarded up, the ones that weren't were shot out, bomb squad called multiple times, cars stolen. Pretty certain I have a firm grasp.

You two keep responding though. I find it hilarious.

SAE, admitted it to me offline, but continues the charade on here for some reason.

What's Greg's ass taste like?
- Yeah I heard Master of None had decided to center the entire season around its worst character and figured it was shit. Was never a great show anyway.

- How long can Anth continue to masking in every post he makes? Wear a mask. Don’t wear a mask. Shove it up your ass. IDGAF.

- Wife’s going to start with a personal trainer and is wanting me to come along. I just can’t see spending that $$$ when I pay $20 a month for my gym. I’m ok with my fitness level right now. Could lose 5–10 I guess but It’s not exercise that’s going to get me in better shape - it’s diet.

- I’m about done with any proofer over 120. Was a nice little phase but I’m over it.

- Wife got me some of those monogrammed leather rocks glasses from Clayton&Crume which I absolutely love for some reason.

- Hit up the 915 for drinks with my high school buddies Friday night. Was glorious pounding domestos and laughing over old stories. That place is perpetually dead and I just don’t get it.

- Saturday, we took my father-in-law out to Walt’s. They loved it. A little loud but they had live music and we had filet, bourbon and oysters. Was a good night.

- This Friday morning, dropping the child off, then rolling down 27 to Paris to visit Claiborne Farms, then hitting up Heirloom for lunch and onto the Beaumont Inn. First night without the little one. Wife is most excited just to sleep in.

- Those calls Young was getting down the stretch were ridiculous. Hoping Randle bounces back from that disaster.

- Congratulations to Phil. That was a fun little GYERO subplot the last 10 years.
A month or so ago, sure. But the city's coming back alive, which is my point now that you seem to disagree with from a reserved table at Ruby's Lexington.

I mean for someone who blasted any Covid precautions for a year you sure seem like a scared little bitch over there in that quaint little college town.
A month or so ago, sure. But the city's coming back alive, which is my point now that you seem to disagree with from a reserved table at Ruby's Lexington.

I mean for someone who blasted any Covid precautions for a year you sure seem like a scared little bitch over there in that quaint little college town.
I only blasted ridiculous covid precautious that were for show and mandated by 1 numbskull rather than using our democratic process.

Lexington didn't allow idiots to run our city for 6 months hence I feel very safe here.

I also didn't have a yard sign out front supporting the very idiots that ruined the downtown. I do love Ruby's though.

Also, I ate at Repeal, cruised Main, and stayed downtown just 2 months ago. My description was accurate. Hopefully the place continues to get back because it was amazing before all the riots. Somewhere I was very proud of and loved to visit.
Gonna be funny as hell when Humana, Kindred, UofL, YUM, Norton, and Papa John’s start sending tens of thousands of people back to work downtown, conventions start re filling up hotels, tourism kicks back into high gear, and concerts and sporting events come back to pre pandemic levels, and all the grandstanding, politically charged, Conservative Justice Warriors just refuse to take part in the financial windfall, as anth suggests.

Probably gonna have a tough time even finding a hotel/bar/restaurant open at all down there.
- Yeah I heard Master of None had decided to center the entire season around its worst character and figured it was shit. Was never a great show anyway.

- How long can Anth continue to masking in every post he makes? Wear a mask. Don’t wear a mask. Shove it up your ass. IDGAF.

- Wife’s going to start with a personal trainer and is wanting me to come along. I just can’t see spending that $$$ when I pay $20 a month for my gym. I’m ok with my fitness level right now. Could lose 5–10 I guess but It’s not exercise that’s going to get me in better shape - it’s diet.

- I’m about done with any proofer over 120. Was a nice little phase but I’m over it.

- Wife got me some of those monogrammed leather rocks glasses from Clayton&Crume which I absolutely love for some reason.

- This Friday morning, dropping the child off, then rolling down 27 to Paris to visit Claiborne Farms, then hitting up Heirloom for lunch and onto the Beaumont Inn. First night without the little one. Wife is most excited just to sleep in.
-I thought season 1 was terrific.

-Forever. Especially if it continues to get a reaction. I mean, masking after vaccination, masking outside, double masking. Lol. It deserves to be called out Mr. "I believe in science" yard sign.

-It's an expense, and not a cheap one, but it's been the best thing I've done health wise in my adult life. I know at least 3x's per week I'm going to get in a killer(safe) workout. It's worth being held accountable if it's in your budget. Lot of couples split sessions at my gym.

-Agree. 100-110 is the sweet spot.

-Those dudes are flat blowing up. Good for them.

-You're going to love Beaumont. The little bar upstairs is cool af.
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I'm not 100% sure I'd take the Rickie bet. He's pretty damn overrated generally, and he's not someone I'm certain will ever win a Major.
Gonna be funny as hell when Humana, Kindred, UofL, YUM, Norton, and Papa John’s start sending tens of thousands of people back to work downtown, conventions start re filling up hotels, tourism kicks back into high gear, and concerts and sporting events come back to pre pandemic levels, and all the grandstanding, politically charged, Conservative Justice Warriors just refuse to take part in the financial windfall, as anth suggests.

