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Maybe he has only seen Caddyshack 2 and mistakes that for being Caddyshack.

Yeah I would go with that one.
Have been to Ketchum ID where Hemingway offed himself. Beautiful little ski town.

Other obscure places I have been include the site of Doc Holiday's burial near Glenwood Springs, CO and John Michael's Bar and Grill, Jessamine County.
-you're snarking up the wrong tree, comrade.


-i will be in your fair city in September checking out UofL and dinner/lunch recs appreciated.
Nothing wrong with LEGAL immigrants, imo.
I thought Vanderbilt was full of smart people. I can't believe they're taking on this kind of liability risk.

Thousands of the best attorneys in the world, or PTI? Tough call on who to go to for legal advice.
MilqueToast will just scowl at the unwashed masses or genpop as Anth refers to enjoying a cold beer in the stadium when UK plays Vandy on 11-16.
-What's everyone's all time favorite Novel? Looking to find a good new one and also a Classic to dive into

I know you were inundated with suggestions yesterday but you should go with Darkness at Noon and then follow it up with Animal Farm. Both are classics and connected in their subject matter.

For classics, a good point of reference is the Modern Library's top 100 english novels off the 20th century. I stumbled upon the list many years back and found I hadn't read one of them. Now I'm up to around 30, and have yet to be disappointed.
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* N’Faly Dante is 17 freaking years old. No thanks.

* <— Just doesn’t really give a flying touch where ya from or how ya got here.

* Probably need to crawl down a “CrossFit fails” wormhole today, just to feel better about myself.

* Injera bread, doro wat. :raised_hands::raised_hands:

* what do you sneak into the movie theater? Sour Patch Kids for this homeboy. Lass goes with Raisinets. [eyeroll]

* No bombs yesterday for Aquino. Cut him.

* The term “superteam?” Jesus Christ, ESPN. Don’t you need to win something before earning that tag?

* Great news story: Andy Dick supposedly grabbed a dudes Richard on Bourbon Street, then the dude laid him TF out.

Good. F him.

* F Chase, too.
Next to Briny Baird, Andy Dick is the one random dude I inexplicably hate the most. Totally despise. And I have no clue who he actually is or why he’s pseudo famous. He’s terrible.
Next to Briny Baird, Andy Dick is the one random dude I inexplicably hate the most. Totally despise. And I have no clue who he actually is or why he’s pseudo famous. He’s terrible.

Kind of like Max and UCL, I’ve often wondered if Andy Dick and Kathy Griffin are the same.
Yeah, UK definitely can’t trust the poors who worship UK and save up for weeks to attend an event. You just can’t underestimate how wild the rednecks will go when you allow them to purchase alcohol. I mean, if they aren’t wealthy, they’re probably dumb and reckless. Great point.
Andy Dick was fantastic on Norm's podcast. That and NewsRadio are the only things he's done that isn't vomit inducing

- Love the "all immigrants welcome!" signs in neighborhoods where not a single immigrant has set foot, except to do menial labor, of course.
Dear lifelong Football fans
As a token of our appreciation for sitting through 50 years of shitty football we would like to take away your parking pass, raise your ticket prices, move your seats, not allow you to buy alcohol like others in the stadium and call you "microwave fans" when you bitch about any of this.

Worst AD in history
It's ironic(?) that "poor" and "pour" sound exactly the same but the former can't enjoy the latter at Krogers Field. Mitch hates homophones.
Homophonphobic is a problematic look for a major university’s AD imo.

I think if there’s a boycott of Apex gear there will be a change to the alcohol policy. You can ignore the unwashed masses but you can’t ignore the bottom line.
You know what grinds my gears, really fat people who get really tan. Pumpkin you're 320, tanning ain't helping. Spend that time at the gym.
Yeah, UK definitely can’t trust the poors who worship UK and save up for weeks to attend an event. You just can’t underestimate how wild the rednecks will go when you allow them to purchase alcohol. I mean, if they aren’t wealthy, they’re probably dumb and reckless. Great point.

I'm just telling you there's that line of thinking out there, bub. Vandy holds itself to a much different standard. They don't have many Billy Joe Commodores in comparison to their SEC brethren that 'save for weeks to attend an event' and let themselves go. Most of that element flocks to UT/Titans or both. This is their mindset. We can handle it.

SAE can back me up on this, right?
Billy Joe Commodore sounds like a badass name, tbh. Possibly plays himself in action movies or maybe he's a country music legend. Might even be a bouncer at Road House (Texas or otherwise).
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