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DK might have led the gyero contingent, but was far from a top performer overall.
Yea that’s what they are up here at most places too.

I shouldn’t speak on it really, so all support is appreciated and if I gain any brand loyalty(because it honestly is good and compared to other juice in my price range I can hold my own and not watered down to 90 proof) It will be repaid as I fine tune everything I do.

Also if you like my page on Facebook you will get week to week updates as to where my product is.

Alright you guys. Make dreams come true. Go buy Krazy’s juice.

It’s a very gyero thing. Flex
Old roommates showed up that I wasn’t expecting to see, and I was the butt of the joke for that as well as the Southern Comfort I used to pimp in High School.

I was just returning the jokes, and you’ve been invited to try any of my open bottles anytime!
Man I hope Bauer stays right in this groove because he knows how to pitch, when to go after a hitter and when to dodge. That does lead to a lot of pitches but he is so old school, in that 120 pitches is nothing for him, that is doesn’t matter.

Waiting for his defense to get in the dugout, man! That’s the type of guy you run through a fence wall for.

Kudos, and I couldn’t have been more wrong.
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Are we going to discuss the Twitter account that dk used to post that picture? What is that?
Downtown Denver less than 10 minutes and run into a bicycle buggy dude with his buggy decked out in UK logos. Former Campbell County Camel who thinks he knows a GYERO alumnus from there.
Yeah? Wonder why?

Ask her just how many other men on cat paw she emailed nude pictures to, drove to Louisville to meet, and later forgot about? [winking]

This is about the 20th time you've brought it up in GYERO, so maybe this will finally break your little heart enough to let it go. It happened, I'm really sorry bro.

I’m sure it happened, she’s just crazy enough for it to have. Congrats, I’m sure you enjoyed it. Probably have it saved in your “spank bank”. Good for you.

As far as the Red Stag, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Man...dK brought the :fire: tonight. Dude wasn’t playing around.
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Hell, I'll admit it. I think I still have Red Stag somewhere in the freezer with the Jägermeister and Evan Williams Honey. Cold/cough medicine. Better than Nyquil. Don't know when I last had any of that. Been on a rye whiskey kick lately.

The entire management staff was informed that our quarterly financial meeting scheduled for February to Orlando, then busing us to Port Canaveral to take a 4-day Disney Cruise with our spouses/families. :flushed: Helluva gesture. And I'm sure a helluva tax write-off.

@Lexivixi on Instagram. Lives in Lexington. You're welcome.
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What Rye’s? Pikesville and Town Branch are awesome, and Old Fo at $25 a bottle is really tough to beat because of the price
-Don't believe I've ever tasted Red Stag. Fireball for sure, we keep the little mini bottles stocked, but not Red Stag. So Mr Bullfrog can shove that take up his arse.

-Staff at Locker Room was great. Reminded me a lot of the annual Shively Sporting Goods visit. Little man is outfitted, appreciate the help. Realized I don't have a glove anymore or at least I don't know where mine went. Hadn't looked for it in a good 15 years since my last softball league. So I'm going to grab one next time I have to run and get him something, which I assume will be soon.

-Down Home 5.5 is solid. It's really hot at 122 but doesn't burn the throat with 1 cube it was smooth. Label looks better in person because I was assuming it would be glossy. Glad you went with that finish. Blue foil pops. They had it on the "special" bourbon shelf behind the counter at LBE.

-Old Fo Rye is the best $/rye out there and it's not even close. That's a damn fine whiskey.
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This jeff Epstein suicide is real fishy.

Amazing a guy who’s on suicide watch in a prison facility can do that.

The man who knew too much.
I'm not a big conspiracy theory guy- I believe its fairly common for folks on suicide watch to end up still killing themselves.

I assume that those monitoring an inmate under those circumstances simply just kind of dont intervene. They arent passing them old razor blades through the bars, but if a guy figures out how to hang himself with the elastic in his underwear- hes eventually going to do it.
I don't think there's a person on the planet that believe Epstein committed suicide, or at least that he did it on his own. The more convenient a coincidence is to people in power, the less likely it is to be a coincidence. This one ranks as a "no f*cking chance" on that scale.
I'm sure it's possible that he was murdered BUT the dude was a softy already on suicide watch and facing life in prison with a long series of embarrassing interrogation regarding his high profile conspirators. That's pretty solid reason to pull the plug. Probably more likely that they were lax in their "watch."
Generally, with people on suicide watch in jail, the level at which they are monitored depends on what their current suicide risk level is. For example, if someone is on deemed to be high risk they might be monitored up to 24/7. But at lower risk levels, they aren’t monitored as frequently. And even if their risk level is high they might be monitored frequently but not quite 24/7.
That asshole was too much of a narcissist to commit suicide. His "attempt" two weeks ago was reported that he had tried to choke himself, which is absurd.

This guy was supposedly under constant surveillance to prevent this. He was snuffed because he knew too much about too many powerful people.
Wouldn't be surprised if Pence made a visit to Epstein in prison. I can picture them chatting through a chain linked fence, enjoying a cigar, talking about the good old days.
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