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Awesome breakdown - can't speak to the rest, but you nailed Santorini. Shame you didn't make at least a few hours for The Acropolis in Athens, but hard to complain about that itinerary, pretty incredible trip.

Locals ride your ass like nobody's business in Santorini, too. Sorry pal, I'm not flying around these little roads w/ infinity cliffs on both sides.
Football every night this week except Friday. That’s the day we’re having (30) 7-9 yr olds to the house for my middle child’s birthday party. Look for the giant inflatable water slide as you drive by on 29 in jessamine county and feel free to stop by and enjoy some Hot n Readys. Just bring some v-bucks.

Per KSR, the majority of the state despised terry Wilson when he was the qb but I have yet to see one person celebrating his injury. Been universally the opposite. Kinda strange?

I’m a “Thanks” guy. Sometimes work in an exclamation point if I’m feeling giddy about the message.

Book Fair is at my kids school this week and the mf’ers are selling SLIME. You kidding me?? Slime??!! That shit is the worst. First of all, it gets everywhere. Second, it lasts a whole 25 minutes before the shit is totally contaminated with dog hair, pieces of poptarts, lead paint, etc.

Watching QB1 on Netflix - I actually like this scalzo dude. Hope he gets the job in a couple years. Reminds me of one of my boys. Just a fun loving cocky little prick. Plus seeing all the UK gear in the show is dope. Future is bright for the wildcats at the qb spot imo.

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When we refinanced a few years ago, I gave the mortgage company all of our information in orders of arrangement: Labeled Envelope -> Mini binder clip with Post It Note “Grouping” Labels -> Paper Clipped -> Stapled -> Loose.

They called two weeks later and claimed they only got a 1/5th of what they needed. Oh, OK.

Then when we signed the papers, the lady was late because she was waiting at her office and we had scheduled to do it at our house (a mile away). They all seemed like cellphone salesman that recently made a step up.

Went through that once a long time ago. Faxed multiple copies of the same document over and over again. Painful.

Just recently bought a duplex from a family friend. Fortunate enough to pay cash and no realtors involved. Handed over five checks and signed two documents. Closing took all of 10 minutes.
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Per KSR, the majority of the state despised terry Wilson when he was the qb but I have yet to see one person celebrating his injury. Been universally the opposite. Kinda strange?

That is one of those things that that proves everyone's points and breaks down on political lines. So f*** that.

KSR, ahem Ryan Lemond, spun that as Billy Joe Wildcat doesn't want a black quarterback and whatnot. There are some of those idiots, to be fair, but far rarer than Lemond bitches about. So, ok, fair enough.

That said, you can look at Terry Wilson's career and think, "This kid is pretty damn talented and clearly our best option but when he screws up it is jarringly obvious. Could he be better?"

That kid is now wearing a cast and shouldn't be involved in this nonsense since he has always seemed like a good teammate and the kind of wildcat that Ritchie would appreciate for loving the Cats and wanting what is best for BBN.
- Drove to Geneva Wednesday to hop around the town before leaving Thursday. Did a little paddle boarding on Lake Geneva, found some great foo and just walked around the city. Most of the area (obviously) was pretty old, but incredibly clean city. Probably the most expensive place we visited the entire time.

I spent a week in Geneva this summer. It was the most boring city I’ve ever been to. Did it not feel completely dead?

I’m heading back to Europe next week. Give me your #1 spot to go for the weekend. Was thinking Munich for Oktoberfest, but I’ve been there before (albeit not for Oktoberfest).

Also - Chaminox was phenomenal. I went skiing there two years ago. It is just the quintessential alpine town.
The "ANY LAWYERS, CRIMINAL?" thread has possibilities.

@MaxPowerrr @UnfrozenCatfanLawyer @TheShowKiller
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-"It's fine" has really crept into my daily vocab and I always feel anxious after using hoping it doesn't come across wrong. "Did that sound condescending, I can't tell, I gotta stop using that, f*cking gyero."

