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  • Why are they banning menthols? I remember as a kid everybody saying any tobacco product with a minty flavor had fiberglass in it. Skoal wintergreen, Newports, etc.

  • Got an email from the company that sends me my thc8 gummies. Evidently they've isolated another strain -- thc10 -- that is better for daytime use. Thc8 makes you a bit sleepy, but I guess 10 is a pick-me-up. Thc9 is what we all grew up smoking. I'm thinking about ordering in bulk because the fun-police, legislature will clamp down soon on these different strands.

  • I love the NFL and NBA but don't really have a team as far as professional sports go. Just enjoy watching certain players and eventually settle on a rooting interest. I'm all about the Knicks this year. Those guys play their asses off and Randle's improvement is incredible. Guys don't just go from 28% to 41% from three.

  • Got some Vietnamese Coriander growing in the kitchen. Much better than cilantro, imo. Might be a good alternative to those with that weird gene that makes cilantro taste like shit. Starting a garden with my neighbor this weekend. He owns a landscaping company, so I'm excited to learn.

  • Mt. Adams in the aughts was a blast. Do the yunguns still go there? Or is it all OTR these days?

  • Never understood the hate for MMA around here. The fanbase is skanky af. Sure. But it's entertaining as hell. If we're excluding sports for scummy fanbases, you Bengals guys need to have a seat. Tailgating at Paul Brown is disgusting.
Antigua and Chin comin’. Eek.

Those two with Lucas- that’s a trio of aces.
I'm encouraged by the staff shakeup as it was welllll overdue, but it's only half the equation.

I think even Cal's most ardent supporters folks now know that he's been needing a complete overhaul of his offensive philosophy for some time, with how the game is being played.

The biggest question remaining is if he'll adapt/embrace it -- or not. Those of us that have been bitching about it for years would take *anything* resembling a modern offense included with spacing, confident open shots early in the shot clock, 4 faceup shooters on the floor (no more 3 vs 5 bullshit). Hoping Antigua and Chin will carry a little more weight with the overall offensive strategy.

I remain highly skeptical -- but I have no other choice.

I'm encouraged by the staff shakeup as it was welllll overdue, but it's only half the equation.

I think even Cal's most ardent supporters folks now know that he needs a complete overhaul of his offensive philosophy with how the game is being played.

The biggest question remaining is if he'll adapt/embrace it -- or not. Those of us that have been bitching about it for years would take *anything* resembling a modern offense included with spacing, confident open shots early in the shot clock, 4 faceup shooters on the floor (no more 3 vs 5 bullshit). Hoping Antigua and Chin will carry a little more weight with the overall offensive strategy.

I remain highly skeptical -- but I have no other choice.


I hear ya but it’s looking like a fairly modern lineup setup- namely a 3-guard attack with shooters and a Brooks/Toppin 4-man.
We had a 3 guard attack just 2 years ago, so he's obviously open to that. Like Willy said a few weeks back, I think our teams will resemble Baylor more than a Gonzaga and that's ok. With the staff changes and snagging a Grady in the portal, it tells me he wants to change. Hell, by the end of the year we were launching quite a few 3s, big men included.

Changes need to be made but a complete overhaul is unnecessary. Just yell less and guys might not be so afraid to shoot.
No shit, I'm not sure he could've added another big if he wanted to. I have no faith he'll do anything other than dump to Oscar/Brooks/Collins/Ware and 4 guys will stand around watching them make an awful post move 8' from the basket. That's also assuming we don't turn it over on the entry pass, which is the most likely scenario.
I'm happy with the staff changes, very happy. I'll reserve my redass on Cal not making any offensive changes until he doesn't change after the staff shakeup. I don't plan on (but can't promise) bitching until after I see what's on the court. I definitely don't see the benefit in acting like Eeeyore right after something we wanted to happen happened.
No shit, I'm not sure he could've added another big if he wanted to. I have no faith he'll do anything other than dump to Oscar/Brooks/Collins/Ware and 4 guys will stand around watching them make an awful post move 8' from the basket. That's also assuming we don't turn it over on the entry pass, which is the most likely scenario.

Ok then - just be a negative F’ing bitch the next 7 months. Why change what’s worked so well for you the last year.

The guy has made the staff changes, told the players he was changing the style of play, and recruited that way.
Ok then - just be a negative F’ing bitch the next 7 months. Why change what’s worked so well for you the last year.

The guy has made the staff changes, told the players he was changing the style of play, and recruited that way.
That's the plan and only reserved for literally the worst season in program history.
You referenced 1 year where we utilized a 3 guard attack. Wow.

A 3 guard lineup should be the bare minimum, not the exception. You act like Cal is doing us some favor by putting guys who can interchangeably break their man off their dribble or shoot over the top.

So.... thanks?

Patting little Billy on the head and not acting like a maniac on the sidelines isn't the main driver here to getting shit right again.

Lance Ware was initiating the offense via handoff with his back to the basket from 30' -- in 2021. Read that sentence again.

You think a few wrinkles/adjustments will fix that?

Have you peeped our offensive numbers, Vern?

Points: 193rd
Assists: 218
3pts: 246
FG%: 278

^ all those things are related -- and it's less about having shitty players than it is about having a system that promotes long twos, clogged driving lanes, pointless handoffs, and repeated forced iso situations with non-offensive players....and bullshit lineups.

Please try to pay attention.
Catfan, as street as he is, is probably devastated they are moving to ban menthols.
Big Ole false playa. Marlboro 72 Ultra Lights (Silver pack for short)for ole catsfanbgky. Never smoked menthol, and I do not appreciate the simple minded Stereotyping. Never drank Crown Royal either.

What I do appreciate is being the subject of everyone's attention last night and this morning. Makes me feel all warm inside ATKOT.

