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Most fast food joints around here still haven’t opened their dining rooms. I’m certain COVID is the convenient excuse, but if they can make the same or more money without the hassle of opening the inside, so be it.
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* I'm old enough to remember when the tide tried to turn in favor of wearing TWO masks.

* Top 5 posters who were most likely to wack it to Here I Go Again (Whitesnake) over the weekend...

1> drxman
2> KingLlama
3> VernHatton
4> BBdK (he's surely never seen the video before, but this is kind of a law of averages situation)
5> cawood

* More on the Kentucky Derby winner...

"So now even our Kentucky Derby winner, Medina Spirit, is a junky. This is emblematic of what is happening to our Country. The whole world is laughing at us as we go to hell on our Borders, our fake Presidential Election, and everywhere else!!"

- The Onion (maybe)

* BREAKING NEWS: lass and I are starting business #2, with our first event scheduled for July 4th weekend. We'll be organizing, timing, and promoting running events. We've both been so involved in (mostly volunteering) for these things in the past that we marcus welby launch our own venture and get paid accordingly. So if you're ever in the area and looking for a good 5k-100 miler, hit me at (site to launch this week).

* Labor shortage:

What a weird world we're living in. One local favorite bar pays for health insurance, and is starting cooks out at $20/hour. Fast food joints are now up to $11 or more. I've got multiple restaurant clients paying hosts/hostesses at $15/hour plus tips.

Meanwhile, there was also a protest last weekend over raising the minimum wage. Lol. Raise it yourself -- just walk across the street to a different job.

* Tip of the cap to you mothers out there. Social media stirred up some good feelings yesterday.....

- all the lady friends my age with kiddos
- all the friends my age who have lost theirs

* McDonald's coffee really slaps (if that term is still relevant).

* Watched Elon Musk's opener on SNL. Man, that dude is so f'ing awkward it was hard as hell to watch. He may be a revolutionary genius that's changing the world, but he's also incredibly weird.

* I don't really feel comfortable making any decisions unless the government tells me it's okay first.

* "This place is on steroids." -- Chin
Your mom and I role played that video but that's about it.

-Move the state government jobs from Frankfort to downtown Louisville, like in Nashville and Indy. Better workforce. Better resources. Better infrastructure. Improve the urban core of the state's largest city.

-Don't just legalize marijuana, grow the F out of it.

-Legalize sports gambol.

-Passenger rail system for travel in Lou-Lex-NKY.

-Public/private investment into a Greenbrier style resort in bourbon country.

-Copy Tennessee's no state income tax structure.

-Permanently close Bowling Green.

-Won a trip through one of our manufactures to Prague in 2020. Because of the pandemic and travel restrictions, they've moved everything to The Breakers in Palm Beach later this Fall. Usually being invited to a 5 Star resort anywhere would make me happier than a pig in shit, but I really was excited about seeing the Czech Republic for the first time and kind of disappointed.

-Been bringing the dog to work with me atleast one day a week. You can literally see the happiness in his eyes when I ask him "Wanna go to work?" in the mornings. Instead of sitting home alone all day he has 50 people to sniff and screw with, gets treats all day, and usually has at least one of my accountants walk him a mile or two during their lunch breaks. If he could sit quietly in my office when I had outside meetings and stuff to do when a dog's presence is frowned upon, like business lunches, Id probably bring him to the office every day.

-Not being talked about a ton yet, but this summer, a fuel shortage is going to become bigger news. Heard from several suppliers in the past few days and it seems to be picking up steam even more after the hackers shut a major pipeline down recently. Lack of truck drivers and other things at play as well. Whats next? The big earthquake Kentucky has suppose to have over the last 20 years? It's always something. The End Is Near.

-Lurkers. I've also met a few in the past month or so and it's strange that they've been reading the board for years, know alot about you, and you have zero idea who they are. Using people's first names etc just adds a bit to the shock factor.

GYERO = Twitter before there was Twitter.
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Have always heard awesome things about Prague and Kiev, too actually- like Eurotrip wasn’t too far off apparently. A pilot buddy made it sound like heaven on clearance.
I've recognized a few of you at games and bars, but never really cared enough to bother approaching. Figure it'd be awkward af.