-Huge [eyeroll] to WCC, his beloved New Rift was sourced from the king of sourced and is absolute donkey piss. Any new bourbon is going to be sourced. Props for going out there and finding 5.5 year old high proof that doesn't taste like gasoline.

-Speaking of that isolated incident, f*cking geese has the audacity to stop in the driveway at the tailgate, text Bonzo, talk so loudly I could hear him while doing absolute God's work with the Joetesserie, and almost get away without coming in to see everyone. This snarky bitch crew and their shady dealings with the WCTGE is becoming an issue. Booker is the only trustworthy tailgater in that whole bunch.

-Going to have to save that Greece breakdown for tomorrow morning coffee time. Don't have it in me at 2:30p.

-Any fellow meathead or endurance athletes recommend a solid amino acid or protein supplement? Need something to fight off late afternoon snack attacks. Preferably with minimal sugars and nonsense.
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-"It's fine" has really crept into my daily vocab and I always feel anxious after using hoping it doesn't come across wrong. "Did that sound condescending, I can't tell, I gotta stop using that, f*cking gyero."

-Huge [eyeroll] to WCC, his beloved New Rift was sourced from the king of sourced and is absolute donkey piss. Any new bourbon is going to be sourced. Props for going out there and finding 5.5 year old high proof that doesn't taste like gasoline.

-Speaking of that isolated incident, f*cking geese has the audacity to stop in the driveway at the tailgate, text Bonzo, talk so loudly I could hear him while doing absolute God's work with the Joetesserie, and almost get away without coming in to see everyone. This snarky bitch crew and their shady dealings with the WCTGE is becoming an issue. Booker is the only trustworthy tailgater in that whole bunch.

-Going to have to save that Greece breakdown for tomorrow morning coffee time. Don't have it in me at 2:30p.

-Any fellow meathead or endurance athletes recommend a solid amino acid or protein supplement? Need something to fight off late afternoon snack attacks. Preferably with minimal sugars and nonsense.

Umm- no. As I have explained to your dumbass before in this very F’ing thread, New Riff has NEVER been sourced. They first introduced shit as BIB- over four years after they opened.

GD, I hate explaining things to new money assholes.
solid amino acid or protein supplement

Branch chain amino acids have been debunked as pretty useless in studies. I just supplement with whey protein and almond milk (or real milk if not restricting cals) in a blender bottle. Dymatize ISO vanilla is my favorite, but plenty good ones out there.
After taking a minute to cool off, that response may have been a tad harsh.
Umm- no. As I have explained to your dumbass before in this very F’ing thread, New Riff has NEVER been sourced. They first introduced shit as BIB- over four years after they opened.

GD, I hate explaining things to new money assholes.
Then they should've sourced it because like everything from up that way it's pure shit.
I don’t understand the controversy here. My initial metaphor (or maybe it was a simile) was on point.
Branch chain amino acids have been debunked as pretty useless in studies. I just supplement with whey protein and almond milk (or real milk if not restricting cals) in a blender bottle. Dymatize ISO vanilla is my favorite, but plenty good ones out there.
Thank you. I see that stuff about bcaa but looks like they're also not well researched and have a lot of supporters. My guy swears by them. I'm not looking to build muscle, just fight off cravings in a controlled manner and maybe recovery.

Or I could just eat 6-8 steaks per week.
@anthonys735 all depends on your normal schedule. What’s your diet/meal planning wrt your workouts? Whey/casein already?

@WayneDougan i am absolutely not the most well versed for most of Europe, but what’s your home base? If you can fly directly to Mykonos or Santorini I would do it without hesitation. Find a cheap hotel/Airbnb and explore.

And if you loved Chamonix in winter, I’d say go back now. Absolutely beautiful right now. If it’s easier to get there I’d do that.
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New Riff is just another bottle on my shelf. Choose a bottle that appeals to your present mood, pour it over an oversized cube into a Tiffany’s rocks glass, sip it while petting your golden retriever, catch a buzz and put the glass in the sink so your wife can hand wash it.

Don’t see what’s so hard about this. smh
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