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So if I gather this correctly. Best case scenario McGee decides I'm not taking the fall for this which he was obviously working with at least 1 other person. That would be the only reason he would talk I assume. Regardless, if espn can get 5 people to talk you'd think the courts won't have any problem at all. Can you imagine Chane being questioned? Yesh.

I honestly hope Powell goes to jail. She deserves it. She's disgusting.
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I think she knew there was a great chance this could happen. Further more I think this book was her only shot to have something of worth to leave her kids who she obviously didn't raise right.

No way they were this prepared and had no clue someone just might press charges, but I'm not sure what it is they can be convicted of unless it's a deeper charge like RICO or tax evasion. Certain offenses have to be prosecuted within a certain amount of time.

In Barry Bonds case someone served months for not testifying and I don't understand that, but if they put ESPN or NCAA people on that stand and they are pressured for players names this thing will crack wide open and I don't see why they wouldn't. I mean not spewing it on ESPN is one thing, but not telling the law........shew wee!
I like how they cut the audio on that highlight clip. Not sure I've seen it done that way before, and that well.
It's amazing what a freak of nature like Davis or KAT can do when idiot referees aren't confused by their talent and calling fouls on them for trucking 6'7 white centers because their physical existence is a mockery of the 1950's circle-jerk they think of as basketball.

How many times did Towns sit for long stretches due to foul trouble? Yeah, he had three last night in 33 minutes.
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Towns being able to do his thing at the next level is absolute proof positive that college basketball needs a major cleaning up.

Cal doesn't think the shortened shock clock will do much. He keeps saying the main thing is that these refs need to start calling fouls fouls. Clean up the game. Period. Too many coaches out there have bastardized the game by teaching hackfest defenses, junk zones and grind out ball.
Some idiot cheerleader got a lashing for grabbing Kaylee during her segment. Surprised they didn't kick him out.
I think the new shot is going to make things worse. Lots of hurrying and bad shots. Less points n
I think the new shot is going to make things worse. Lots of hurrying and bad shots. Less points n
I think the effects will be minimal but overall good offenses will adapt and bad offenses will suffer. I'm for anything that separates talent from luck.
All they have to do is enforce the damned rules on the book and college basketball would be a much better product. They tried this for a month during the 2013-14 season and so many coaches bitched and moaned they stopped doing it. I still think that was a huge reason our team struggled for so long. Calipari actually believed they would enforce the rules and change the game like the NBA had done, so he emphasized playing that way, but it never happened past Thanksgiving. By the end of the year we were back to playing like everyone else and made it to the national title game.
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To bad these officials are too chickenshit to enforce the rules they made because Louisville hacked, grabbed and whored their way to the championship
The WIldcat dressed in a tasteful light blue blazer, dark slacks, and solid tie

Scratch dressed like Craig Naviar wearing an Andre Woodson jersey

The gap widens, somehow
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i think we're in big trouble tonight. this ut team is much better than their record suggests. loads of talent.
Has Boom touched the ball? Once, maybe? Not that it would work, but the quick-hit passing is just getting us off the field quickly.
Musburger must have taken us and the points. He was too excited when he thought we had scored a TD there.
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