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Re WWF, shows you how messed up you can get when the drugs get the best of you. Acquaintance of mine used to escort the wrestlers from dressing room to ring. Said Macho Man was the nicest guy you'd ever want to meet...this was early 90's, so things changed.
In the words of Bill Dundee, the Macho Man was goofy.

What awful stuff are you all actually accusing Randy Poffo of? IIRC in real life he was sick of his wife being apart of every wrestling angle he was involved in, let it all get to him and they divorced.

However she was around him regularly as she stayed apart of the wrestling business too, and they off and on until she married some attorney who she divorced quickly because of her and Lex Luger, who not only killed her but beat the shit out of her a few times.
Just found out another buddy from high school has died of an overdose. Leaves behind a 10 year old son :cry:
That sucks man. Not to get into specifics to your buddy, but when people OD these days, is it usually due to fentanyl? Is it like a bad dose? Or is it just a mistake on their part?
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Watched the Macho Man Biography on A&E last night. I's a sucker for 80's/90's documentaries. But man it really brought out everything that is bad about the wrestling business. The whole domestic violence heel angle really would not go so far today. Plus I really did not need to hear about Macho Man being a over possessive creep and video spying on Gorgeous George. I completely forgot that it was Lex Luger killed Miss Elizabeth.
I really enjoyed Jake the Snake saying he never SAW Macho Man do steroids, but "it's my opinion he did." No shit? (Also lol, he definitely saw him pin.) Jake is a fascinating scumbag in his own right, check the Crime in Sports on him (episode 105). Shout out to Macho Man's designer, too. What a weird cat.

I didn't grow up watching wrestling at all but I find all the documentaries on these guys absolutely riveting. That Biography show is appointment viewing in our house.

Also, has ANYONE fallen off harder physically than Lex Luger? Dear god, went from...well, 90s Lex Luger to tiny shriveled old man. I know it's been 20 years since he was huge, but even so.

- Even though NKY is home for me, I will always miss Lexington. Went down for dinner on Friday and driving through the area at sunset...I'm not sure there's a prettier place. Not much will get me all in my feelings like returning to the area (and also realizing how long ago I graduated...)

- I know it's the simpleton choice but Malone's hit the spot. Maybe it's just nostalgia, because that was BY FAR the nicest meal I ever had when I was down there for law school, but I always love going back there. Seeing Jared Lorenzen's signed frame as the first one when we walked in the door, though... :cry:

- Other half competed this weekend and I could not be more proud of how well he did. Cool little 2028 lb total for him, and now there's two pro powerlifters in our house. It's been so cool watching him get stronger physically, obviously, but it's been such an incredible benefit to him mentally too. It's a stupid, dangerous sport, we don't get paid for this, and we're probably grinding our joints to dust, but man, I love it.

- As much as I love Lex, Frankfort is a weird ass town. Something about driving down that windy hill makes it feel isolated and dated, but in a different sort of way from driving into a holler. Just a strange place.
That sucks man. Not to get into specifics to your buddy, but when people OD these days, is it usually due to fentanyl? Is it like a bad dose? Or is it just a mistake on their part?
He had been fighting the demons rather than just dealing with them. Not sure if he got a hot dose, or lost tolerance while on the wagon.
I care nothing at all about present day wrestling but I think I've listened to > 100 something to wrestle with podcasts. Basically every background yard work/chore its on. I have gained no life skill whatsoever but really enjoy.
Same. Especially anything Jim Crockett or Mid-South related.
- Pretty low key Derby weekend for me. Had some adult beverages and watched the race with some friends. Lived in Kentucky for my entire 49 years and have never drank a mint julep. I haven't been to a serious Derby party in quite some time. I do miss them a bit.

- Grew up with Miss Elizabeth's younger brother. Met her a few times and she couldn't have been nicer.

- Pretzel is correct that Frankfort is a weird place. Was born and raised here and know the hill she speaks of as I drive it everyday to and from work, which is about a drxman driver from Buffalo Trace.

- Spent this past winter doing some home renovations. Mostly some re-painting of every room in the house after first painting the entire place when we moved in 17 years ago. Installed some new flooring in the basement, got the hardwood floors upstairs redone and now in the process of replacing the wood shakes on the front of the house. Yeah, home ownership!

- A good Youtube subscription is Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids. Never fails to put a smile on my face seeing that family enjoying playing music together. You can see the progression of the children getting better and kudos to the dad for teaching his kids about some good music.
Lot of media really bitching bc there isn't a source from inside the program, but has anyone even reached out to Sonja in Harbor Town?
Mashburned is the worst UK basketball "fan" ever. He literally is happy when bad things happen.
Remember it's BJW's fault for being racist not liking the kneeling. Who could have predicted that wouldn't go over well?
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