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It is time to open up 100%. Everyone knows the risks. Wear your mask if you want. It's to the point now wear masks are like hats, just another accessory. People shouldn't be ridiculed either way.

I personally wear a mask in public just to make others feel safe. I was lucky to be vaccinated early so I don't need one. If you don't wear a mask, you'll get no eye rolls from me. That's your prerogative. Like I said, we all know the risks.
- All about the science, bro. I have adjusted opinions on school closures, effectiveness of disinfectant with COVID and Cal’s offense because of it.

- Sorry Geese that some people were affected by seeing a cop kneeling on a black guy’s neck until he died and wanted to show support and empathy with yard signs. Have a heart.
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Yep. This spiraled because that Orange dipshit that so many worship created a fictional world where a Global Pandemic was a hoax created to hurt his re-election campaign. From the beginning, planting the seeds that any effort to take it seriously was some sign of weakness or desire to hurt him politically.

And it's been a shit show ever since. Leaving people in a ridiculous situation where there was a complete void in common sense and ability to calibrate who is over reacting and who is speaking common sense.

-false. Some places got it/are getting it right...some aren't. Can't blame Andy's incompetence on that orange feller, he (andy)and his ilk own the shit show.
I would take new uniforms that we actually like over most other positive news right simply because if we are going to suck at least look good doing it. Sucking and wearing those ridiculous rags is a double whammy.
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**Keep in mind, for every shot he made here in the dreaded HIGHLIGHT VIDEO, he essentially only missed one.

47% over 2 years in B1G - starting 52-52 games on a top 5-10 team much of that time. Cal delivering in APPROACH, at least.

Grady/Allen/CJ is something we haven’t seen under Cal.

Grab TyTy + get Mintz back and let’s GO!
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Well, we have non-whites and non-heteros around here so it’s a nice and sincere message from my sweetheart wife.
The thing about guys like Grady and Fredrick is their desire to prove they can play at a place like Kentucky. Both talk about wanting to be challenged and pushed. They're ready for this.

**Keep in mind, for every shot he made here in the dreaded HIGHLIGHT VIDEO, he essentially only missed one.

48% over 2 years in B1G - starting 52-52 games on a top 5-10 team much of that time. Cal delivering in APPROACH, at least.

Grady/Allen/CJ is something we haven’t seen under Cal.

Grab TyTy + get Mintz back or and let’s GO!

The rotation on that jumper 🤤
Well we’re OLD and should be able to SHOOT next year. Add/retain a couple PG types and I like my team.
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The rotation on that jumper 🤤

The latter half of that video shows some handles and a lot of one dribble side or step backs off fakes or small separation (doesn’t need much) Lofton-lite with the high release & similar (styled) game.

He’s not just a spot up.

I’m just jacked that Cal would even CONSIDER a guy like this, basically...

...and even on top of Grady - who is much more polished and athletic, but still *firmly* of the “basketball player” mode, which is opposite of what he craved previously.

TyTy is the key now.

Still livid about Hickman btw - his game was perfect for the shooters we have assembled
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