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Might have to go all the way back to Lincoln to find a truly honest, genuine President. And he got shot.
Also, now that Terry Rozier has officially sworn off being associated with UL, I can cheer for him. So good job, Terry.

The first George Bush by all accounts was a great man. I've heard people skewer his policies, but never the man.
Yeah, he was hated by a big portion of the nation. I'm in total agreement with Adrian. I'd love if pot was legal, gay marriage was accepted, less crime, less people in prison, cheaper gas, LOWER TAXES, better economy. The issues we're facing today are the same general problems we've been facing for centuries. Except now we have pron available on the intranet. Life is pretty damn good.
Maybe UofLSheriff can chime in on what it is to be a Great Man and even a Decent Man, once we have the criteria we can apply it to former Presidents to come up with a conclusive list.
Yeah, I don't think you have to go back to Abe Lincoln. Hell, I don't think Obama is a bad guy at all. I think his motivations for what he is doing are for what he believes to be the good of the nation and his personal legacy. Obama has a huge ego, but that's probably completely necessary to make it in politics in the 21st century. I don't agree with many of Obama's policies, but he doesn't seem like a bad person.
I'm not Mr. Politico, but I see a couple of major problems from the periphery:
  1. Campaign finance. Citizens United really hurt this country and has helped turn it even further into an oligarchy.
  2. People are either psychotically conservative or nauseatingly liberal. There's no room for reasonable people anymore.
IMO, in my opinion.
I only learned about Super PACs in the past few years b/c a close friend was involved...

Just seems shady AF.

indeed. politics used to not be this way. but, alas. this crazy world we live in today. going to hades in a handbasket. yearn for the good ole days.
I'm not Mr. Politico, but I see a couple of major problems from the periphery:
  1. Campaign finance. Citizens United really hurt this country and has helped turn it even further into an oligarchy.
  2. People THAT VOTE are either psychotically conservative or nauseatingly liberal. There's no room for reasonable people anymore.
IMO, in my opinion.
FIFY. Particularly in the primary system. Want to know why "normal" people don't run in general elections on a national, and increasingly so, statewide level? Most normal people aren't counted on to vote in a primary. So you get candidates who court the fringe (but reliable) voters to get through the primary, then have to try to pivot to the middle to win the general.

There's a decent argument to get rid of primaries and go back to the system we had before. Backroom deals in smoke filled chambers ftw.
I'm always astounded by how dumb the general public really is. I have a small circle of reasonable, educated friends, but sometimes I'll hit up the grocery store on the first, go to the mall during the holiday season, or log into facebook. It's sobering every time.

The latest example of this of this is the fact that people think The Pasedena Post is an actual news outlet.:confused:
Even though I shouldn't be surprised at this point I still can't believe the brazen and completely arrogant responses by TOMMA & Ramsey.

With evidence mounting against that place you would honestly think they'd take their medicine, shut up and lay low until the investigations are complete.

Nope. They did just the opposite. They know no other way. Incredible.
As if PeyPey Sr's post wasn't comedy gold by itself, you are doing yourself a disservice if you don't go read the replies. All Kool-Aid drinkers. Without sarcasm, multiple "Well said!" and "I couldn't have said it better!" comments. Awesome. God bless you, Katina.
damn, elam sure is getting a bunch of snaps this week. guess the big guy is finally stepping up.

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