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Mortgage companies suck ass - main reason I got out of that business. Now, I still have to deal with them on a daily basis from the other side & it's just as annoying. There can't be a more disorganized industry in the world.

-Feel like I had a lot to do with the high proof of Down Home, tbh. Probably deserve an extry bottle or two, krazy.
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* I bought a house for $160k in 2015 at the lowest interest rate in recent memory. I ain't refinancing shit.

But good luck, Cricket. Joey's overly complicated advice seems pretty good, I guess.

* Sawyer Smith seems like he might have the potential to be a legit SEC QB, which is a rarity. How is he our backup?
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...although I'm completely good if Donald J. Trump himself wants to step in and force the NC2A to give us a ruling on Xavier Peters. What a gd joke.

It's especially infuriating when you consider that Peters' reason is to be closer to his child, while some of the other reasons which have already been approved were ridiculous.

I can almost guarantee you that Justin Fields made that bullshit up to get immediately eligible.
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- No offense but isn’t complimenting Krazy on the taste of his bourbon akin to complimenting Kenny Chesney on the lyrics to his songs.

- The olds weren’t kidding about the random aches and pains that come with becoming one of them. Where’d this lower back pain come from?

- I don’t trust anyone who anchors their email sig with “Cheers.”

- We’ll see where we are Saturday.

- Nobody’s flying higher than contractors these days. Charging a ton of $$$, blowing off projects, coming and going as they please ... Have heard complaints from like 10 people in the last month talking about these rascals.
- No offense but isn’t complimenting Krazy on the taste of his bourbon akin to complimenting Kenny Chesney on the lyrics to his songs.

Hatboggan swinging in along the baseline like Dikembe Mutombo to swat that shit out of here.

I feel like some credit is definitely deserved. Spent the time/money, made the contacts, put in the work tasting & developing the proof/profile he wanted, chose the right barrels, marketing it, and getting it in the bottle. Plenty of people do that w/ shit results/product - seems he has a winner on his first attempt, and all within a year or so of his seemingly ridiculous (at the time) initial idea and dream. [thumb2]
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- No offense but isn’t complimenting Krazy on the taste of his bourbon akin to complimenting Kenny Chesney on the lyrics to his songs.

-Kenny Chesney, really? :cry:

I think you may not grasp how much bourbon you drink that is sourced. Also there was 1000 barrels of the product that was sourced for my 5-1/2 year. Of those I picked 8, and I’d be willing to bet roughly none of those 1000 will be tasting the same.

- Guys Tommy told you yesterday he has had enough down home talk. He is helping politicians in my town get hired so please be easy on the subject. I don’t need those kind on my bad side.

-BBdK I asked for marketing help to take you up on an offer from months ago. Too busy, kind of like crickets mortgage company. :(

- I’m good with Sawyer, kind of reminds me of Sunshine from Remember the Titans.
Quick Europe rundown:

- Overnight flight from PHL-ATH; left at 4:30 PM and landed at 9:15 AM local time. Couple glasses of wine, couple medicinal sleeping aides...and we're there!

- First stop, island of Paros for three nights. Cool little seaport island, much less commercialized. Airbnb in the port city was great, walking distance to everything. Learned quickly that ATVs/mopeds/bikes were mainstay of travel. And they *sorta* follow the main traffic laws. Pleasant surprise that English is the main second language there, and everyone speaks it and it was pretty much on all the signs. Beautiful beaches, cool boat activities on the water, crystal clear water. Highly recommend for a little less traveled spot.

- Took a ferry to Santorini to meet a few friends. First, these ferries between islands were crazy. Honestly wasn't sure what to expect, but these things are massive. Hold 1k+ people, take cars back and, forth, personal comfortable seating, cafeteria, balconies, and they FLY. Incredibly impressive, and cheap!

Santorini...obviously one of the most popular places in the world for a reason. Just incredible. Pictures don't do anything justice. Views pulling up on the ferry, the caldera, the cliffs, sunset, volcanic beaches, all of it. We got incredibly lucky with restaurants, airbnb, activities, etc. Everything just seemed to work out.

