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How do you post in gyero without animated "eek, rolleyes or laughing" smilies?

Hey Rich, I Laughed Out Loud like a little rolling around yellow chad. Just thought you would like to know I enjoyed your post.

Seriously, that new one sucks.
I really miss living in a hockey city. The Red Wings Blues games I went to in the early 90s were RIDIC. Hull, Yzerman, Federov, Shanahan, Coffey, etc. Before the strike and in the heyday of NHL 93 and 94, the NHL was DAF.
I really miss living in a hockey city. The Red Wings Blues games I went to in the early 90s were RIDIC. Hull, Yzerman, Federov, Shanahan, Coffey, etc. Before the strike and in the heyday of NHL 93 and 94, the NHL was DAF.

Yup, never really got into watching hockey, but damn the Joe was rocking. Remember the first time I saw somebody throw an octopus onto the ice...WTF.

Smashing Pumpkins playing Riverbend in August. Tempted, just not really thrilled they are with Marilyn Manson...that kind of weirds up the crowd.
Thought the Kurt Cobain piece HBO did last night was pretty good. What a trip down memory lane that was.

Have always thought Courtney Love was gross, nothing like some homemade heroin movies to really cement that thought. Kurt's first attempt to kill himself was basically because of her "cheating" on thanks a lot Courtney.
Tuesday Randoms:

- Bachelor party golf trip to some po'dunk town 35-40 minutes outside of Knoxville, Thurs-Sun, all my boys from UK throughout my 20s. Just an all-out drunkfest, wake up at 7am, starting pounding bourbon until you pass out at 3am. I don't even golf and still had a great time. Hilarious. Should be 100% recovered by tomorrow.

- Said it before and I'll say it again to you young'uns in here. Enjoy your buddies because it won't be long until almost all of them are married and half of them live out of town and you all get together maybe once every year or two. Miss those guys.

- Geez, even Anth is getting hangovers now. We must be old. Ever heard of coconut water, bro?

- I'll tell you one thing I don't give even one shit about- Willie changing his name. It amazes me that annoys or affects people in any way.

- Horse-racing is an awesome if not somewhat depressing sport (the track is just a bunch of degenerates all but a handful of times a year).

- Gee, shocking the fight was a disappointment. I haven't seen a good fight my entire adult life- and by adult, I mean high school on. Every damn one of them has been a maddening disappointment from Tyson-McNeely on. Needless to say, I'm glad we couldn't get the fight.

- I'm not sure what some of you guys would do if UK wasn't- you know- the most successful CBB program of all-time. You'd really have it tough then, probably wouldn't be able to get out of bed in the morning.

- I love a good craft cocktail and I love the feel of those types of bars- dark, lots of character, good ambiance- BUT it can get annoying quick trying to get a drink there. Takes these hipster pricks 15 minutes per drink.
I've always just kind of assumed Courtney Love killed him. I don't really have anything to base that on other than she certainly seemed capable and had the opportunity. Not sure she's bright enough to make it look like a suicide though. Her stupidity is the only thing that gives me pause.
Last thought on recruiting for awhile (unless Murray reclassifies)- how the F did Self land Diallo after this shit just happened?

Cliff Alexander, Kansas
Year: Freshman
Position: Forward
Stats: 7.1 ppg, 5.3 rpg, 0.4 apg

Alexander’s lone season at Kansas will be remembered as a disappointment not just because the highly touted freshman—No. 4 in the RSCI composite top 100 rankings for the Class of 2014—played worse than expected, but also because he didn’t play much at all. He finished his short tenure with the Jayhawks without ever having played more than 27 minutes in a game. In fact, he played fewer than 20 minutes in 16 of his 28 games. He then missed Kansas’s final eight games while facing an NCAA inquiry. While he was on the floor, he proved to be a potent rebounder and a developing scorer. But his early departure to the NBA (which makes sense given that he had yet to be cleared by the NCAA) will leave Kansas fans wondering what might have been.
I've always just kind of assumed Courtney Love killed him. I don't really have anything to base that on other than she certainly seemed capable and had the opportunity. Not sure she's bright enough to make it look like a suicide though. Her stupidity is the only thing that gives me pause.

They spent a lot of time on their relationship, but ended it pretty quickly when he killed himself, didn't really go into any of that, which I found kind of odd.

From what I recall he blew his head off with a shotgun.
* There's no doubt in my mind that Self negatively recruits against UK and Cal. I'm sure he plays the platoon card, and promises kids 30 minutes a game. He's got snake oil written all over him.

* LaGerald Vick?

* 2 points and 5 rebounds in 33 minutes. Not what I'd call "Trill."
Well when you drink from 9a-1a at the track 2 consecutive days even the nectar of the gods aren't going to save ya. No idea if I even had any coconut water. It was an extremely successful weekend. Expensive but fun. Sunday was pretty rough, but not bad enough that I couldn't enjoy laying on the couch watching sports and awful reality programming. Even had a few drinks that night with dinner to try and help with it. Yesterday was pretty rough as well but forced myself on the bike and went out for a 2 hour ride. Felt great after and great today.
Hit the trifecta on Saturday. To me it wasn't that difficult knowing American Pharoah and Dormund were going to come in the money. The order and throwing Firing Line in the mix was a last minute, throw another burger on the grill, this beer tastes fng great I need another type of last minute decision.

