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Topped off with...

Dammit, Kentucky...
[laughing] at Rome resetting 'Radio Shack Guy'

I don't know where you get your producers from, but here at Radio Shack we KNOW the damn difference, Jim.

Can't find the bit online, but it's Top 10.
Jack Handey was the creator. So yeah... makes sense.

Deep thoughts by Jack Handey;

When I was a kid my favorite relative was Uncle Caveman. After school we'd all go play in his cave, and every once in a while he would eat one of us. It wasn't until later that I found out that Uncle Caveman was a bear.
Dan Akroyd is not that great.

Please refer to "Nothing But Trouble" to evaluate "pure Akroyd" and see how he holds up without the help of Ramis, Landis, etc.
For some reason, comedic stars mostly seem to hit a wall sometime around 45 or 50. Not everyone of course, but yeah, there's a reason I didn't like anything from Aykroyd post like 1990. Same thing happened to Murphy, Myers, Chase, etc ,etc.
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Controversial take:

Halloween should be the one day of the year anybody can dress up, and be free of any consequence over the poor taste of costume....

Loved classic Akroyd. He married well, the smoking hot blonde from Spies Like Us.

Lips and Assholes people.
Need a legal opinion as to what that really means from one of you attorneys IF YOURE NOT ALREADY AT BC LOL

Quick analysis = this is bad for UofL. The absolute last thing in the world they want is people answering questions under oath.
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Have no idea what the racist Ramsey thing is about but two things...1) The protest ballad "Hey hey ho ho............has got to go" has got to go. Do better people.
2) Whole lot of white privilege in that crowd
Do we think "under oath" means a goddam thing to these people? Hell no. They'd let their own mothers hang if it got them off the hook. Plead the 5th or lie their ass off.
One of my favorite parts of this entire thing is UofL fans screaming from the rooftops to "lock this whore up". Yet, they have never seemed to realize that a conviction means their program is f*cked in the ass faster than Rodni v. MEGA.
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Deener does keep pointing that out to the idiots. "You don't want this to go to court because that means the nasty details are true. That's not good."

I mean, if it goes to court then Pitino HAS to go at that point, right? They can't keep him on with a NCAA and Commonwealth investigation. Those people are unbelievable. Mags said BOT members are already grumbling.

Would it be federal if McGee wired money from Cali?
To be fair the suit with UK hat is not the option. Its the suit paired with random horse farm or horse name hat. Full disclosure would wear a Shadwell Farm hat back in the day.
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So does this essentially mean that the allegations of prostitution are true? Which would be the end of the "they were just strippers" angle?
Deener does keep pointing that out to the idiots. "You don't want this to go to court because that means the nasty details are true. That's not good."

I mean, if it goes to court then Pitino HAS to go at that point, right? They can't keep him on with a NCAA and Commonwealth investigation. Those people are unbelievable. Mags said BOT members are already grumbling.

Would it be federal if McGee wired money from Cali?

My guess is there could potentially be a violation of The Mann Act, but I'm not sure the whores ever crossed state lines. I don't know enough about it off the top of my head to know the exact requirements and any various defenses.
I doubt the feds have any interest in a case over $300 wired to a whore. If it were a politician or someone of any importance, then maybe they would be interested. McGee is nobody.
any UL fan thinking this is great news is monumentally dumb. NCAA investigators cant do jack if someone won't talk. most all of their huge busts come from stealing legal testimony obtained from the judicial system from somewhat related cases to their targets.

being dragged in front of a grand jury, swearing on a bible, the threat of perjury charges & jail just from lying....those snakes will turn and start eating each other. inevitable. and it will be glorious.
With grantland gone, that frees up a lot of word space for the rest of the internet.

-I suppose Powell is the target of the investigation?
-When, what, who, how will the involved be able to plead the 5th?
-What kind of timeline? Nov 5th hearing, will this thing stretch out a year?
The story says they haven't subpoenaed Powell. It did not mention McGee. Not subpoenaing Powell likely means that she is the target. If McGee does not receive a subpoena, he is likely a target as well. The publishers have been subpoenaed. In theory information should be hard to come by as the proceedings are secret and people should not be commenting on the matter.
Need a legal opinion as to what that really means from one of you attorneys IF YOURE NOT ALREADY AT BC LOL
It means the prosecutor has opened an investigation- not surprising when there's an allegation of a prostitution ring in your jurisdiction splashed on the national news- especially since the original allegations implied that there may have been underaged hookers at some point. They can issue grand jury subpoenas for phone/text, bank, wire transfer records, etc., and get them certified as opposed to stuff Powell just handed over.

Basically this is news but not surprising. I would have been more surprised if there wasn't an investigation, especially with the possibility of there being juveniles involved. The prosecutor can't leave that out there as a possibility. If I had to guess I'd say that's the focus of the investigation, even if it turns up other stuff.
Also- and I'm just throwing this out there- engaging in a criminal syndicate is a Class B felony (10-20 years) and specifically allows for a charge if a syndicate (5 or more people) are involved in prostitution.

1. Powell
2. McGee
3. Rod-Ni
4. ???
5. ???

(we know Jazzy just sat there in the corner)
Tall chick was pretty active though.

1. Powell
2 McGee
3. Rod-Ni
4. Lindsey
5. Too Tall
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