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Getting a vasectomy done this morning . I’m good with my 2 lil lassies running around.

Not a coincidence with the timing as the urologist has emphasized I really take it easy for 24 hours & there’s several games tonight to kick off Week 1. I told the lass she shouldn’t cook this evening since I simply won’t be much of a help (per doctor’s orders, of course ) and let’s order some za. Thinking Papa’s going to be in the house, a few casual frosties will be on tap in the basement and let’s CUE IT UP. Not a bad way to kick off the long holiday weekend. :cool2::football:
Yeah the most popular time to get snipped is also before March Madness. Congrats on shooting blanks bud. Don’t forget the bag of frozen peas.
This is why Richie is my guy. We really probably have almost zero in common from the outside looking in. But my man enjoys his ice cold domestics, chain food and college football like he’s some sort of common pfg shirt wearing contractor like me. Salute, fella. Enjoy your weekend.
While driving my 9-year-old to school, we saw a guy wearing what I generously referred to as a kilt (I'm pretty sure it was a skirt). He asked me, "Why would he wear that?" and I responded, "Maybe his balls are sweaty." A mistake? Maybe. What I was actually thinking? Yep.

Pretty sure that one will be repeated for the rest of the week/month/year at the 4th-grade lunch table. What a priceless father/son memory for the two of us!
So you are letting your 4th grade son know that when his balls are sweaty it’s ok to wear a skirt?

Probably how all the “confusion” started, good job!
Papa has it's place, but when you have 20 good pizza joints within a 2 mile radius of your home, that's just a terrible call. Get your shit together, Rich.

I’m not driving anywhere tonight, bub. Bearno’s delivers via Door Dash and that’s one of my go to’s so that may be the play. Sometimes I just fee like a large pepperoni & spicy Italian sausage from PJ’s. Dip the crust in the garlic butter and I’m a happy man.
To be fair, Richie is 100% public school educated. And used to play public league youth football.

Ballard High and CofC.

If we’re being honest, Charleston definitely has private, liberal arts school feel even though it’s a state school in South Carolina. When I was there 20 years ago it wasn’t much more than UK, even out of state. Now with the overall popularity of the city the school’s profile has risen and it’s gotten ridiculous from what I’ve gathered.
Papa Johns is absolutely gross, I hope to never eat it again the rest of my life. Literally 50 better options in most towns, and with many just as cheap and that deliver. Makes no sense to eat it.

Vasectomies are reversible, just sayin
Here is what I'll do if I ever get my balls snipped ----> tell my touching wife to run out and get my favorite pizza, along with anything else I think I may want or need while I'm layed up.
As an authority on this matter I can tell you that's not how it works. Instead the wife sits around rolling her eyes at your pain and making references about child birth.
Tell you what, Papa Johns is probably at the top when it comes to National Chain Pizza Spots that you nuke in the microwave the next day. Pretty sure the microwaved day after taste >>> The taste when it first arrives.

I do miss me some Wick's.

Impellizeri's was trash from what I remember when I lived in Old Louisville.

Of course, nothing beat the ol Hero's Pizza in JTown. Too bad the owners were pothead morons who couldn't pay my old boss his rent on time pretty much any month.
Alright, touch it... You’re right, Wodie.

In between bathing the kids, feeding them, cleaning the kitchen and trying to get the oldest little heathen to bed (which has now become a total ordeal), on top getting all of their shit ready for daycare tomorrow , getting herself ready for work and maybe have some down time around before going to bed I’m gonna set it straight tonight...

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