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I really love Ross Thomas novels. My favorite is Chinaman's Chance.

He made a bet with another writer for a while to just see how offensively he could name his novels and still get them published. Hence Chinaman's Chance, The Eighth Dwarf, and Missionary Stew. It was the late 70s and early 80s, so pretty risque, I guess. More importantly: great books.
You're GD right it does. That book was both mind-numbing and infuriating. Complete dog shit and hated reading every second of it. It honestly made me litter more often out of spite.

Had an English teacher assign The Dollmaker and when everyone complained how boring it was, she explained that it was intentionally boring to reflect how boring the protagonist's life was.

While she was my favorite teacher in high school, she can still go f*** herself for that one.
* Is wcc on a cruise?

If so, I’m fairly certain my friend is in the same boat. Say hi to Lori from Slidell/New Orleans if you get a chance, wcc.
This page is the kind of random bullsh*t and hot takes I miss from GYERO's heyday. Nice work everyone.
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You know who can EAD? Hemingway, that’s who.

Probably alone here, but that stilted dialogue 3 pages about a piece of driftwood writing drunk was overrated as hell.
If you all like short stories with a humorous bent, check out Leo Rosten.

Ring Lardner was fantastic as well.

If you read Rosten you’ll see where my handle comes from.
:okay:rudd - The Stranger

Any of you with kids that want a collection of short stories for them check out Homer Price and also Centerburg Tales.
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When I was in late elementary school I went on a biography tear. Walter Chrysler, Thomas Alva Edison etc.

It’s kind of sad, when you grow up and find out how those people ACTUALLY were. Edison for instance. They never mentioned in the book that I read just how much of a neurotic, thieving, brutal POS that he was. It was all voice recorders and light bulbs.
Chad’s best contribution to gyero were his Bachelor takes. I miss them.

Bachelor in Paradise has been decent. Hanna tryin to play the playa?
Enjoy your White Claws. I’ll be over here living my best life at 14% ABV.

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