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You're the guy that goes on vacation and orders a pina colada, pretending to not be happy about it and making comments like, “Don’t put no umbrella in there.” And “put it in a regular cup not those fancy women’s thingies.” All the while loving every second of sucking it down.

That is one way you can try to justify drinking a chick drink. Any grown ass man walking around, check that, prancing around with a Whiteclaw in your hand has to try to push blame somewhere else.
Sorry to hear that, voin.

I’d you’re looking for inspiration from a fellow runner, Google Jason Romero. He’s done some pretty legendary stuff, and I’d be happy to introduce you.

Life ain’t over. Just may need a little assistance with your Tinder swiping.
Wait, is voin being serious? What do you mean you found out you’re touching blind? Like you woke up without sight?
Voin, sorry to hear that but like Pti/pti said “life isn’t over”. I have 2 rare diseases that changed my normal life but trust me you’ll adjust. It sucks not being able to do what you normally did but there are support groups and foundations for practically everything now. Try them, I know I learned a lot and it helped me acclimate my lifestyle. I’m doing things now I was told I’d never be able to do.
Only in GYERO would someone try to out-disease someone.

"As a person who has been afflicted by two separate rare diseases, I think your blindness is bullshit." [eyeroll]

Voin, godspeed.
Debated on whether to share this or not because I truly don’t want a pity party but here goes anyway: I found out in July that I’m blind ... so no more mediocre fly ny posting or Extravs or really anything anymore for ol Voin. I just wanted my wildcat friends to know. GBB anyway

I bet you didn’t see that coming
Damn voin, sorry man.

Maren Morris concert was awesome. Basically a jam session with a bunch of their friends/singer/songwriters.

Honestly, Maren and her husband Ryan Hurd weren’t even the best on stage, even though they were the biggest names. Natalie owned it. She wrote some
Stuff I’d heard before. But when she played her stuff from the Star is Born movie and the stories, man that’s what makes music fun, oh and she wrote The Pontoon song. So obviously Massive points with me. It was really Fun.

If I could set my own lineup for one of these secret sessions, Ryan Bingham, sturgill, Childers and Jack White. Yeah that would be awesome.

Saw Mrs Bbdk, she was very happy to be there even though Adrian was too tired for a show.

Wife’s first attempt to get rich selling tickets was an epic flop. She will own this for a while. Good thing Fannie was up 42% today or I might be mad

Super pumped for Saturday. F those gaytards.
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Sorry Voin. At the rate medicine and tech are advancing, I bet you'll get your vision back at some point. Hopefully soon.

That is one way you can try to justify drinking a chick drink. Any grown ass man walking around, check that, prancing around with a Whiteclaw in your hand has to try to push blame somewhere else.
Seriously, if you’re worried about something or anything being a “chick thing” you have no balls and have no self confidence in yourself or your masculinity. You’re a pussy basically, but that’s calling pussies a bad name.
My uncle got RPK (I think that is what it is called) in the early 00s and he progressively developed tunnel vision before going legally blind. He can still see enough to type and read but can't drive, etc. It absolutely sucks but he still runs his own business, is happily married, etc.

So there is hope. And if you just can't see anything, at least you won't have to read UKO's idiocy any more, so that's some very mild upside, I guess.
Do I just have bad luck or is dealing with mortgage companies always a hassle?

We remodeled our kitchen and with the low mortgage rates decided to refinance since we're paying PMI. Mortgage company said go ahead and send in the information and we can appraise and close as soon as it's done. Mortgage processor gets our information and schedules us a closing date a week away, I tell him we can't do that because were still remodeling. No problem again, as soon as it's done we'll appraise and close quick.

Fast forward to last Monday, our kitchen remodel is done I order an appraisal and now it's been over a week and the appraisal department still hasn't even called to schedule.
* The finish to that Saints game was bonkers. That's a seriously fun team to watch, unlike the Bengals.

