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People who have called people who disagree with them uneducated, inbred, racist, and nazis for years are now upset because those same people won't listen to their advice.
They don't listen to their advice because they've been conditioned to hate them as much as the other side.
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People who have called people who disagree with them uneducated, inbred, racist, and nazis for years are now upset because those same people won't listen to their advice.

Oh the people who believe our former presidents are pedophile lizard kings, the election was stolen and tried to storm the capitol? Gee why would anyone look down upon those folk.

-Good old non-political open minded WCC again, folks. It's all Trump supporters fault vaccines are slowing down. Lol. K. Might want to check that mirror. Sure, keep blaming the other side though when their states are wide f*cking open.

-In a good year we get like 40-50% of the people taking flu shots. Anti-Vax people have been at it for decades. This is nothing new and should've been expected, and as someone who manages vaccines for a large number of employees, it's not concentrated to any subset. People who don't trust science, people who hate needles, crazy holistic people, religious folks, people with autistic family members, and on and on.

-Let's keep these current restrictions just in case we don't have reimplement them again. Perfectly logical, Joe. Explains a lot about his opinions.

-At least it seems like the somewhat rational democrats are finally starting to call BS on the mandates and restrictions. I'm not sure how you can argue otherwise with the real life data that's out there. The mandates and school closures have always been for show an largely ineffective. We've known that since early Fall. Now we need to address the extra unemployment benefits because labor shortages are a massive issue and if we don't want to piss away this huge economic surge, we need everyone back to work.

-I'm giving Cal an A- for this off season. Kept Allen, grabbed experienced shooters, canned the dead weight on the staff, get the right PG and it's A+.

-Nice little ride time has been non-existent this year. B/w weather and tee-ball I've been stuck indoor. Ready to roll asap.

-I'm to the point where I hate entering large stores and in person "shopping."

-Finally picked up some of those Cosmic Crisp apples. Damn, they're good, but they're a load. It's a full meal. Grapefruit size.

-Sponsorship, fundraising season is in full effect. Good lord, it's a new request every hour.
70% of “Republicans” legit think the election was stolen.

And I know several people who have shared QAnon conspiracy theories on social media.
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I personally blame Joe Biden for this. He hasn't been creative enough with this roll out. Seriously. If he went on national television tonight and said no one should get the vaccine and he was considering outlawing it, there'd be mile long lines of patriots tomorrow to get it, with both middle fingers up in their facebook photos. "Suck it libs. I'll put what I want in my body in the land of the free."

If that doesn't work, make a cartoon of angry little arab virus cells blowing shit up in a person's blood stream, and then explain that the vaccine is actually just thousands of tiny bullets that shoot them dead. Paint all the syringes flat black and pay Hell's Angels to administer it. Blast Lee Greenwood at the vaccination locations. Everyone who gets it gets a free copy of the Constitution and a pair of wrap-around Oakleys.
Chin and O have a chance to really flex with this point guard situation. Go get someone crazy like talk/pay Hardy into coming or get a stupid good transfer no one's even mentioned. Let's hit the ground running. We deserve to contend next year. We've earned it.
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people who still haven’t taken it just don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t know what you can do to convince them it is when they’ve been going on about their lives for months now and not gotten sick.

Only 50% of the hospital employees have taken it here. People aren’t phased by this virus anymore in rural America so why would they take a shot or two in the arm?
Do you know anyone in Q, or that stormed the Capital Chad? Guessing not.

I know a BUNCH of the other type.
I know some of both types and I have a hard time associating with either at this point.

Im old enough to remember when you’d know people but may not have necessarily known just how crazy they really were. The good ol days.
In defense of the Q folks, they were at least partially correct about the existence of a pedophilic child-trafficking conspiracy among government officials.

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It’s going to be absolutely terrible to be thisclose to dens of sinful sports wagering. I just hope I’m not so close that my phone thinks I’m actually in this modern day Sodom and let’s me get from an app hooked to a casino. Because that would be awful.

Proud to live in a state that would never allow, let alone celebrate, betting on live sports events. #blessed
~Andy's state vaccine/hostage plan is going down the drain w/ the quickness, especially now that Kroger Field is closing their doors very soon. His 2.5M was a pipe dream from day 1. ...liberal ignorance at its finest.

~Per Cuomo....Yankees/Mets games: vaccinated can sit together w/ no capacity restrictions....non-vaccinated sit elsewhere in socially distanced pods. Masks still required can't fix stupid when it comes to a left wing dolt.

~7 days until Wynn-sational and the casino floor is now 100% open w/ no plastic barriers. Mid 90's.

~Barbasol in July, Memphis WGC in August, East Lake in claps back in force.

~Pti as mayor actually has a more logical feel to it than Jones did as a Senator, which was laughable from the start. He'll have to lose his discriminatory stance against the fats, though.
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