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Enjoy responsibly.
They say the cicadas come every 17 years but I know for a fact it's not been that long.. more like 14 maybe 15. So they should probably go back and revisit that because they're a little off.
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-Spent the last week in Montana with 7 of my best buddies from college. It's still fresh, but... damn that place is amazing. I'm smitten and while I doubt it could become an annual trip out there, I'll be back sooner than later. If you're into outdoors, don't wait, just go.

-We've turned a sporadic gathering into a hell of an annual event. Most of the crew made it. At least the ones we are still in touch with.

-This crew 15 years ago would've been up all night, sleeping until noon, dragging the bars, boozing like crazy. We definitely would've lost a man or two along the way. Don't get me wrong, we drank a bunch of beer and bourbon, but we were all asleep by like 10:30 and up at 6. 😂 That probably makes me feel older than anything I've experienced in life.

-Stayed in Paradise Valley over looking Yellowstone River and Emigrant Mountain. About an hour from Bozeman, 30 miles from the North entrance to Yellowstone. Woke every morning with a yard full of mule dear and a sunrise over stunning snow capped mountains. Made that coffee hit different.

-Fished the Yellowstone 2 days, in hindsight we should've probably headed over to the Missouri at least 1 day. The flow was too fast and water was muddy af. Still did alright, some of the guys had a really good first day. Mine was mediocre. 2nd day was a basically a really scenic float trip. No trophies were caught, especially by me.

-Headed down to the park 2 days for some exploring. Ended up hiking 7 miles one day and then 10 miles(with 2500' elevation) the second. First day was to the Lamar River and mainly over rolling plains surrounded by elk, tons of prairie dogs, antelope and buffalo. Second was up to Bunsen Peak(8560') then down to Osprey Falls. The views were hard to explain, just so expansive. For those of you that have been, you understand, but that park is unbelievable and we just scratched the surface. Felt pretty good flexing that good condition I'm in while a few of the guys were strug-a-ling. Beers at the end tasted extry extry crisp. Of course I was slugging Rocky Mountain Sodas all week. Looking for bears, especially on some of those tight quarter trails is f*cking tense.

-Had a little prototype western saloon at the end of our road, no masks, it was like the old days. In fact nowhere in Montana asked me to wear a mask. I did the first day then realized they dgaf.

-Bozeman is cool but you can see the outside influence changing the place. The locals didn't seem excited by the California whitewash happening. Livingston seems more "Montana" like.

-Lot of van-life folks out that way. That's one thing I have no interest in. Camping, sure, I prefer a bed after my outdoor activities, but I could do a few nights in a tent. But living in a pimped out van? I'm good on that.

-No interest in living that far removed from stuff. I mean, 0 sports, restaurants are just ok, and nothing to do outside of outdoor activities. Concerts, sports are all a plane ride away. But hell of a place to spend some time and I plan on doing just that. Especially when the boys are old enough to join me.

-5 days away from the fam was almost too much. Was anxious af to get back yesterday. Brought some solid gifts and extra hugs this morning.
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Hey SAE, didn’t your oldest bother go outside the family for his best man and therefore you’re actually batting .667?
Yep... when I went to the aTm FB game with the college guys, they all turned in at 10:30. 👎🏻 I was at the hotel bar til 2:00... Wilding quietly alone.

Oh well.
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-Spent the last week in Montana with 7 of my best buddies from college. It's still fresh, but... damn that place is amazing. I'm smitten and while I doubt it could become an annual trip out there, I'll be back sooner than later. If you're into outdoors, don't wait, just go.

-We've turned a sporadic gathering into a hell of an annual event. Most of the crew made it. At least the ones we are still in touch with.

-This crew 15 years ago would've been up all night, sleeping until noon, dragging the bars, boozing like crazy. We definitely would've lost a man or two along the way. Don't get me wrong, we drank a bunch of beer and bourbon, but we were all asleep by like 10:30 and up at 6. 😂 That probably makes me feel older than anything I've experienced in life.

-Stayed in Paradise Valley over looking Yellowstone River and Emigrant Mountain. About an hour from Bozeman, 30 miles from the North entrance to Yellowstone. Woke every morning with a yard full of mule dear and a sunrise over stunning snow capped mountains. Made that coffee hit different.

