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Literally just last year Andrew Luck was in the top 5 for all major QB stat categories. Can we just rename the Dunning-Kruger effect the UKO effect? you would take him over Brady, Ben, Rodgers, or Brees in the last 5 years? Didn't think so. throw in Ryan and Stafford for good measure.

-Yeap its the Gorge. Been doing DMB Labor Day for a few years now. Red Rocks is about the last venue on my bucket list.

- This is nothing like Burning Man. I couldn't do that shit show. 80% of the attendees are 40's-50's, and not a rowdy crowd. Very laid back chill vibe. Nice big grass lot to camp in, plus we get premier camping that has the portable showers and I swear they clean the honey pots about every 15 mins so it's bearable. Below is the campground with stage in the background.
- Combos are fine if you have a gallon jug of something to wash it all down. Otherwise you'll dehydrate from a snack-sized bag.

- Cincy chili is fine if you treat it like White Castle. Drunk, late, and no other option to take nourishment.

- Mortgages are fine if you can pay them when you're supposed to.

- Hurricanes are fine if they don't exceed 70 mph winds and have a cool name like "Tyrone."

- Andrew Luck was fine that one year he got to play.

- Chappelle is fine when he had that tv show that everyone could quote.
Looking at the board, I noticed Mashburned posted a new rap thread complete with ALL CAPS to make it stand out. It's been up for a full 24 hours and not a single person has replied which made me chuckle. Not clicking on it btw.

Got the number 1 pick in the fantasy draft my sister and brother in law run tonight. The NFL sucks but the competition between my siblings makes it a hoot. My brother who is 2.5 years younger than me won it last year and that shit cannot stand.

Been on a Cars kick:
Bye Bye Love
You are the Girl
Just what I needed
You're all I've got tonight
Did you just say Matt Stafford???


Just a quick nugget for your ignorance...this from an early on comparison.

Through Andrew Luck’s first four seasons, he’s played 55 games, throwing for 101 touchdowns, 14,838 yards and 55 interceptions for a career passer rating of 85. Through Stafford’s first 55 games, he threw for 101 touchdowns, 16,005 yards, with 62 interceptions. Stafford’s career passer rating is 85.8.

You can look up his stats here and proceed to be a dumbass.

Andrew Luck's 4,761 passing yards during the 2014 season is the Indianapolis Colts' franchise record. This record exceeds Peyton Manning's highest single-season total of 4,700 yards from his 2010 season.

Most Passing TDs in First 6 Seasons

• HOF Dan Marino: 196

IND Andrew Luck: 171

• IND Peyton Manning: 167

• SEA Russell Wilson: 161

Most Passing Yards in First 6 Seasons

• IND Peyton Manning: 24,585 yards

• HOF Dan Marino: 23,856 yards

IND Andrew Luck: 23,671 yards

• ATL Matt Ryan: 23,472 yards
What’s the deal with the pregame concerts this fall?

Potsy n Friends Good Time Revival Band get this nix from MilqueToast? The scene in between the KET & Green lots not a family enough environment as the plebeian based masses may have been getting too rowdy?

Being he can't play until next year, hopefully Mr. Bossman Fat will put on a few concerts. That will definitely get some recruits bobbin and noddin.
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Andrew Luck's 4,761 passing yards during the 2014 season is the Indianapolis Colts' franchise record. This record exceeds Peyton Manning's highest single-season total of 4,700 yards from his 2010 season.

Most Passing TDs in First 6 Seasons

• HOF Dan Marino: 196

IND Andrew Luck: 171

• IND Peyton Manning: 167

• SEA Russell Wilson: 161

Most Passing Yards in First 6 Seasons

• IND Peyton Manning: 24,585 yards

• HOF Dan Marino: 23,856 yards

IND Andrew Luck: 23,671 yards

• ATL Matt Ryan: 23,472 yards

We're only counting the first 55 games...sorry, thanks for playing.
Pretty soon y'all are going to start bad mouthing a Big Boy from Frisch's and it's going to cross the line


Absolutely gorgeous day on the course. Came out on fire. Several bombs, but the wedge and putter were my highlights.

Dave Chapelle cued up.

Andrew Luck made the Probowl 4 times. So yeah he sucks.
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- Been ridin’ high all week on the fact that we skipped our usual Labor Day trip to visit family in Michigan wherein I lounge about a heated pool but I don’t get to watch as much college football as I would like (all of it)... Just realized that I have to attend a good pal’s baby shower at 3pm on Saturday in Harrodsburg. As my in-laws would say, I’m absolutely gutted. I just confirmed per the invitation on the fridge.

- Good news is, a couple weeks ago, I had to pass on taking my buddy’s spot at the Coach’s dinner at Ruby’s because I was making a 13.5 hour drive to Canada at the time. So I’m already very rock-bottom disappointed with my fandom leading into the season, HAHA.

- Hey Krazy, “Who’s this Fica guy and why’s he taking all of my money?” IMO.

krazy does or does not think the bank is paying his escrow? I honestly don't know.

Do you really want the answer? Is it not more fun assuming my dumbass honestly might not know how escrows work, even though I’ve paid them for 15 years. Surplus, shortages, refunds etc......
Pretty reasonable that we don't have an answer from the NC2A re: Xavier Peters midway through the first week of the season. A lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-you's to this matter. Lotta strands for the NCAA to consider, man. Lotta strands in old AA's head.
That’s the NCAAs plan? It’s a real Swiss watch.
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I did pay Cobra one time for 3 months due to change of job while the wife was pregnant. Compared to that product, over paying for homeowners seems like a no brainer!

Absolutely gorgeous day on the course. Came out on fire. Several bombs, but the wedge and putter were my highlights.
Thanks for invite after talking about it.

Skyline is not better than Frischi’s doggie. The diversity alone on menu kills Skyline

The McEnroe brothers continue to be one of the best commentator duos In sports.
Louisville has former walkons starting on the offensive and defensive lines, wouldn't be surprised to ND up 3 TDs by the end of the 1st quarter.
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-Anyone watching 'The Family' on Netflix? Pretty weird/interesting.

If that is the one about the prayer breakfast, hell YES. I love watching those mini docu-series.

Anyone keeping up with the Jerry Falwell Jr. making his 20-something pool boy and trainer multi-millionaires. Gay sex extortion, that old gambit.
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