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-Regarding nurses, yeah that is a SHITTY job, I come from a place of knowledge. Got the heck out. Couldn’t imagine if I was still doing that in the cold dark gloomy days of last year.

-Pink is MY color @anthonys735 , final warning.

-1015 rep workouts are a BEAR. Christ, takes about 2 hours too.

-Couldn’t give one flying eff about basketball in any capacity until it starts back up. Don’t care about the recruits or philosophies, anything. Show me.
I have a GREAT deal of respect for Anth375 when he agrees with me. When he doesn’t, though - can’t explain it but that respect wanes.
Pretzel’s got a fascinating Instagram account too. It's a daily cliff-hanger on whether she'll ever break parallel on a squat or touch her chest with the bar on a bench! Maybe tomorrow! 😉

EDIT: Kidding of course... she's legit and her form is spot on.
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Love the NFL draft. A nice rare breed rye in hand and I can feel my beloved basketball Cats rising in the distance. Enjoy the night, fellas.
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Appreciate all the thoughts on next year's :basketball: squad... and rest assured that if/when any criticism, legitimate or otherwise, makes the air on the call-in show, we'll all still be the Basketball Bennies that he too often acts forced to tolerate.

In addition to all of the on-court and coaching personnel/philosophy changes, I wish that were somehow also on the list. Just one acknowledgement that there are some knowledgeable fans in the fog of the Big Blue Mist would go a long way.
Appreciate all the thoughts on next year's :basketball: squad... and rest assured that if/when any criticism, legitimate or otherwise, makes the air on the call-in show, we'll all still be the Basketball Bennies that he too often acts forced to tolerate.

In addition to all of the on-court and coaching personnel/philosophy changes, I wish that were somehow also on the list. Just one acknowledgement that there are some knowledgeable fans in the fog of the Big Blue Mist would go a long way.
You don’t need no stinking acknowledgment if you really know your stuff.
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