Sat in my basement seconds after the race feeling about as good as I had felt since March 27. Well oiled and not paying attention to the exact odd I was convinced I had cleared a couple grand. Adrenaline flowing. High fives all the way around. Threw on some tunes. Then saw the payout for a 2.00 trifecta was something around 164.00.

Oh well...Guess it's always good to come out ahead even if it's by a penny.
Last thought on recruiting for awhile (unless Murray reclassifies)- how the F did Self land Diallo after this shit just happened?

Cliff Alexander, Kansas
Year: Freshman
Position: Forward
Stats: 7.1 ppg, 5.3 rpg, 0.4 apg

Alexander’s lone season at Kansas will be remembered as a disappointment not just because the highly touted freshman—No. 4 in the RSCI composite top 100 rankings for the Class of 2014—played worse than expected, but also because he didn’t play much at all. He finished his short tenure with the Jayhawks without ever having played more than 27 minutes in a game. In fact, he played fewer than 20 minutes in 16 of his 28 games. He then missed Kansas’s final eight games while facing an NCAA inquiry. While he was on the floor, he proved to be a potent rebounder and a developing scorer. But his early departure to the NBA (which makes sense given that he had yet to be cleared by the NCAA) will leave Kansas fans wondering what might have been.

In case you havent heard (or read from Kansas fans), Self is amazing at developing big men.
WCS can change his name to Strawberry Shortcake for all I care. I'm not going to begrudge him. He's a 3 year player that was a valuable member on 2 of the most popular teams in BBN history.

Howevah, when your team captain is a flake (and that's as negative as I'm going - don't put words in my mouth), it shows. You think next year's team captain will wind up changing his name to something silly?
WCS can change his name to Strawberry Shortcake for all I care. I'm not going to begrudge him. He's a 3 year player that was a valuable member on 2 of the most popular teams in BBN history.

Howevah, when your team captain is a flake (and that's as negative as I'm going - don't put words in my mouth), it shows. You think next year's team captain will wind up changing his name to something silly?

He's not the team captain anymore. He no longer plays for Kentucky.
I'll definitely feel more comfortable with Tyler Ulis - a kid who viewed our 38-1 season as a failure - as our captain. That kid getsitmanhereallygetsit.
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If you didn't stay up all night last night vomiting and crying over Willie's name change, you're not a true blue fan imo. I almost went to the emergency room.
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Richie, next time try the superfecta. It's just one more horse.

That handicapper guy at the Steaks and Stogies dinner pretty much nailed it, of course picking four favorites.
I'm just over the bellyaching "everything sucks!" bullshit wrapped around this whiny fanbase right now.
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Then saw the payout for a 2.00 trifecta was something around 164.00.


~Report circulating Baffert was close to scratching Dortmund after his last work because of a slight bought with colic. Willing to give him another shot at beating AP in Maryland with what should be better win odds than what we got last Saturday.
I have the feeling that giving yourself the middle name "Trill" is going to ultimately be the equivalent of changing your name to "Tubular" back in the late 80s.
Bill Self may be the most protected coach in America. There are always shades of gray or outright violations swirling around his program, but it never becomes a real story because the college basketball media worships the guy. Hell, even Dawson still makes googly eyes at him because he covered the Illini beat a dozen years ago while Self was the coach there.
Hopefully we will see AP moving back to his natural 'undersized 4' role next year. He's gonna do some major damage down there, IMO. Wouldn't be surprised if he's 1st or 2nd team All-SEC providing his bounce/athleticism comes back from his knee injury... Just hope Cal lets him be the best effing version of himself and keeps him lurking around the baseline instead of hovering the perimeter out of position.
Bill Self may be the most protected coach in America. There are always shades of gray or outright violations swirling around his program, but it never becomes a real story because the college basketball media worships the guy. Hell, even Dawson still makes googly eyes at him because he covered the Illini beat a dozen years ago while Self was the coach there.

Yep. It's not like the dude is at some second-rate program either. Yet, it's funny- you never see a "self made his bed" column or anything close to criticism. Can you imagine how BBN would handle Self's tournament record?

Hopefully we will see AP moving back to his natural 'undersized 4' role next year. He's gonna do some major damage down there, IMO. Wouldn't be surprised if he's 1st or 2nd team All-SEC providing his bounce/athleticism comes back from his knee injury... Just hope Cal lets him be the best effing version of himself and keeps him lurking around the baseline instead of hovering the perimeter out of position.

I don't see any other option, really.

Said this before we missed everyone and I mean it- would have loved to grab any of those studs, but am also really looking forward to guys like Poythress, Lee and Willis to get their chance. There's something rewarding as a fan to get to see guys like Liggins and Harrellson go from benchwarmer after-thoughts to NBA draft picks. I hope and think we'll be surprised again.
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