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-hemmingway was a poseur. I enjoyed for whom the bell tolls...primary based on subject matter/setting. The Spanish Civil War is fascinating/ was a harbinger of things to you had people who knew how to write involved/covering the conflict. Orwell, Koestler, Dos Passos, Malraux et al. Most war/history work is *dry*...not the case here.
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Go Pres, Go. IMO. I had a millennial coworker try to seriously talk me about the merits of architects unionizing at my previous job.

It pretty much began and ended with me reassuring him that it was only to my detriment because I already had more rare and valuable skills than everyone else at our office and was already treated better than most- because I worked to develop those skills.

I believe I even likened myself to a hypothetical standout Cat and quoted John Vincent, “This ain’t communism.”
Raymond Carver's short stories are good.(Where I'm Calling From) He was troubled and troubling to say the least.

Guy de Maupassant is also a favorite.(
Boule de Suif)

Maupassant was one of a fair number of 19th-century Parisians (including Charles Gounod, Alexandre Dumas, fils, and Charles Garnier) who did not care for the Eiffel Tower.[10] He often ate lunch in the restaurant at its base, not out of preference for the food but because it was only there that he could avoid seeing its otherwise unavoidable profile.

He also had syphilis and tried to kill himself.
You know who can EAD? Hemingway, that’s who.

Probably alone here, but that stilted dialogue 3 pages about a piece of driftwood writing drunk was overrated as hell.

I love Hemingway but I don't disagree with your point. At least he managed to get his whole head in front of the shotgun, though, so he should get credit for that.
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Hard to beat "Superfudge" imo

Actually, "Superfudge" sucks because out of the blue it reveals the truth about Santa, which ol' KL spotted about one-tenth of a second before reading it out loud to the youngest at bedtime one night. It spills it about Santa. In a KIDS book.

WTH, Judy Blume?
Hemingway’s house is a block from mine same street. Judy Blume is another Key West author. Don’t shit on them because you dont like me guys that’s just not fair.
Betting BBdK is the only other person to have never seen The Office.

Admittedly I've started watching more lately since it's leaving Netflix next year.
As big of a self-important New England meathead that Portnoy is- his business acumen is hard to deny. They are reporting over a billion social media impressions just yesterday which they value at over $20million in free advertising. I have no idea how that is calculated or translates to real value- but it seems like a good thing. That and the fact that his entire platform is screwing with people and making a good living at it while we've been doing it for free on a CatsPaw for 15 years makes me a little envious. Makes me wonder what could have been had the GYERO website survived.

Felt like 110 here yesterday. In the moment I would take 5 months of snow and ice and 4PM darkness every day. Its just oppressive.

Louisville getting pre-season basketball top-3 love (not buying that just yet) on the same day they put out a google-doc sign up sheet for "anyone with football experience" is truly bizarre.

Not sure what we're going for here, Coke.

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I don't even know how that is possible.

It's like getting caught with alcohol at Kroger(s) Field incomprehensible.
-chicken 65 from taj last night...indian hot. Usually doesnt bother me but had nuclear heartburn last night. Have become buddies with owner over the years...always good for a few freebies, last night were veg pakora and chai tea.Indian is the best "ethnic" food by far.

-re: ethnic food...Lexington needs a good Ethiopian joint.

-last first day of school for prima today. Goes fast.

-reds/cards thursday night.
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