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If that happens and you call Cheerios and let them know, they'll usually send you a coupon for a free box of Cheerios.
the driveway is all hers, bub. ill park there when shes out of town, and occasionally forget to move when shes coming home.

go to urgent care, goofball. youll be in and out in less than an hour, and it will cost you/your plan about 90% less than the er.

just confirmed the largest sale in my very young career. eek. very pleased right now.

working extry hard on the diet, and doing a fine job. realized after much reading/research that im a complete sugar addict. been doing all i can to cut out unnecessary sugars (junk foods/soft drinks/etc). huge difference.
-Laid my finger WIDE open last night. Like it's still kind of bleeding 17 hours later. Can't get stitches though, anything less than 10 stitches and Dad will publicly mock me for the rest of my life. Plus dealing with an ER sounds terrible.
If only you knew a doctor...
they may be trash, but if you lose your s*** over people parking in front of your house, you have serious issues.

this is the #1 thing in the world that makes my dads head nearly explode. further proof he's a really cranky old man.
-I'm proud of Anth for not becoming Fanth while I'm knocked up. But it sucks to have your spouse lose weight while you gain it. And I am in serious sugar overload mode right now. I need to go on the PTI sugar detox diet ASAP. Fruit, chocolate, and more chocolate are my faves. And occasional cereal.

-The finger cut was bad and completely my fault for putting a broken dish in the trash can and then stuffing the bag so full it wouldn't pull out of the can. :grimace: Maybe they can give you a stitch in CPR class tonight. It is at the hospital, after all.

-BBdK, I have 1 glass of wine a week. I divide it in two and have one half with dinner and the other half with chocolate afterwards. 5 oz of wine is not a lot, especially when divided in half.
- Thibs needed to go. The players and front office were both tired of him. He's a great coach, but it was time for a change. Plus he was at least partly responsible for Rose's and Noah's injuries.

- Hoots > BW3

- Before moving into my new place in August, I'm staying with a buddy of mine. Biggest UNC fan I know, his entire place is basically a shrine to UNC. He lives in a three bedroom condo by himself and converted the other two bedrooms into UNC of which I'll be staying in. :scream:

- I love backgammon. Play it often with some people in the math department.

- Jordan > LeBron.

- NHL Playoffs > NBA Playoffs, and I love the NBA.
I hate renters of homes and the homeowner who doesn't take care of that home. The renters park half in the street and ruin the grass between the sidewalk and the street. They never care to mow the F'ing yard or trim a damn bush. I'd love to beat the shit out of the owners who allow this.
<-- still eating lots of fruit. thats one of the issues that i have with the no-carb diets. if you believe thats right, then youre saying that an apple, banana, or orange are bad for you. thats ridiculous, and shows no balance at all.

plus, i bet adam does it.
SLOOT: Don't know who you're using ..... but St Joe's East (who delivered our daughter) offered a really good childbirth class that gave us a tour of the facilities, good checklists, class time that was quick, easy, informative and useful. Was really impressed with their setup.

- Is Stephen Curry the closest thing we have in this era to Pistol Pete? Just offensively gifted on another level, obviously. The fact that there really is no such thing is a bad shot for him is what elevates him above the others, IMO. His offensive unpredictability makes him such a pleasure to watch. Can't turn away for a second when GS has the ball. Off balance, drifting out of bounds contested 3 on a 1v4 fast break? K. The fact that, again, no one in the arena or watching on the telly thinks it is remotely close to a bad shot is the most telling. He's amazing.

On that note --- watching the Warriors gives me hope that some of this confident, non-micromanaged, free flowing style will trickle down into the college game soon. (yeah OK). Granted it helps to have two guys with the offensive capabilities of the Splash Bros but still. They play the way the game was intended, IMO. Get it and go, spacing, movement, screens away from the ball, read/react, etc... Even their bigs show a good basketball IQ in playing the right way in getting the ball out of their hands quickly, not just the vaunted backcourt. If you haven't watched and gawked at way GS plays you're an effing moron and I have nothing for you. Beautiful, beautiful basketball.
Just about everything about sports in the 70s/80s/90s was better than everything about sports today.