* Had some fun trolling the Stock Advice Thread. Here's the Cliffs Notes version: everything those dudes have bragged about buying has lost money, and everything they've sold has gone up. More or less. Good times.

* I'm only relying on very anecdotal evidence (the occasional meme/pic), but this Boris Johnson character seems to look like a much less polished, white trash version of our own president. It's like Tommy Boy running an entire country or something. Fair assessment or nah?

* Here's something that sucks about football season --> playing a directional school on an alternate specialty cable channel opposite a prime time, top-10 matchup (LSU-Texas). Just feels so incredibly unimportant. This weekend, howevva, we've got Florida at night. Just a completely different atmosphere. It's a great feeling to know we're actually playing a meaningful game that people will be watching.

* 4pm is the ideal kickoff. Still gives you time to watch the big prime time matches in front of a plate of wings and some cold pilsner beers.

* Great Sawyer Smith breakdown on KSR this morning. I honestly think we can make this transition without much dropoff.
Maybe the appraisers are busy and since they were scheduled and delayed(not your fault) they really aren’t making you a priority over some other people with more pull who cry louder.
So refinancing your mortgage wasn't a completely pain-free, seamless, easy transaction?

Not sure I'm buying. Pics or it didn't happen.
Do I just have bad luck or is dealing with mortgage companies always a hassle?

We remodeled our kitchen and with the low mortgage rates decided to refinance since we're paying PMI. Mortgage company said go ahead and send in the information and we can appraise and close as soon as it's done. Mortgage processor gets our information and schedules us a closing date a week away, I tell him we can't do that because were still remodeling. No problem again, as soon as it's done we'll appraise and close quick.

Fast forward to last Monday, our kitchen remodel is done I order an appraisal and now it's been over a week and the appraisal department still hasn't even called to schedule.

.....Go on
:boom::boom:Annual Bike to Beat Cancer solicitation. Great cause so just -> Click Here to be a great person.:boom::boom:

-Props to Cali for the Pay for Play bill. Tip of the iceberg but hopefully continues like the marijuana bills. NCAA isn't banning UCLA, USC, Cal, Standford from competition nor are those schools going to allow students to go to other states because they can get paid. Once one state goes the rest will follow quickly. Keep chipping away at those assholes in Indy.

-Head coach is on vacation so I'll be making my HC debut tonight. Hopefully my efficiency doesn't cause a mutiny when the other guy returns.

-Sawyer Smith, let's get it. Florida week. Play good solid football and hope we get the real Felipe Franks. OLine needs to BALL OUT and fans will do the rest.

-So Cade Cunningham is more open than we thought? Bet that's just hedging in case the OSU Coach gets fired. Regardless, sounds like UNC and UK are still in there.

-Recently going through some financing stuff has me wanting to run my head through a wall. Godspeed, cricket.
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When we refinanced a few years ago, I gave the mortgage company all of our information in orders of arrangement: Labeled Envelope -> Mini binder clip with Post It Note “Grouping” Labels -> Paper Clipped -> Stapled -> Loose.

They called two weeks later and claimed they only got a 1/5th of what they needed. Oh, OK.

Then when we signed the papers, the lady was late because she was waiting at her office and we had scheduled to do it at our house (a mile away). They all seemed like cellphone salesman that recently made a step up.
The refinancing part was relatively simple, so much so that they were trying to get us to close before we were ready. Now, were ready and they've ghosted us.
Seriously, if you’re worried about something or anything being a “chick thing” you have no balls and have no self confidence in yourself or your masculinity. You’re a pussy basically, but that’s calling pussies a bad name.

I mean you are right and I should apologize. Nothing wrong with rolling
around Key West on a scooter drinking White Claw, or loading up 6 deep in a Nissan Rogue with your buds sipping on White Claw and doing Chinese Fire Drills. Does anyone ever get bent out of shape thinking it is their turn to drive THE ROGUE ??
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