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Cornbread...fried chicken...hash browns/skillet taters...blackened salmon...fried eggs...if you aren't using a cast iron skillet then order out.
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-nothing hard about cast iron, imo. Oh and I'm the best (og) Home cook in this thread.

Iron chef, gyero edition would be fun.

-japanese breakfast is a nice indie pop act. As is pinegrove. Makes sense that ab would like khrungabin(sp). XMU has been pushing these acts pretty hard.

-missed mmj the first time around...a buddy of mine did a bunch of work with jim james, I met him a time or two but never got into the songs. Im gonna check them out, proper.

-leon bridges is good. Isbell is good.

-dmb, is.

-wife wants to we're gonna go. Getting VIP way in hell I'm sitting in a field in kentucky...for 10 hours, like a savage.
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Grant Achatz and I can still cook circles around you “tastee bois”. We don’t need no stinking tongues.

Actually, I’m back to normal. ...And I’m delving into rustic French cuisine.
That's like Cal saying he's going to run and shoot more 3's. We know you'll revert back to your Italian-cuisine roots!
I know there are a lot of fellow YouTubeTV users here. Anyone following their latest flap with Roku? Got an e-mail today saying there are contract issues and YTTV may not be available on Roku devices anymore. I really like YTTV's platform (it's the best I've seen after sampling all of them) but I'm growing more and more tired of these issues. I stomached losing the regional sports networks and the price hike, but if they don't resolve this, I'm not buying new devices or TVs to keep my subscription with them.

While each of you are outside your homes appreciating your life accomplishments, grab a dandelion and eat it.

Like Guiness, it is good for you.

I have been making dandelion jelly this spring, which is delicious. Tastes a lot like honey.

I have my great-grandmothers cast iron skillet. Don’t use it a whole lot but it’s money when I do. Makes the best sausage/bacon gravy.
The pissing matches in Cable TV is just ridiculous. Roku, Fox Sports, Viacom, & the providers are constantly fighting over who's going to get screwed more. Just provide a service and STFU.

I used Spectrum's wireless App service for football season and it was great, then they got into who's Johnson was bigger and Roku pulled their app. Have 3 TCL Roku Tv's so not switching TV's.

Grabbed an AirTv, hooked OTA to it and it shoots the OTA over wifi to all TV's. Pretty nifty. OTA, HBO Max, Netflix, & Hulu does the trick for me. I'll subscribe to something come FB szn but it's outdoor time until then.
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The pissing matches in Cable TV is just ridiculous. Roku, Fox Sports, Viacom, & the providers are constantly fighting over who's going to get screwed more. Just provide a service and STFU.

I used Spectrum's wireless App service for football season and it was great, then they got into who's Johnson was bigger and Roku pulled their app. Have 3 TCL Roku Tv's so not switching TV's.

Grabbed an AirTv, hooked OTA to it and it shoots the OTA over wifi to all TV's. Pretty nifty. OTA, HBO Max, Netflix, & Hulu does the trick for me. I'll subscribe to something come FB szn but it's outdoor time until then.
It's almost like they are profit seeking firms or something.
I ditched cable and couldn’t get happier! I simply Plex with NAS for all my women’s tennis sports, and then tether that to a 5G hotspot to get PBR league on Sundays. To get my basic cable channels and news I pay $384 a month in subscriptions to Hulu, Zoom, Redtube, YouTube, NBC, ABC, CBS, ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC. To catch all my CATS in action I simply nail my pecker to a tree and eat shit! It’s pretty cool, and can’t imagine life with cable.
When our house is built, I’m going directv at least for the 24 mo heavily discounted period. Then will prob stick with them after that period bc I’m too lazy to call and get a cheaper rate.
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