Need not worry Running Richie, catsfanbgky is not going anywhere. Thanks for the love. I will keep on keeping on posting "GEMS" as the great BBdK calls them.

For as smart as some on here thank they are, they sure are dumb to the obvious and not figured ME out.

Would love to meet you also 80, we would actually enjoy each others conversation and realize neither of us are bad people, and actually really fun to hang out and kick it with. It's only a internet persona sprinkled with a little bit of real life. Never had a problem in social settings and always the life of the party IN REAL LIFE.

Same of most here, very successful in life, like to have fun, huge sports fan, but the biggest difference is I am a little rough around the edges, you know the old saying, "you can take the boy out of the hood, but can't take the hood out of the boy."
  • Haha
Reactions: 80 Proof
Have you peeped our offensive numbers, Vern?

Points: 193rd
Assists: 218
3pts: 246
FG%: 278

^ all those things are related -- and it's less about having shitty players than it is about having a system that promotes long twos, clogged driving lanes, pointless handoffs, and repeated forced iso situations with non-offensive players....and bullshit lineups.

Please try to pay attention.
I'm not denying that. Last year was complete shit. Offensive changes need to happen. But just the year before we ran a 3 guard lineup that was very effective. And as richie pointed out, we did the same in other recent years. All I'm saying is I think Cal is making the changes we've all pined for. I'm giving him the chance to prove it this year. If you're in a wait and see approach then fine.
Because Skal was literally unplayable and he whiffed on Bamba.
Yeah most of our 3 guard lineups have been by accident, we had to watch the Dragon start for the first 1/4th of the season over an NBA combo guard who shot 40% from deep.

Regardless of positional definition, it's more about shooters and floor spacing. Briscoe was a guard but he and Fox together made life difficult on both of them...Cal finally relented and played Willis which helped some of that.

Anyway, I'm encouraged by the staff shakeup but still in a "show me" headspace, it's all window dressing until we see some offensive adjustments on the court and recruiting results off of it.
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You referenced 1 year where we utilized a 3 guard attack. Wow.

A 3 guard lineup should be the bare minimum, not the exception. You act like Cal is doing us some favor by putting guys who can interchangeably break their man off their dribble or shoot over the top.

So.... thanks?

Patting little Billy on the head and not acting like a maniac on the sidelines isn't the main driver here to getting shit right again.

Lance Ware was initiating the offense via handoff with his back to the basket from 30' -- in 2021. Read that sentence again.

You think a few wrinkles/adjustments will fix that?

****in RACK!!!
-To me the coaching shakeup was centered around recruiting and not game plan or offensive philosophy. Which is completely fine, btw, and certainly needed. Getting beat on our primary recruits is really what started this mess.

-I don't see how anyone can be positive looking to next year. I have way too much salt built up to work out. Put up or shut up. I'll be a bitch, or more accurately, I'll be realistic until we get through a Nov - Dec without multiple seed dropping embarrassing loses before Xmas. FFS we don't even have a PG. Lol.

-This Oaks/Derby weather. Shewboi. Please hold.

-Rainout yesterday for practice so we invited the kiddos over for batting practice. About 5 made it. Turned our garage into a batting cage. Dads drinking domestos. Kids hitting or playing some hybrid of soccer/basketball/kickball they invented on the fly.

-Checked out the new location for Quest in Louisville. That place is absurd.

-Temp check and a lot of masking requirements dropped at school today. Huge shoutout to those peeps for getting through an entire school year for G with very little disruption. Amazing and we're so happy we decided to pull him from FCPS at the last second.

-Striped shirt and pink tie for Derby. Going to be sharp.

- Props to one of the (I think) grandparents attending my kid's lacrosse game last night for yelling racist comments at a referee who was wearing a hijab. Most folks didn't hear it because he was seated closer to the field, but he was kindly asked to get pumped and leave the area, which he finally did. Good grief.

- During the game my mom was taken to the ER. She's in a period of what they're calling "terminal agitation", which, if you read journal articles, means that we're coming down the homestretch. I hadn't seen her in a few weeks, ever since I had told her I loved her and she told me to take my love and shove it up my @ss. So seeing her in this stage was pretty startling. Just constant wailing and moaning, switching from one hallucination to another...the building is on fire, they're all being poisoned, all the children need help, they're all gonna freeze to death, etc. They tried to give her sedative after sedative and FINALLY she calmed down and got some sleep. I stayed with her until around 4:30 this morning, then she was admitted and I had to leave due to visiting restrictions. I'm just ready for her to have peace, even if that means passing.

- Side note....I have no idea how nurses do it, gang.

- Caught a few innings of a random MLB game on radio the other night and realized how many great play-by-play guys we've lost over the past few years...Marty, Scully, etc. In an era where most teams either have newer guys on the mic, or do some kind of weird platoon system, there are few teams who have distinct, established voices that you can count on hearing night in, night out. Looked through the list the other day and only about ten guys really match that description. There's just something that feels RIGHT when you hear a familiar voice calling a game during the summer. Not a Reds fan, but Marty definitely did that for me. The newer generation is just too sterile and polished for my taste. (I do like Jon Schiambi, though).

- I've said it before, but Strokin's interaction with him last night on Twitter is a reminder that nobody in sports media has fallen faster than Dan Wolken. A few years ago, he was arguably a top 3 Twitter follow for CBB/CFB takes, and his weekly "Misery Index" was a must-read. Now he's a caricature. Plain and simple.
Well, we get Allen back. We brought in Grady. It looks like we'll bring in Fredrick. Hickman is a capable shooter. If Mintz returns, we all saw how well he shot down the stretch. Toppin kept improving as a shooter throughout the year. Hopkins looks like he can knock down the trey. I know it's not cool but I'm encouraged.
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