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Exactly, we laid up for everyone. Now it’s their turn to stay at home if they’re worried. You can’t expect everyone to follow misguided rules forever and give up their life.
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If you’re redneck conspiracy theorist brethren would just get their shots, it wouldn’t be an issue.

Go F’ing talk to them.
Amazing to see someone who rails about not creating controversy in here constantly be the arsonist...

The states that have opened up fully didn't tie it to vaccine numbers and they're all kicking ass, while we continue holding our pricks in our hands and regressing in our interpretation of data (Kentucky = India).

But sure, blame the citizens and not the leaders in charge 🙄

Maybe if every time your effing false god Fauci spoke about the vaccine he didn't downplay it like a nothing burger and instead pushed it as a return to normal, those on the fence would jump on board. Or you know, count natural anti-bodies in with vaccine numbers to get a real look at how we're getting out of this mess.

But sure, omitting that long-standing science about how the human body adapts to viruses wouldn't cause some rednecks to think theres nefarious motives 🙄

Also, some of the least vaccinated places in the country sit in the bluest of blue counties, but we know why nobody harps on those folks to take the spike.
Amazing to see someone who rails about not creating controversy in here constantly be the arsonist...

The states that have opened up fully didn't tie it to vaccine numbers and they're all kicking ass, while we continue holding our pricks in our hands and regressing in our interpretation of data (Kentucky = India).

But sure, blame the citizens and not the leaders in charge 🙄

Maybe if every time your effing false god Fauci spoke about the vaccine he didn't downplay it like a nothing burger and instead pushed it as a return to normal, those on the fence would jump on board. Or you know, count natural anti-bodies in with vaccine numbers to get a real look at how we're getting out of this mess.

But sure, omitting that long-standing science about how the human body adapts to viruses wouldn't cause some rednecks to think theres nefarious motives 🙄

Also, some of the least vaccinated places in the country sit in the bluest of blue counties, but we know why nobody harps on those folks to take the spike.

Didn’t read. F OFF
The only people I'm desperately trying to convince to vaxx are my elderly grandparents. tbh everyone else can go f themselves if they don't want to get the shot, and I don't care to waste my breath trying to convince them that the shots aren't part of a vast bullshit conspiracy. Idiots gonna idiot, and QAnon gon QAnon. The rest of us should be able to move about the country as normal. Open it up, Andy.
Sorry don’t have time for your nonsense, Bonzo. Keep your opinions in tidy text-size snippets, please.

But congratulations on being on the side of Q and Hee haw.
I have no effing clue what "Q" is, but happy to be on the opposite side of whatever cult has gotten you to think the only reason we're still locked down is a folks in Harlan haven't been vaccinated.
If they would rather not vaccinate, they had better not do it, and decrease the surplus population.
For the rest of you idiots who still haven’t figured out GYERO after 20 years, yes, you are correct but if we really want normalcy, the easiest way is for these dense nutjobs to get the easy-to-get vaccination.

That was the point, the joke, the provocative GYERO post.

I’ll start adding little winkies to my posts from now on for Richie and Bonzo and everyone else so you know I’m not being completely serious.

False. You got all pissy saying that the issue was with the morons who won’t get vaccinated as why we can’t reopen. We all know you probably believe that we can’t nor shouldn’t open until we reach the 2.5 million number. That’s fine, but own it.
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UCL, Chad's already up to 3 vaccines and 2 masks. I'd suggest a yard sign but it'd be buried behind at least 5(Black Lives Matter, Govern Me, Daddy, Mask #up Kentucky, We ❤ Teachers, & Postal Workers have the right to mail in vote!!). I'm worried your message isn't going to be seen through all his other propaganda. Maybe some socks or a buddy band?
False. You got all pissy saying that the issue was with the morons who won’t get vaccinated as why we can’t reopen. We all know you probably believe that we can’t nor shouldn’t open until we reach the 2.5 million number. That’s fine, but own it.
The morons have been successfully open for months and their states are currently being flooded by the double maskers dying to move in.
False. You got all pissy saying that the issue was with the morons who won’t get vaccinated as why we can’t reopen. We all know you probably believe that we can’t nor shouldn’t open until we reach the 2.5 million number. That’s fine, but own it.

I’m vaccinated and going about my business, buddy. My wife will be getting #2 in two weeks. I’m going out as much as I can, making summer plans, have airplane tickets, Ruby reservations, etc.

I’m just going to be straight up- unless it’s about Kentucky basketball and John Calipari, I wouldn’t take my posts 100% seriously.
UCL, Chad's already up to 3 vaccines and 2 masks. I'd suggest a yard sign but it'd be buried behind at least 5(Black Lives Matter, Govern Me, Daddy, Mask #up Kentucky, We ❤ Teachers, & Postal Workers have the right to mail in vote!!). I'm worried your message isn't going to be seen through all his other propaganda. Maybe some socks or a buddy band?

Public health may be a joke to you but it’s NOT to me.
Does the mantra SCIENCE IS REAL not apply anymore now that we have data showing that it’s foolish to wear a mask outside and even the dumb, redneck states have had declining #’s in a major way?

Or do I need to wear dark clothing in the hottest of summer months, socks with sandles, and subscribe to some podcast where the hosts constantly curse to seem edgy and real to come across as a real “intellectual”?

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But sure, blame the citizens and not the leaders in charge 🙄

Yep. This spiraled because that Orange dipshit that so many worship created a fictional world where a Global Pandemic was a hoax created to hurt his re-election campaign. From the beginning, planting the seeds that any effort to take it seriously was some sign of weakness or desire to hurt him politically.

And it's been a shit show ever since. Leaving people in a ridiculous situation where there was a complete void in common sense and ability to calibrate who is over reacting and who is speaking common sense.
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