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The quote the day before we played Carolina in Rupp in 2011 something along the lines of…

I plan on waking up around 9:00, eating breakfast, shower, show up to Rupp 90 minutes before tip, get the win and have myself a nice little Saturday.
I wonder if dudes who leave UK early to go play in Slovenia realize how awesome four years of what you just described would be.
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Seems like for every one of these big long extra gangly dudes who actually pans out, there's 5 that get highly rated and then no one ever hears from them again after high school. Have any of them besides Davis become superstars?

I guess if you want to go back to Shawn Bradley, or Manute Bol... but those guys weren't superstars. Maybe you want to try and include Kevin Durant or Dirk? But even when they were super thin they didn't have that weird "Bol" look, or like Holmgren or Henson. I'm talking about the guys who look like human spiders. I just can't see Holmgren coming in next year and dominating with his weird Mr. Fantastic body.

I'm sure there's maybe one or two I'm forgetting.... Just seems like these type of guys bust more than they pan out by a wide margin.
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Shawn Bradley is the obvious comp, and while he had a very nice career, he was never anywhere close to the superstar he was supposed to be.

link: bradley article (1989)

Lots of hot takes in here from very highly regarded basketball folks that have aged very very poorly.
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Manute Bol and Shawn Bradley were like 7"6 or 7"7. They aren't even comparable to Durant, Davis, Holmgren, etc. They're in a world all their own. Ralph Sampson is the one of the few who could be placed in either category.
I always liked Bill Simmons's take on bigs - which he wrote to compare Oden and Durant before the draft. He said despite how well they play, if you look at them walk off the court and they walk kinda goofy and uncoordinated like, they're gonna have injury issues and not going to pan out (e,g., Oden). Whereas guys like Durant and Davis just look smooth. I hope this dude going to Gonzaga has a great career, but I just don't see it.
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Porzingis at that age, while super skinny, looked like Mr. Olympia compared to Holmgren, and he's been riddled with "tall guy" injuries. Porzingis has a few inches on him, but they play similar games.
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What are you guys even talking about? Chet may or may not make it, but plays nothing like any of those dudes.

Bol, Bradley, lmao. Good grief.

This isn’t “smooth”? He’s the polar opposite of uncoordinated - which is the primary reason he’s the #1 prospect despite looking like he will snap in half at any given moment - which he very well may.

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I'm talking about his goofy-ass body with his weird spider arms and legs. You don't have to be 7-5 to look like a space alien.

Sampson is the one I forgot. Good call.

Shawn Bradley is the hand and forearm at the bottom of every 1980's poster of someone dunking.
I'm ready to make a long-term bet on whether Holmgren is good. Someone think of how to measure it and slap your money on the table. He's gonna be ass.

EDIT: I'm willing to say he never makes an NBA All-Star team in his career. Anybody want to bet on that?
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George Raveling = “If you were going to start a basketball team, Shawn Bradley would be a good starting point."

Chuck Tibbs = “I’ve never seen coordination any better than Shawn’s for his age in a big man. You watch the coordination of a Ralph Sampson and a Kareem (Abdul-Jabbar) and he has the same type of coordination.”

Paul Westhead = “If you didn’t know his size, you would think that he plays like he’s 6-5. He’s very fluid. At the Nike camp, I saw him put the ball behind his back in midair on the fastbreak and pass to a teammate for a layup. It was Bob Cousy revisited. And he’s still only a young boy. His playing days are way ahead of him. I think he’s got the potential to be the next dominating player in basketball. He might be the first 7-5 guy that I’d allow to be in my fast-break system. I’ve always said that I don’t want any seven-footers because they slow us down. But Shawn and Kareem would be the exceptions.”

I'm ready to make a long-term bet on whether Holmgren is good. Someone think of how to measure it and slap your money on the table. He's gonna be ass.

EDIT: I'm willing to say he never makes an NBA All-Star team in his career. Anybody want to bet on that?

I was thinking more Top 5 pick style bet since so many think he’s gonna bust next season & ignore the fact he’s been ultra scouted and won and usually dominated literally every matchup he’s had against the other top guys.

NBA All Star is incredibly tough and by no means a barometer of whether someone is GOOD, or not “ass” - especially a rail thin honky.

Make up your mind, you’re contradicting yourself.
That’s more like it. I think so, but much harder to project those types in the NBA. I actually agree with the premise of Bristol’s original post.

He averaged 20 over a 3 year stretch at his peak in the NBA in years 4-6. Is he “ass”?

Chet’s allure is what he looks like vs how damn good he is, which is VERY.

Just Bc I call out ignorant and baseless comments about his “game” from those who clearly have no clue what they’re talking about doesn’t mean I think he’s the 2nd coming.

I just like him. Tall skinny white dork who balls, talks shit, backs it up, and doesn’t back down from anyone. He’s entertaining & unique.

Projecting NBA bigs (of all looks and body types) is a dicey proposition. The bodies rarely hold up, for various reasons - and careers end (or drop off a Cliff) in a flash, often.
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You can’t compare to Chet to anyone from the past because players didn’t play like he does in the past. If you want a real comparison look at this guy; 19 years old, same skill set, same height, actually skinnier, and averaging 8/5/2 for OKC.

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-my man wcc dropping a prefontaine reference. Beautiful.

-beach trip rekindled my love of reading the middle of a le carre' binge, Graham Greene's "our man in Havana" is on deck. Recs in that milieu/time frame appreciated.
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For Mashburned:

Dude definitely seems like an injury waiting to happen.

Dude looks special, fasho.

I'm just glad we got the Chin and O. Won't have to worry about possibly needing idiots like Chet to come play for us. Hopefully.

He's damn lucky the NBA is basically Euro-League West. He would've never survived the 90's.

Edit: Chet is one polarizing mfer. Any mention of him and the thread is all tore up
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