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obvioisly there will be no immunity, this is just ghetto games at this point. They are clearly causing problems for her and she is telling them to back off or else she will go all in, and as bad as this is she hasn't yet!
Someone find the link to Jerry Tipman articles as long as archives are being dug into

I'll put my marker down on the ultimate bottom line outcome of this:
-2 year postseason ban
-3 years of scholarship limits (down to 11)
-3 years of recruiting visits reduced & recruiting time limits
-significant wins vacated from this decade but the 2a to chicken to touch either banner
-if they & him are dumb enough that he is still the coach, a 20 game suspension

just because I like how time is a flat circle, wish they would also get a 1 year television ban. the irony of him ending his career in the dark after starting at UK that way is wonderful. was UK basketball in 89-90 the last to get that punishment?
Someone find the link to Jerry Tipman articles as long as archives are being dug into

I'll put my marker down on the ultimate bottom line outcome of this:
-2 year postseason ban
-3 years of scholarship limits (down to 11)
-3 years of recruiting visits reduced & recruiting time limits
-significant wins vacated from this decade but the 2a to chicken to touch either banner
-if they & him are dumb enough that he is still the coach, a 20 game suspension

just because I like how time is a flat circle, wish they would also get a 1 year television ban. the irony of him ending his career in the dark after starting at UK that way is wonderful. was UK basketball in 89-90 the last to get that punishment?

Agree with everything, but if they are vacating wins, and you would think 2013 would fall under that umbrella as MEGA was treated on his recruiting visit how does the banner remain if the wins aren't retained?
“I’m a Celtic now. I’m not a Cardinal no more.”

Sorry 73, know that's got to sting a bit.

Watched Back to the Future last night. What an absolute classic. Noticed a few things never thought about before.

1. Billy Zane was one of Biff's thugs that punched Marty while Biff was trying to get his rape on.
2. Would totally have crushed some Leah Thompson. She admonishes Marty's girlfriend in the beginning for calling him and chasing boys, when it turns out she was quite the hussy, who was all about getting some Calvin Klein.
3. There was a XXX theatre in the downtown square at Hill Valley. The sign had something about "Orgy."
4. Some very racist comments to the Marvin Berry band.
5. If Marty's family had become so successful after he changed the future, why are they still living in that little house? Dad's got a shiny new BMW and Marty his dream truck. His brother has a job he wears a suit to, yet his grown ass still lives at home?
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It chaps the Democrats' ass that the 6th is Republican. They gerrymandered that thing to set Ben Chandler up for a nice 20 year run and Chandler f'd it up by voting for cap and trade.
This Congressional district is kind of weird. Not sure how he'll do vs. Barr. Still think running is a bad idea. A democratic republic just doesn't work, imo.

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You know, the more I think about it, the more I want Jurich/Pitino/etc. to keep their jobs. Because then I can justify my hatred for them (and UL) by the fact that they're amoral and evil and represent the worst about college athletics. It's good to be able to draw that line.
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Yeah, I'm not sure why electing Jones would be a mistake. As far as I can tell, Barr is a faceless worker bee in the most dysfunctional House the country has ever had. Not sure how Jones would be a clear negative (or positive) change.
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-Like with most young politicians it may take a couple tries to find the seat for him. I appreciate he wants to be the same guy but I don't think it's possible once he's in. Dude obviously loves politics and he's got solid backing. Good for him. KSR won't go away but it will be less interesting for the smart fan. Now you have a really smart UK fan poking at these guys, able to conduct frustratingly intelligent arguments, give solid interviews. I love Drew to death but he's not that guy. J-Lo and Ryan aren't either. That's fine, I think the KSR brand will be ok but Matt is the product there.

-AmeriLeague story is amazing. Thankfully they never got anyone substantial.

-Can't imagine she has anything left thats ground breaking and what is she going to need immunity from? Everyone has basically said she's not getting charged. If she does it's pretty minimal.

-I hate the Cubs. Way more than StL or Pirates. Hilarious they got swept. Now we just need Rizzo to get fat and Bryant to develop a drug problem. Really them turning into the Nationals would be ideal. Afraid Maddon and wonder boy are too dynamic for that kind of thing. Oh well, f*ck em for the time being.
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beginning next year, our beloved commonwealth will either be run by weirdo matt bevin or sweaty mcgee jack conway.

so, imo, it's not really a mistake for *anyone* to run. just show up, and you've got a decent shot.
Shit, I raise you -> Next year our country could be voting between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

I'm not sure how that influences someone looking at politics but it makes me want to laugh cry until I just don't think about it.
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Until he says that outrageous things did not happen around the University of Louisville basketball program during his two seasons in town, Terry Rozier has positioned himself as a guy suggesting that they did happen.

How many times has Rozier failed to say something as simple as, “This story is not true. It’s wrong and unfair?”

Or, “I never saw anything like that.”

Or even, “I did not have sex with any of those women.”

The answer is ZERO.

By my unofficial count, Rozier has had three cracks to defend his former program by attacking the credibility of Katina Powell, whose book, “Breaking Cardinal Rules,” has provided lurid and stinging column material for writers from the Washington Post to USA Today to Sports Illustrated to The Nation. It's material that included mentions of Rozier.

Chicago was a good trip... up and back can be exhausting and obviously the game didnt work out too well- but still had a good time with pops. Brats, peanuts and beers really hit the spot.

Sat next to a pair of fairly obese guys, one who was wearing a Damon Berryhill jersey and the other a Doug Dascenzo. Dascenzo hit about .230 over a 5 year stretch in the late 80's/early 90's, and Berryhill hit even lower around the same stretch. So as to why they chose those vintage throwbacks... who knows.

Pretty typical Cubs debacle... tie game late, get a big strikeout to end the inning only to have the ball get away and the go-ahead run score. Had never heard a place so loud go completely silent. Everyone seemed to know the game and the series was over at that point.
-Can't imagine she has anything left thats ground breaking and what is she going to need immunity from? Everyone has basically said she's not getting charged. If she does it's pretty minimal.


Not "source" guy but hearsay is that what's in the book was ironclad could be proven. But what people at UL are scared of is her gaining credibility and telling the stuff that can't actually be proven just to pile on. They also still believe she is in communication with McGee which scares the shit out of them. I'd say Tuesday gained as much credibility as a whore could get.
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Hard to believe that great men (or women) are interested in public service anymore. More with creating their fortune in the private sector. Doubt that changes in our lifetime.

Or really, perhaps our system is so F'd up that there's no way great people can win anymore.

Either way, it's completely hopeless. Keep your head down. Provide for your family. Hope you die in your sleep at a ripe old age surrounded by Porsches and BGE smoked briskets.
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Politics are important, I guess -- but just never understood why people are SOOOOOO passionate about it.

I don't feel like my life has been truly impacted one way or another with Obama, nor will it be under the next president (or governor). I also understand certain people, business owners, etc can experience palpable impact in certain areas, but thankfully that's not me.

Like Gas prices, I basically ignore it the best I can. My life goes on either way. Everything apparently "sucks" right now, and I don't disagree in a political sense, as the entire system/people involved are mostly a joke.

Amazingly, however, I've had & am having the best years of my life in spite of all that -- as are most of the people I associate with, seemingly.

Congrats to people like Adam who think they are changing the world though!

When were a majority of politicians "great people?"

Shit has been corrupt since the beginning.

It's a relative term. I'm not saying there are infallible angels out there ready to save us all, but America has had scores of great politicians that served the nation well in spite of their flaws.

We can't seem to get those folks in office anymore. Now, they're flawed and just suck at their jobs.

/half-baked political takes
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