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re: will grier. he says it was otc, but can anyone actually confirm this?? has he even said what the otc was?? he can get pumped, as far as im concerned. i read where he's put on more than 40 pounds since getting to gainesville. so I'm calling bs. i don't believe his bs story anymore than the 1000 other ridiculous stories from the 1000 other big name athletes that have been caught. gfy, bub.

if you're doing an interview about on an on campus, minority driven whore factory, the last guy i want interjecting his opinion on the subject is the clean cut white accounting major who shows up in a suit on a lunch break from his wealth management job. good lord. but nice try, luuuuuuuke.
[laughing] at Mike Marra being employed there too. I know I'd want my financial planner to have a giant psycho clown tattoo.

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a quick google search of sarms indicated that they're the same as anabolic steroids, but with none of the side effects. i can understand the confusion. oh, and also...

All those guys look like Louisville Men except Greg and Neil. Rod Brooks looks like he could be the next UL AD.
In Boat's defense* - I assume the reason his birthday is so ridiculous this year is because it's his 40th, right?

*not really a defense at all, just wanted to point out that Boat is 40. FORTY (40).
Kinda reinforces my assumptions about the majority of the "wealth management" industry.

"Wealth Managers" are often the sales guys who take you golfing, to a game, whatever to 'sell you'. They are supposed to know the buzzwords, but at ANY reputable place, they aren't making any actual financial decisions, unless it's super basic. I'd imagine the biggest financial decision of Marra's life has been "More Tats or new Rims?"

Pretty typical ex-jock type job where their firm is hoping they can glad hand some UL fans into giving them their money.
It's unfathomable that a shooter of the caliber of Mike Marra isn't playing somewhere. Being a wealth advisor must make pretty good bank for him to turn down that rumored Raptors deal.
Tuesday Randoms:

- Of course, Boat treats his birthday like a 22-year-old female. smh

- Pro Day Quicks:

* It's going to be fun watching Ulis this year. He may be the best PG in the land. I can't think of anyone I'd take over him. Dude's shot is almost underrated. Auto.

* Pretty smart decision by Cal getting a reclassified Humphries under the radar. That year of development will be key next year because the kid has the tools. Needs work on D but fairly polished already on offense. Watch for him to make a leap by March. Impressive introduction.

* Lee looks bigger. I'm curious about him. His athleticism is his calling card but his offensive feel is underrated. He's not a bad passer. It's there for him if he wants it.

* Briscoe is going to be so fun to watch. Unique style. I'm sure he'll piss us off at times but will be interesting to see how Cal fits him in.

* Mulder didn't show much but his charts were stupid. People keep comparing Matthews to Liggins and I get it, but I think he's a much better athlete. In fact, I think if he sures up his shot, he's two-and-done. He's nearly as athletic as Troy Williams with much better perimeter skills.

* You can just tell the talent of Skal and Murray. Skal moves like only about a dozen other 7-footers in the world. Add his pogo hops and sure jumper and wow. He's not AD, but he's definitely in that next tier talentwise. And Murray just carries himself like a star. Very efficient in his movement and has some sneaky bounce which you only see when he's exploding toward the rim.

- wcc Preseason AA Team (positionless):

Jamal Murray, UK
Yogi Ferrell, IU
Malcolm Brogdon, UVa
Freddy Van Vleet, WSU
Denzel Valentine, Michigan St.

- Great call from King Llama on Wolken's "Misery Index" CFB column. Great read every Monday. And by the way, this kind of lead is why KL is the most under-appreciated poster in GYERO. Doesn't get enough love despite years of consistently solid sports takes.

- [laughing] ESPN cancelling its Kevin Johnson 30-for-30 because he's basically another R. Kelly. How the hell did that doc get made anyway? There have been hints about the dude being a pedophile for over a decade.

- If last week's CFB docket was underwhelming, well this week certainly makes up for it...

Thurs- Auburn @ UK
Fri- UC @ BYU (not to mention Madness)
Sat- Ole Miss @ Memphis, UofL @ FSU, Bama @ A&M, Michigan State @ Michigan, Florida @ LSU, USC @ND

-I would like to think that jobs like Maryland and USCar are foes we can fend off to keep Stoops. If PSU, MSU, OSU, Nebraska come open I'll be really concerned. We can pay just as much and we've basically built his dream facility at his direction. Unless it's one of the powerhouses I doubt he'd leave before the practice facility is done.

-Be interesting to see if Carolina can go after someone that's not heading towards retirement looking for the Augusta National membership. Granted that worked out pretty well for them. Took them to a place they've never been.

