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twin peaks is all over the place down here. im assuming these are all completely rancid nationwide?

never been in one, but as i drive past this knockoff hooters in houma, louisiana, i immediately expect the worst.
Exactly. I mean, the whole thing with Marty slowly being erased from existence doesn't make sense. If he didn't exist, then who did Lorraine's dad hit with the car? Well, if there were no Marty to push George out of the way, then George got hit, meaning he and Lorraine got together, meaning Marty was born. ATKOT.
Then you have the other Marty at the end going back to 1955 when the first Marty comes back. So now there's a constant loop of Marties going back to 1955. What if one of them fails? Does that kill the loop?
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One thing that has also been overlooked, Marty seemed to be struggling with not banging his mom in the car...I mean he is a 17 yo with a hot piece of ace throwing her self at him...wonder what Peyton Siva's dad would have done.
-BBdk nailed it. I love local food when abroad, in most cases, but that airport BW3's is always WAF on return.

-I like B2F but I don't care that much to make a big deal of it.

-Pretty surreal that Pitino is still the coach. Even Bob V and his dude are saying the same thing. Has to be because they know he's just going to dig in. There's no other explanation.
So if Pitino walks on his own, they dont have to pay him right? And if they can him, UL is on the hook for his contract, right?

So if thats the case, i mean... hes not going anywhere.
The thing that always bothered me -> Doc and Marty, on the night the clocktower is struck, have everything calculated down to the millisecond in order for Marty to hit the cable at the precise millisecond that the lightning is passing through it. They have the distance, acceleration, everything pinned down. Then, when it's time for Marty to hit the gas, the DeLorean dies. That right there should've ended the whole movie with Marty stuck in 1955. But no, he sits there and turns the ignition multiple times to no avail. Then, finally, after a good 10 seconds, he bangs his head on the steering wheel and the car starts. Shouldn't he miss the lightning by 10+ seconds, or whatever the delay was?
The thing that always bothered me -> Doc and Marty, on the night the clocktower is struck, have everything calculated down to the millisecond in order for Marty to hit the cable at the precise millisecond that the lightning is passing through it. They have the distance, acceleration, everything pinned down. Then, when it's time for Marty to hit the gas, the DeLorean dies. That right there should've ended the whole movie with Marty stuck in 1955. But no, he sits there and turns the ignition multiple times to no avail. Then, finally, after a good 10 seconds, he bangs his head on the steering wheel and the car starts. Shouldn't he miss the lightning by 10+ seconds, or whatever the delay was?
God intervened there, IMO.
Yeah same issue with the timing, but maybe he got some favorable wind...

Other thought on the Marty/Doc relationship-maybe Marty asked him to build that gigantic amp in the beginning? Or he could just be a pedophile, par for the course in Hollywood.
Guys are punching holes in a movie that involved a teenager in a shitty sports car traveling through time. The biggest problem is the fact that time travel doesn't exist and if it did I would hope they'd use a different vehicle.
So the Terminator comes back in time to kill Sarah Conner before she gives birth to John Conner. The Terminator ends up getting destroyed, Cyberdyne finds the microchip, which ultimately leads to the creation of the super computers/robots in the future. So the only reason the Terminator exists was b/c Cyberdyne found this microchip from the Terminator sent back in time from the future.


Oh yeah, and John Conner's dad is from the future, and was only sent back in time to fight the Terminator. And John Conner tries to erase his own existence by preventing the future war, which is the reason his dad was sent back from the future in the first place.