-Fished the Yellowstone 2 days, in hindsight we should've probably headed over to the Missouri at least 1 day. The flow was too fast and water was muddy af. Still did alright, some of the guys had a really good first day. Mine was mediocre. 2nd day was a basically a really scenic float trip. No trophies were caught, especially by me.

-Headed down to the park 2 days for some exploring. Ended up hiking 7 miles one day and then 10 miles(with 2500' elevation) the second. First day was to the Lamar River and mainly over rolling plains surrounded by elk, tons of prairie dogs, antelope and buffalo. Second was up to Bunsen Peak(8560') then down to Osprey Falls. The views were hard to explain, just so expansive. For those of you that have been, you understand, but that park is unbelievable and we just scratched the surface. Felt pretty good flexing that good condition I'm in while a few of the guys were strug-a-ling. Beers at the end tasted extry extry crisp. Of course I was slugging Rocky Mountain Sodas all week. Looking for bears, especially on some of those tight quarter trails is f*cking tense.

-Had a little prototype western saloon at the end of our road, no masks, it was like the old days. In fact nowhere in Montana asked me to wear a mask. I did the first day then realized they dgaf.

-Bozeman is cool but you can see the outside influence changing the place. The locals didn't seem excited by the California whitewash happening. Livingston seems more "Montana" like.

-Lot of van-life folks out that way. That's one thing I have no interest in. Camping, sure, I prefer a bed after my outdoor activities, but I could do a few nights in a tent. But living in a pimped out van? I'm good on that.

-No interest in living that far removed from stuff. I mean, 0 sports, restaurants are just ok, and nothing to do outside of outdoor activities. oncerts, sports are all a plane ride away. But hell of a place to spend some time and I plan on doing just that. Especially when the boys are old enough to join me.

-5 days away from the fam was almost too much. Was anxious af to get back yesterday. Brought some solid gifts and extra hugs this morning.
Love Montana. Took 2 weeks and drove west in 2019. Badlands, Rushmore, Deadwood, Little Bighorn battlefield, Beartooth Highway, Yellowstone, Glacier.

Saw a black bear walking down the road in Glacier and a few days later a Grizz showed up on a trail about 50 yards in front of us.
Vegas...last Thur-Sun. Arrived 9ish in the a.m. at Wynn-sational and masks were required in the casino unless you were drinking. 2 hrs later when the CDC let go, then they came off w/ the quickness all over the strip. Most places also allowed their employees to go maskless if they had been shot up. Didn't have one on again until at the terminal Mon morning. It was glorious.

By Friday night, you could tell people had come out of the woodwork....Caesars, Bellagio, Venetian/Palazzo and Wynn-Core.....all packed. It was truly normal and just standing shoulder to shoulder w/ 20 others at the tables made you feel human.

HOF Ed Reed and Spielberg rolling the bones drew a nice crowd on Sat night. Coach K was also there as usual this time of year.

Spent way too much on overpriced bloody's and bourbon, but it was damn well worth every cent to say F U to Fauci and every other mask wearing basement dwelling lib.

A Ben is riding on your Kittens at 15-1 to cut #9.....looking forward to going back and collecting on that next year.
My dad and a bunch of his buddies (many with questionable character - I think there was a knife fight once) would always go down and do a 3-4 day deep sea-fishing trip in the Redneck Riviera. He took these trips when I was around 8-12 years old and my little brother was 4 years younger.

It took me a while to understand the unspoken tension in the house during the few days leading up to the trip and the few days after the return. My poor dad would always cook a big steak dinner the night before he left and then make a huge seafood gumbo on the weekend he came back. I remember one time he brought me back a WHAM! cassette tape lol!

Meanwhile, I've never gone anywhere with just the guys for more than 2 days since I've been married. There have been random bachelor parties and a few State Tourney trips that lasted more than 2 days, but that's about it.

I got married at 28 so that may something to do with it. Also, my wife can get salty if I'm enjoying myself a little too much while she stays home and takes care of the two hyenas we're raising. So . . . I've just never done an annual guys outing. Sounds pretty awesome if I'm being honest. Props to you boys that can swing it.
- Nice, Anth. Appreciate the report.

- Picked up a sixer of Sol the other day for a future outdoor moment.