Case in point: Worthy's dark purple jersey and light purple britches. So money.

I'm going to throw out one in that time period that LBJ won't be able to match:

1967 - Wilt Chamberlain - 21.7 PPG 29.1 RPG 9 APG

Nobody will be able to match Chamberlain's rebounds per game stat because of two factors:

1. Games today are played at a much slower pace.

2. Teams generally shoot a better percentage today.

Those two factors mean that there are many more rebounds and shots to be had. Wilt Chamberlain accrued such huge counting stats in large because he had more opportunities per game than his successors.
I DGAF who played along side who, until Bron gets as many MVP's and rings as Air, MJ is greater. Lost a lot of respect for Pippen when Jordan was gone. Coach called a last second shot to go to Toni Kukoc instead of Big Nose Pippen. He refused to go back into the game after the timeout. Ball is thrown in to Kukoc, boom, hits game winner. Coach should have looked at Pippen and politely said "that is why I am the gd coach and you are the player, I coach, you play."
I DGAF who played along side who, until Bron gets as many MVP's and rings as Air, MJ is greater. Lost a lot of respect for Pippen when Jordan was gone. Coach called a last second shot to go to Toni Kukoc instead of Big Nose Pippen. He refused to go back into the game after the timeout. Ball is thrown in to Kukoc, boom, hits game winner. Coach should have looked at Pippen and politely said "that is why I am the gd coach and you are the player, I coach, you play."

crazy story. when did this happen? sources???!
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If you're starting a team from scratch, you take LeBron. It's very simple, folks.


Touch Jordan. I grew up with MJ, and didn't like him then, either. Clyde all day.


That's my 5. Bring it, and please pick up your participation t-shirt on the way out. K thx.
I think LeBron will win more titles BUT until he gets at minimum 3, and I think he needs 4, there should not even be a discussion. 2? We are debating this when he has 2? Yeah, cawood, it shows how good he is!11!1!1

If he does get to 4 or more I think he would surpass Jordan but I can't do it with 2, just cannot. I'll begin to discuss at 3, jmo.
Titles are important, very important....but they are also the most overrated thing of ALL TIME when debating players in team sports. At least when you get into #s after 2-3. There are so many incomparable variables at play it's basically pointless.

By that logic, Peyton Manning and his ONE doesn't crack the top 11. [eyeroll] ...yet many will argue that he's the best ever. It's debatable, sure, but it's not a ridiculous argument by *any* stretch. HES NOT EVEN AS GOOD AS ELI!!!!

Jim Plunkett, Bob Griese, Big Ben >>>>>>>> Manning. He only won 1 title.


Robert Horry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Karl Malone.


Shaun Micheel >>>>>>>> Sergio Garcia.


Trent Dilfer >>>>> Dan Marino. Dude couldn't win the big one like ole Trent.


^ NOBODY would agree with ANY of those things, yet when it comes to MJ, it's the end all/be all. Bill Russell basically doubled him up, yet there isn't a person on earth under the age of 90 (or 73) that would make the argument that Bill > MJ

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He doesn't need 6... Just needs more than 2 IF I'm going to start my team with him, like you have the past 2 weeks.:rolleyes:
In each sport you have to reach certain levels imo to be considered THE BEST. Each sport would= a different criteria. For me, he has to get more than 2 and in 2 weeks or less he may have that.
So Dave is at Riverbend and the Black Keys at Bunbury? Interesting. I'm hitting the 3rd eye blind/dashboard concert this Sunday.

Going to that in Columbus on June 23rd.

Still debating hitting up Burnbury on Sunday. Snoop and twenty one pilots headlining.
who would win one on one the most... who knows, maybe Jordan and maybe even MJ is the greatest single player to ever lace them up, but I'm taking LeBron everyday if I have the choice of the two as a GM.
  • Cleveland with LeBron goes 61-21, he leaves and they go 19-63
  • Jordan with the Bulls goes 57-25, he leaves and they go 55-27


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