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This seems like a fitting picture to sum up the pg replacement at UK.
Going into the season, there’s only one big I’m totally confident in and that’s Oscar.

I think we’ll be fine, but by “expecting to win #9” standards, I don’t see our front court as a big strength. Again, I’m setting a very high bar for this team.
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Confident in what? Featuring our offense per usual?

Good. So that means Cal will be confident in 3.

If you were confident in 3 of them then Cal would be confident in 5.

He’s constructed this roster as if he is finally waking up and seeking change & modernization.

We will see if that actually translates into a different attack, but he basically has no choice, and apparently by design.

We will never be Pitino’s bombinos style, but just like Stoops with Liam, I absolutely expect to see some give towards an offensive style that shifts towards what’s actually WINNING.

Defense, clock management, etc will always be important and is often the deciding factor with similar teams - but aggressive OFFENSE wins in 2021, in both sports.
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PG was absolutely an issue last year but too much blame is getting thrown at that position... I guess because it's easier to sacrifice one kid in blame than to actually go into how the roster as a whole was really poorly constructed.
One final aside about Wheeler.

You don't think he saw BBN TOTALLY shitting on his early interest? He saw every bit of it. These kids eat that shit up, as sad as that is, for how it affects them.

He also has seen TyTy become the national, and especially BBN, darling and new hot shit/5*/Lotto talk guy -- And the subsequent BBN reaction with his pledge.

...and he still came here, essentially as an afterthought or “whatever, at least we got TyTy” guy.

His stated goals are to compete for championships, and get ready for an NBA career. He had zero desire to stay at UGA, or go elsewhere to be "the man".


Kansas wanted both TyTy and Wheeler bad, from all accounts --- they got neither, and we got BOTH.

I hated losing Hickman, but if anyone else has a better realistic 2 PG pickup scenario, I'd love to hear it.

I'm jacked up right now.
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In his interview with Jeff Goodman and Robbie Hummel, Nate Oats says that he got his offense from Cal's dribble drive. He then went and met with Vance Wahlberg to learn it. So the coach's offense we all love got it from our coach. Cal is capable of changing because he's done it before. Whether it happens this time remains to be seen, but I'm optimistic based on the off season moves.
One final aside about Wheeler.

You don't think he saw BBN TOTALLY shitting on his early interest? He saw every bit of it. These kids eat that shit up, as sad as that is, for how it affects them. He also has seen TyTy become the national, and especially BBN, darling and new hot shit/5*/Lotto talk guy -- And the subsequent BBN reaction with his pledge.

...and he still came here, essentially as an afterthought. His stated goals are to compete for championships, and get ready for an NBA career. He had zero desire to stay at UGA, or go elsewhere to be "the man".


Kansas wanted both TyTy and Wheeler bad, from all accounts --- they got neither, and we got BOTH.

I hated losing Hickman, but if anyone else has a better realistic 2 PG pickup scenario, I'd love to hear it.

I'm jacked up right now.
Agree 100% on all accounts! Most excited I've been about UK basketball in quite a while.
PG was absolutely an issue last year but too much blame is getting thrown at that position... I guess because it's easier to sacrifice one kid in blame than to actually go into how the roster as a whole was really poorly constructed.

It is no way getting too much blame. It was the #1 problem with a lack of playmakers overall being #2.
In his interview with Jeff Goodman and Robbie Hummel, Nate Oats says that he got his offense from Cal's dribble drive. He then went and met with Vance Wahlberg to learn it. So the coach's offense we all love got it from our coach. Cal is capable of changing because he's done it before. Whether it happens this time remains to be seen, but I'm optimistic based on the off season moves.

Knew it looked familiar. But seriously, besides the 3s, it looked like Memphis- a bunch of athletic dudes going to the rim and kicking.
Correct, except the DDM is a Cal myth these days -- he absolutely does not run it anymore, and hasn't in forever.

That Memphis team was pure poetry, and they had basically 1.5 shooters with Anderson & Rose. Didn't matter.

I mean, the AA 2G, CDR, basically only scored in the post/drives. He averaged ONE (1) 3 per game over his final 3 seasons while averaged 22 PPG per 40min. But their 'open lanes' and constant movement made that irrelevant.

If Cal had that same team today, he would feature Joey Dorsey & Robert Dozier in the post or high weave.

Cal changed, dramatically. Now, he has a chance to do that again, back to reality.
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It is no way getting too much blame. It was the #1 problem with a lack of playmakers overall being #2.

Pg/playmaking become a bigger issue when you have historically awful shooting, token inside offensive presence and no physicality at all. Like I said, pg was an issue... but very few pg‘s would be getting to the rim and making plays with defenses sagging so much against our non-shooter shooters.
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One final aside about Wheeler.