Probably gonna have a tough time even finding a hotel/bar/restaurant open at all down there.
Think you got that backwards, buddy.
I mean my parents literally live in the middle of downtown Louisville, bud. At least until they can sell the place and get the hell out of there. Specifically the area you're talking about. Their windows were boarded up, the ones that weren't were shot out, bomb squad called multiple times, cars stolen. Pretty certain I have a firm grasp.

You two keep responding though. I find it hilarious.

SAE, admitted it to me offline, but continues the charade on here for some reason.

What's Greg's ass taste like?

Touch you and touch Greg Fischer. I was way out in front of Fischer being a dead fish handshaking flake.

Again, the riots were embarrassing and total bullshit, but it’s in the past. Im here 5 days per week and feel totally safe.

Had some friends attend the Billy Strings concert on the Waterfront on Saturday and they said it was rocking. I’ve been to Lynn Family Stadium the last 2 Saturday nights and both nights produced unreal atmospheres. I’ve had several friends patron Repeal recently. I have dinner reservations this weekend downtown for our anniversary.

Fischer will be out next year. Watch out for Craig Greenberg. Former CEO of 21c. Attended Harvard Law. Extremely bright. Business minded. Nice fella and I believe he has great leadership skills.
Their windows were boarded up, the ones that weren't were shot out, bomb squad called multiple times, cars stolen. Pretty certain I have a firm grasp.

Whaaaaa. That's crazy. Did they stay there during all this?

I say this from a position of ignorance, but it amazes me how little attention this stuff gets in state news. Maybe it's covered in the louisville papers....idk. I literally know jack about Louisville, but I would really like to know exactly what sort of destruction went on there.
Not sure where you've been Bluebell, but this image was taken less than a year ago in downtown Louisville.

Whaaaaa. That's crazy. Did they stay there during all this?

I say this from a position of ignorance, but it amazes me how little attention this stuff gets in state news. Maybe it's covered in the louisville papers....idk. I literally know jack about Louisville, but I would really like to know exactly what sort of destruction went on there.
They did. We begged them to leave and come to Lex. Ts. Every single night. Windows on the 15th floor shot out. Lol.

For a few of the bigger events they did head out.
Hey, Anth… Heads up in case Greenberg wins. He’s Jewish. Don’t let that scare you or anyone else from Lexington. Jewish folks are mostly extremely well educated and ultra successful business people.
I don’t think downtown is going to be a ghost town, but I think it’s going to be a while before we get back to the pre-Covid, pre-let-shitheads-destroy-downtown days. I hosted a 40-person event at the Omni on March 5th, 2020. I can assure you that if I do that again it will be in the east end. Not because I’m making a political statement or worried about getting gunned down in the streets, but primarily because we’ve found great spots out here that are easier to manage and cheaper.

I think there is pent up demand for Churchill, going to sporting events at the Yum Center, and going to bars. But I don’t think there is pent up demand for being downtown. That’s probably good for the city overall, but it’s not great for downtown.
Some Monday shitdos:

- Loved that scene with Phil yesterday. Can't believe nothing bad happened because both Phil and Brooks looked spooked being surrounded so quickly but that's just awesome to let fans have that close access to history.

- The bet was one of the GOAT. I'd estimate it's been referenced 10,000 times and led to countless other arguments. Should have had something embarrassing tied to the loser but overall, 9/10.

- Was at the historic 7 HR, 2 of them GS stomping the Bravos put on Pittsburg Friday. Of all the fun times I've had at games, going with my nephews and their buddies makes it so much more fun and enjoyable. Maybe the best part of the night was right after at the Battery where the Atlanta Breakers brought out the drum line and played Outkast while a bunch of 10 year old kids tried to break dance. Also, there were no restrictions but a sign on the front of the stadium saying you know the risks of covid and enter knowing them - deal.

- My brother sold his house in Seattle for 205k over asking. 50k earnest money and waived inspections.

- Loudermilk on Prime is pretty good. Peter from Office Space and one of the Farely brothers is writing/directing.

- My puppy slept from the time we got in the truck yesterday morning until this morning. He wouldn't even get out when we stopped yesterday. My nephews ran him ragged and he worshipped every last second of it.

- Guess with more normal happening it's not a bad time to remind people that it's ok to wear a mask, it's ok to wear a mask in your car but it is not ok to wear a mask in your car and drive slow in the passing lane.

- Feel naked not having a radar detector on road trips. Definitely pays for itself if you take the Waze ETA as a challenge.

- Friend watched the cats for us. Nice enough to leave two steamers on the carpet upstairs. House rule is whoever spots it has to clean it. Vet move as I *always* hang back and unload the truck, walk around the house, kick my tires and just wait for the 'WTF Ugh did she even!" rant that ensues during that 5 mins I'm not rushing inside to see what the animals left for us to do.

- People that call weed "flower" bother me and I won't share with them. Brought back a 4 month supply and found a good vape supplier online. My pandemic toolkit is impressive.

- Looks like Huntington Beach had a Project X party. Link
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