-Now that the story is settling down and no new relevant info has been released you're going to hear all kinds of crazy conspiracy theories. Just remember, those text messages. They can come up with all this BS but if those texts are verified it doesn't matter if she blew TWill or not.

-Spurrier, gotta be a really special dude to be such an asshole yet everyone universally love you. What a dude.

-Ramsey, wow. I normally agree ignoring people like that is the best but I feel like the right nudge would send that dude postal.
in ANY sales position (realty/insurance/investments), the actual knowledge of the product explains about 5-10% of ones success. ability to schmooze, bs, and rub elbows with the right folks is the rest.

i see this every day in my job. pretty envious, to be honest.

"yeah, you know joe? holy s*** he doesn't know his head from his ass. makes about 600/year, though. baller!"
The main principal of the firm, Mark Lamkin, hired LUUUUUUKE & The Clown to essentially open up doors.

Lamkin is big UL fan/wannabe booster and looks to be cut from the same cloth as Captain Suntan. Overly bronzed & way too muscular for a man of that age.
So wealth management doesnt really require any formal education in any type of monetary discipline? Interesting.
Assuming it's entry level sales gig like real estate or insurance. At least they're working though.

Really surprised Hancock didn't go play some Euro ball for a few years. Seems like that would be a good way to make a little dough after college. Much better than grinding away right out of the gate.

I mean Morris and several other dudes go over there and pull mid 6 figures for 10+ years. The dudes that realize the NBA isn't a reality and commit to overseas do pretty well. Hancock seems perfect for that style. Can't be making 50k as a rookie wealth adviser.
Spurrier is supposedly a really good guy. Hell, even Fulmer considers him a good friend.
I think Hancock got hurt overseas, but im sure nobody wouldve liked him over there anyway so a long term career was never realistic.

Have no clue what an entry level wealth manager does. Literally all of my retirement and investment stuff goes through state retirement accounts- I pay into it, and twice a year they send someone to meet with me and decide if we need to change anything. I dont do anything on my own.

Playing devil's advocate- I'm a little surprised someone hasn't leaked/reported that the text messages/phone records HAVE (or have not) been verified. Just because that's a simple thing to do. Maybe it was and I missed it, though.
Sounds like these guys are getting too much free pu**y to leave Louisville. So that $40-$45k job is really like $50-$55k when you factor in the ubiquitous free pu**y.
Good point. Kinda like including your retirement/health insurance benefits when weighing a higher salary offer. Very nuanced.
The author has said they've been verified, numerous times. They also aren't giving UL anything. Powell is in hiding. McGee isn't going to verify them. So I'd think the NCAA already has that info and you don't really hear much info leaked from them. You only got the info from Lyle because the dude is crazy.
One question I haven't seen addressed anywhere, what's the possibility that any current UL player will be linked to this and either be declared ineligible or have to miss games? They've got a lot of foreign players that simply may not have known what was going on as they got laid. I'll hang up and listen..and go back to lurking.
One question I haven't seen addressed anywhere, what's the possibility that any current UL player will be linked to this and either be declared ineligible or have to miss games? They've got a lot of foreign players that simply may not have known what was going on as they got laid. I'll hang up and listen..and go back to lurking.

Well... there are pictures of Mango in the book.
lyons and that kid were best friends growing up, which makes that hit even cooler.

absolutely love that guy. his 1 handed grab at the msu game in 06 is an all time great. had to be overturned on replay.

speaking of wealth management guys, he's one. met with him. the fanboy in me had to hold back just surrenduring all my assets on the spot.
Nebraska is secretly one of those BIG JOBS that isn't a big job anymore. In the middle of nowhere, no recruiting base, everyone has caught up (or surpassed) their strength program, etc. They made a huge, huge mistake abandoning the wishbone and have never been the same since.
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Nebraska is secretly one of those BIG JOBS that isn't a big job anymore. In the middle of nowhere, no recruiting base, everyone has caught up (or surpassed) their strength program, etc. They made a huge, huge mistake abandoning the wishbone and have never been the same since.

Wonder why they didn't go hard after Paul Johnson. If you're going with an old coach, why not one who's system mirrors what you used to do best?
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Nebraska is secretly one of those BIG JOBS that isn't a big job anymore. In the middle of nowhere, no recruiting base, everyone has caught up (or surpassed) their strength program, etc. They made a huge, huge mistake abandoning the wishbone and have never been the same since.
They also abandoned the "recruit psycho JUCO guys but keep the 'aw shucks' image" policy that really helped them. Notre Dame made the same mistake when Holtz left.
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