This thread has 13M views. You guys are superfan, public figures. Probably gets old signing all the autographs and posing for all the pics.
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I had multiple opportunities to approach people when I was a lurker but never did. Am pretty sure though I took shots with some of you all back at Duke UK game at champions classic in November 2012. Was one of those situations where one person bought shots for a group of about 20-30 people and my group of 4 was beneficiary of being close by.
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-Move the state government jobs from Frankfort to downtown Louisville, like in Nashville and Indy. Better workforce. Better resources. Better infrastructure. Improve the urban core of the state's largest city.

-Don't just legalize marijuana, grow the F out of it.

-Legalize sports gambol.

-Passenger rail system for travel in Lou-Lex-NKY.

-Public/private investment into a Greenbrier style resort in bourbon country.

-Copy Tennessee's no state income tax structure.

-Permanently close Bowling Green.

I endorse this campaign.
Margaritas are a rarity for me - too much sugar. Sure recipe for a hangover. Anth - you should know that by now. You’re 40. Grow up.
I know what it was, Chad. Thanks. But f*cking tequila guy, you know how he is.

"Oh this is the best (starts terrible Mexican accent) agave azul straight from the hills of Jalisco. It's as pure as gold."
^That's an embellishment.
IMO, it's way more creepy to not introduce yourself. I'm way past the awkward phase. It was announced at my wedding that I met my wife on a UK message board.

I've became friends with one of the old fraternity brothers of the Delt guys on here. When discussing BBdK, PTi, and the others, he asked if we met at a gang bang. I said no, a UK Sports message board like 15+ years ago. And there had even been weddings and children that resulted from relationships built from that board.

Then I realized what a superdork I must have sounded like.

He then asked

"Does Dan still wear slacks and loafers when he raps to Lil Wayne?"

It's 2021, tons of people have friends they met on the interwebz. Better to just own it and say hey instead of creepin' from four tables over saying "I think that's kybobcat with Larry Vaught??"

In the Still of the Night >>> all other Whitesnake
Says the lurker that knows a lot of the GYERO history but never met us.
Is anyone even a Facebook friend with Pretzel? Are we sure she isnt TCCat or someone from GYERO past acting like a bodybuilding female accountant from Northern KY?
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-Move the state government jobs from Frankfort to downtown Louisville, like in Nashville and Indy. Better workforce. Better resources. Better infrastructure. Improve the urban core of the state's largest city.

Probably best not to have our state capitol in an area that the libs will burn and destroy the next time they don't get their way.
To my longtime, non-internet friends SAECATFAN is my alter ego and they all get a good laugh out of it. I mean they think I'm insane, but it's great entertainment for them although they don't lurk or read catpaws. They see twitter and just know what I'm up to on here.

20 year anniversary this November 7th, actually.

-One could reasonably predict that we're going to beat Florida, Tennessee, and Louisville this fall.

-I think everyone knows how I feel about your bare feet, but patio drinking sans footwear is a summer joy I'd add to Chad's list.

-Mother's Day blows. It gets easier, but the sadness just kind of morphs into general misery that day. You have to try to focus on celebrating your wife and not letting any resentment for others who still have their mothers take root.

-Ducked into Patrick's after dinner Saturday just to lay eyes on the old lady. As glorious as I recall tbh, though karaoke isn't back yet. Regardless, I think it's time to add it back to the weekend rotation. $8, 5 minute uber ride is too easy not to take advantage.
Probably best not to have our state capitol in an area that the libs will burn and destroy the next time they don't get their way.


You dumb MF.
I embrace the dork. Come introduce yourselves.

Little chilly out, but otherwise gorgeous day!

I'm expecting shortages on a lot of things this summer, not just fuel. Industrial supplies have been short for a year now, it was only a matter of time before it impacted consumer markets.

Right now is the time to buy if you're on the ledge, whatever it may be. Chances are if it's still available in 6 months, it will be more expensive.

My favorite TCCat memory was bringing his 3 year old to a tailgate. Little f-er kept swiping peoples beers and drinking them. Seemed like the most TC thing ever.
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