- Two years ago, purchased a pair of linen chinos and my God were they a great summer call. So comfortable.

- Starting back in the office 3 days a week in June and man the young hens on the team do not like it. IMO, feedback and all is great to an extent but if the boss says you have to do something, shut up and do it or find another gig.
-3 to 4 days is plenty for a boys trip.

-no better nap than after a morning duck hunt. Post coital is a distant second.

-headed to the highlands of NC in a few weeks. Little fishing and hiking should do wonders for the soul.

-secured some substantial backlog recently. In negotiations for more...happy as stuff is gonna get weird in the next 6-18 months, imo.
- I’ve had the urge for Montana since watching Yellowstone. Supplied lumber to a job and planned to visit the jobsite, but my employer didn’t go for it.

- Lebron up to his self righteous BS again last night. After getting smacked, sort of, by Draymond Green he flopped around on the floor for a few minutes to draw attention and make the refs review for a flagrant.

Once they reviewed, and determined common foul, Lebron spent the rest of the game motioning as if he couldn’t see.

He did hit a helluva a shot to win the game, amazing even as it had to be catch and shoot with a player running at him.

But drop the build up pussy ass BS just to make it like you overcame.

- TruGreen offering a $39.99 mosquito spray that is “guaranteed” to kill all mosquitoes, and if we see any they respray for free. Give me 3 of those, 1 for each of the neighbors too, please and thank you!

- Just got an award on a restaurant job that is more than we used to bid on a hotel.

Lumber futures just dropped like 25% in the last week though, so maybe, just maybe people will start appreciating me again. Not getting my hopes up!
I think in some industries the professional never had to be in the office pre Covid or we’ve learned that it’s not necessary to have office space to be just as productive.

I do think though in many industries when the rubber meets the road and billions of free money is no longer being handed out to small businesses and or corporations they’ll be focusing more on the the bottom line, P&L’s and productivity. And then, play time will be over.

Personally, I have no desire to work from home. I get all the flexibility I want currently and am not held by a rigid schedule nor do I have to be in the office for a specific number of hours during the day. As long as we’re hitting #’s you get treated like an adult. I still like the separation from home and work. I don’t have my Lil Lassies distracting me and value the camaraderie with my work buddies and in person conversations about how to get deals done.

I recently transferred a business out of my book to another banker because they owned a printing company and the snot nosed daughter of the owner has been “working from home” the last 15 months, claims she can’t print nor scan PDF’s, and is too busy with her kids. Hey, toots, you’re 32 years old and healthy. Get your lazy ass back in the office and learn how to conduct business like an adult.
I think the going back to the office movement is going to reveal that a lot of people have just been completely unproductive for the past year and haven't had much accountability. You mean I actually have to work?
Flipside, it exposed the daily 9-5 in office as a farce for a lot of workers. It'll settle back but I'm not as concerned with the work from homers as the large number still unemployed when businesses are starved for applicants.
One thing the pandemic has done that I like is making Zoom meetings "normal" even though not really preferred by most (client preference is what I go with). It really spreads out my elder law practice to essentially anywhere in the state. From Pikeville to Paducah, no problem, we can help them. Every bit of it can be done remotely if needed.
There is a local "Don't go broke in a nursing Home" ad that runs on a never ending loop around here from some attorney.

Makes me think of Chase every time, which sucks.

That being said, it's a great deal for all. It's just insane how expensive those Deedaddy was lucky enough to have a dope LTC policy which allowed him to be in the WKY Veterans center, which is by all accounts, elite. According to my grandmother, they purchased that VERY reluctantly due to an aggressive salesman back in the day, and thankfully they did - b/c once his dementia reached a certain point, she simply could not care for him on her own. Otherwise, it would have drained a big chunk of his estate with the quickness, and really left her in a bad spot for the remainder of her life.
The elder law stuff is probably the most "feel good" type of law you can practice. There is no "enemy" on the other side, as all you're doing is helping people save a shit ton of money that they otherwise would've been forced to waste. It's pretty cool, tbh.
I think the going back to the office movement is going to reveal that a lot of people have just been completely unproductive for the past year and haven't had much accountability. You mean I actually have to work?

I don’t know about that. I think with the lack of commute, it evens out a bit.
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