Rented a car there, yikes. Tense moments with the lass driving around there late night trying to find our place since GPS isn't accurate. Tried to drop a pin at our house first thing...but it didn't save. Whoops. We stayed in Fira and drove the entire island from Oia down to Black Beach and Red Beach. Had heard tons of folks telling us the beaches in Santorini weren't worth wasting time, but highly disagree. Black Beach and Red Beach were awesome, and both very different.

Oia and Fira were both a little touristy, but honestly outside of wine there's basically no industry there besides tourism, so nothing unexpected. INCREDIBLE food though. Every meal seemed like the best of the trip.

- After 3 nights of Santorini, another ferry to Mykonos, my favorite spot. Again, incredibly lucky with airbnb location, right in the heart of the city. Oh, and Mykonos is essentially on night shift. First place we went advertised Happy Hour from 10PM - 12:30 AM. [laughing]

Basically everyone parties all night until 7-8 AM, sleep all day on the beach, lunch around 3PM, then a casual 10PM dinner, and hit the clubs again. Shew.

Thursday just walked around downtown, took in the Little Venice area on the water, and got a little sleep. Boat trip the next morning on a private 44 ft catamaran for 6 of us. Just a sick boat, awesome crew, but...HOLY WAVES. Learned that Mykonos is very, very windy with rough seas. Who knew? [laughing]

Boat took us to a secluded lagoon, made us lunch, served some local wine. Just a hell of a day. Nice little roller coaster ride back to the port, and off to town. Little nap, joined the locals in the clubs til 3-4 AM, and up again for beach club Santa Anna Saturday. Look that place up. Just incredibly beautiful people everywhere, front row cabana with a server. The works. Stayed until 5-6 PM when that place wound down, and walked up the road to Probably my favorite place on the entire trip. Beachfront day club with sunset views, huge bar and restaurant, event space for a small crowd for live music that turned into nightclub with DJ late. Wish we had been dressed for the evening or we may not have left. I'll be back.

- Sunday flew from Mykonos to Athens to Geneva, grabbed a rental car and drove to Chamonix, France in the Alps. I'm definitely more a beach person vs the mountains, but this place could change my mind. Most stunning place I've ever been in my life. Cool city sitting in the valley of Mont Blanc and other just staggering mountains. Caught up with some more friends we were meeting for a wedding the next day.

Get over to our chalet late, nice casual 6 BR cabin made for ski season with outdoor sauna and hot tub. Again, so lucky with these spots we found. Wedding Monday, went til 4 AM when the venue closed. Only get to hang with most of this crew once every year or so, had to make the most of it.

Tuesday got our life together and made the trip up to Aiguille du Midi, casual 13,000 ft peak that could take a cable car up for views. What a damn ride. Took 2 separate gondolas and an elevator ride to get to the top, Just stunning views of the entire French and Swiss Alps. Had a perfectly clear day and could see for damn miles. Honestly we were all a little queasy looking down. They had a little walkout area with glass floor...stomach took a few turns especially with the wind blowing up there. But so much fun, and damn worth it.

- Drove to Geneva Wednesday to hop around the town before leaving Thursday. Did a little paddle boarding on Lake Geneva, found some great foo and just walked around the city. Most of the area (obviously) was pretty old, but incredibly clean city. Probably the most expensive place we visited the entire time.

- Said our goodbyes Thursday, and flew GVA-LHR-PHL-BNA first class home. (Thank you citi AA Exec Plat churn game). The 8 hour flight from LHR-PHL was well worth the points with the lay down seats, wine, ice cream, etc. Managed to stay awake the entire flight home to try and avoid jet lag. Ate more Chick Fil A in the Philadelphia airport than I probably have in my life, but I missed my dear chicken sandwiches.

- Anyway, if anyone needs recs for a trip that way hit me up. We stayed in 4 airbnbs, 1 hotel, 5 cities, and did about every single touristy event imaginable. Best trip of my life, hands down.
Generally agree, but we’re making fun of Kenny Chesney now, wcc?

Touch you, pal.

Not making fun of either, both of whom I appreciate.

I’ll give credit ti krazy on what BBdK mentioned and to Kenny for his voice, stage presence and some of his song selection.
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