Here is the language for Pitino's contract on Termination. They could definitely can him on 6.1.2 - I'd say UL has experienced some disparaging media publicity. Course Pitino could argue that UL's name was already crap. They could also argue he failed to adequately monitor his assistants - which is totally true, if he isn't lying about not knowing (he is lying, but they'll never prove that)

6. TERMINATION FOR J:UST CAUSE. 6.1 Employer has the right to terminate this Employment Contract for Just Cause or impose other appropriat~ discipline, in which case prior to such action, Employee shall be given ten 10 (ten) days' prior written notice and an opportunity to be heard!. The term "Just Cause" with respect to Employ¢r's right to terminate this Employment Contract shall be understood to include all o fthe following:

6.1.1 A material violation of this Employment Contract or refusal or unwillingness to perfomt this Contract in good faith and to the best of Employee's abilities;
6.1.2 Disparaging media publicity of a material nature that damages the good name and reputation of Employer or the University, if such publicity is caused by Employee's willful misconduct that could objectively be anticipated to bring Employee into public disrepute or scandal, or which tends to greatly offend the public, or any class thereof on the basis of invidious distinction;
6.1.3 Major violation of any rule, or bylaw of Employer, the athletic conference with which the University is then affiliated or the NCAA, which violation damages Employer or the University in a material fashion, including in the case of NCAA, significant or repetitive violations as set forth in NCAA Bylaw 11.2.1, but with the understanding that Employee shall not be responsible for misconduct of third parties, assistants, or other representatives of the athletic interest of Employer and University, unless Employee was aware of such misconduct and failed to promptly report it to Employer or Employee failed to exercise diligent, careful supervision of the assistants, or other representatives of the athletic interests of Employer and the University which could have disclosed the violation; and
6.1.4 Emnployee's (a) dishonesty with Employer or University, (b) acts of moral depravity, (c) convicti~n of a felony or employment- or drug-related misdemeanor, or (d) intoxication or being! under the influence of a psychoactive substance when performing duties under this Contract, wMn student athletes are present, when attending scheduled public events or appearances, or durin~ media contacts.
Has to be no obvious interim coach, they want to clearly lay out the justification before firing him and hoping that firing him saves some of the penalties. If they actually keep him after this... I mean even they can't do that. Right?
what, having a 63 year old coach involved in multiple sexual scandals rebuild a team through multiple years of severe NCAA punishments & sanctions isn't a sound plan or something?
If Pitino were to be fired because of that morals language, I think he could make a reasonable argument that it's not possible to damage the "good name and reputation" of UL at this point.
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Marty is sure one smart dude he invented the frisbee, skate board and rock and roll. Pretty good for a 17 year old kid imo.
Surely there's something in there about NCAA violations. That's the best way to go if you're terminating for cause. Wait for probation and then can him for getting you on probation. Sutton was a lame duck in Lexington a year while we waited on the hammer to drop. Pitino could be in the same boat this season.
If Pitino were to be fired because of that morals language, I think he could make a reasonable argument that it's not possible to damage the "good name and reputation" of UL at this point.
Well you could, but I'd argue whores in the dorm is par for the course, not damaging imo
If Pitino were to be fired because of that morals language, I think he could make a reasonable argument that it's not possible to damage the "good name and reputation" of UL at this point.

A couple of issues. One was already noted, in that they didn't fire him over does that make it an argument in his favor if they tried to enforce it now? As far as the violations, the whole notion of supervision of assistants vs how could he know everything 24/7 makes it a ambiguous. Either way, resign/fired, they would work out a settlement. It is rare schools don't pay, regardless. Hell, didn't we pay psycho Gillispie $3M to go away?

Maybe this is a moot point since it is contract vs non-contract employees, but I often wondered if a regular employee at UofL would have a case if there were fired for something morality related, after UofL kept Pitino and hired Petrino?
Oh lordy, now this student lawsuit. Wanting book profits to be held in receivership, because Katina Powell is hurting the reputation of the university and devaluing their education/degree. :joy:
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Seeing the name "Brad Pendergrass" thrown around as a name to watch for. A quick Google search shows he is VP of sales for a company Wheels Up located in Louisville.

Lived in my neighborhood in Huntingdon, TN. He started out at UT. We meet up at the 2007 MSU game at Commonwealth Stadium.
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