You don't think he saw BBN TOTALLY shitting on his early interest? He saw every bit of it. These kids eat that shit up, as sad as that is, for how it affects them.

He also has seen TyTy become the national, and especially BBN, darling and new hot shit/5*/Lotto talk guy -- And the subsequent BBN reaction with his pledge.

...and he still came here, essentially as an afterthought or “whatever, at least we got TyTy” guy.

His stated goals are to compete for championships, and get ready for an NBA career. He had zero desire to stay at UGA, or go elsewhere to be "the man".


Kansas wanted both TyTy and Wheeler bad, from all accounts --- they got neither, and we got BOTH.

I hated losing Hickman, but if anyone else has a better realistic 2 PG pickup scenario, I'd love to hear it.

I'm jacked up right now.
This post right here flipped my switch. LFG
He can shoot lights out but can't create. Not sure about defense.

This is a really good post, except

1. He isnt a PG so why bring up distributing?
2. He actually has one of the best A/TO ratios in the Country. Notably excellent there actually.
3. Despite WHITE, he is known as a good defender who usually got tasked with guarding the other teams best player.
My kids wanted a lollipop after dinner so I decided to be generous, and couldn’t be more horrified to have my dipshit son pick the purple grape one. I have clearly failed him.

As incredibly excited as I am to see Cal completely change up the direction of the program this off-season, I’m also excited that none of our rivals have done shit. After this year of all the blue bloods being shit I figured they’d all be aggressively changing but seems Cal really went nuts. UNC, Duke, Kansas, UL all had pretty blah off-seasons. Great to see.
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Been cool so late firing up the pool. I do it by myself and have it down fairly well. Beats paying to open. Make sure alkalinity is high when you close in the Fall and allow it to get pretty full before you open so you can vacuum the shit off the bottom straight to the ground. Shock it, put alkalinity (up) to it, pool tabs in dispenser. Let it run.

3 inch pool tabs 2021 = TP April 2020

Moles are awful. Their size and the destruction created from a rodent that size is mind boggling. You would think it takes many to wreak the havoc. It doesn't. I have almost 15 acres with approximately 2.5 - 3 acres of actual mowing. Those bastards are evil with their ruthless destruction. Shew. Take their food source away. Have to appprox every 3 years. ETown Exterminating will do it for $$$ and just add to my bill. Nope. I got this.

Apologies to the elders and thanks 80. My attempt at humor does not land well with strangers.

Wheeler = A+. His contributions and mentoring TyTy will be immeasurable.
What else is Coleman going to say about Frederick? I'm skeptical. The guy has improved his body but is still physically weak, which kept him out of games. Maybe not Allen weak but compared to peers. He can shoot lights out but can't create. Not sure about defense. Will he get plays off the screen? Granted, now that we add a distributor, who can penetrate and kick, makes things easier. In a better run offense than Cal has run recently, I'd be more optimistic.
"He was weak so it kept him out of games ", unless you are talking about injuries, WTF are you talking about ? He averaged 29 minutes per game as a freshman and 25 minutes as a sophomore on a deep, loaded Iowa team. Started all 52 games he played in, now that I had a chance to process your comment, even if you where talking about injuries, you can still GFU. His true shooting % of 64% huis freshman year was #1 in the Big. His turnover % of 5.6% (.04 per game) was also #1. He played and started 27/31 games last year and 25/31 his freshman year. Do you even check your facts before posting ?? Obviously not, I am a little skeptical of YOU.
The Ormsby Station Road in Louisville McDonalds makes a fine Big Mac. It’s well crafted, consistent, fresh. It honors the timeless standard of the quintessential American fast food burger. Yeah, they didn’t give me napkins and they were out of all sauces except sweet and sour for the nuggets, and when I asked the Hispanic fellow for a straw he handed me another packet of ketchup, but they put pride in the Big Mac and that’s enough for me. #Respect
6-12-18-24 Challenge

Each number gets applied to miles, beers, donuts, or jerk offs and you get 24 hours to complete all of them.

Could you do it, what’s the strategy, and is that just a normal Sunday for PTI.
My mood re: UK basketball has gone from...

“Hey SAE if you are tired I’ll take the wheel for a while.”

To “I mean a like Coach O but can he play point guard?”

To “Where is the Final 4 again?”

I love the roster. It has good Villanova team feel to it. As long as we don’t see 4’s running at the 3 spot and post ups by Oscar 15 feet out with 4 seconds on the shot clock I’ll be a happy camper.
I could not. A couple jerks, a 12 pack, a few blueberry donuts and a relaxing day on the couch would be the best for me.
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