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52 years old and no tats. But if I was to ever get one, my boy Allen Iverson would be the cause. I have always joked about the big Anchor on his neck with "RA BOOGIE", it is in fact in reference to a friend who was shot and killed. Or I would go with "Hold My Own" on my arm.
Yeah... BUT... the night one of your buddies got that 39% +prime credit cards was fantastic. Buying shots for everyone, walking around like a baller, drinking shelf bourbon rather than well, the works.
I maxed out a Discover card in one night down in New Orleans back in 1999. Of course the limit was probably $500 but it cost me north of $2,000 to repay.
Pretty sickening, indeed, that an institution of higher learning, and a non profit one at that, would allow someone to manipulate teenage children into borrowing unsecured monies without proof of income, credit, or employment history.

One would think a major university would NEVER engage in such a shady, albeit lucrative, self serving practice.

When I think back to college and how UK basically invited credit card companies to set up shop and help plunge the student body into a lifetime of crippling debt, it seems like kind of a bad idea that someone should've gone to jail over.

But the card had a UK logo on it aaaaaand you got a t-shirt so worth it.
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Or using a bogus name everytime you moved to get said free CD's
My most prized possession freshmen year was my shiny new Delt logo credit card. Man, felt like I had really made it.
I forgot about those logo cards, I had one as well. Probably my first CC.

I also made the smart financial move of getting a Cellular One Nokia phone back when you paid for all minutes, (94-95 ish). I didn't want to share with the 10 other ppl on the jimmy rigged phone line on my side of the house. After couple $300+ bills I abandoned that plan.
<— still has his one and only credit card. Got it at 18 at a Cincinnati Reds game. Still have the hand towel I got with it. Team logo card.

Member since 1997, and still going strong.
Jeremiah Gold was always my fake credit card app name because I assumed a Jew would have a better chance at accidentally being issued a real credit card.
Really trying to figure this points, credit card game, free travel thing out.

Christ how do you manage life(my life not yours), kids, work, upstart business, family, kids friends:)chairshot:), and still have time to mange credit card points?
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52 years old and no tats. But if I was to ever get one, my boy Allen Iverson would be the cause. I have always joked about the big Anchor on his neck with "RA BOOGIE", it is in fact in reference to a friend who was shot and killed. Or I would go with "Hold My Own" on my arm.

:joy: Shocking

I would put something like “You Can’t Hold My Dip” . A big ol Kodiak bear on my neck. “My Dip Budget >>>> Ur Life”. Something like that.
I got my first credit card in line for Club la Vela back in 2000 (despite starting college in 1998 and avoiding all the set ups on campus). It was so chilly standing in line for the club that the t-shirt to cover myself until I got inside was well worth it.
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Any elam ending detractors in here?

<——-Loves it.

It takes the worst part of a basketball game (last 5 minutes when one team is up fifteen, playing not to lose and the other team is fouling every time down to extend the game) and completely flips the script.

By forcing the winner to continue scoring, it forces both teams to actually play to win the ENTIRE game and not dribble out the clock for 7 minutes. Also the senseless fouling to extend the game actually hurts you, as it should.
- "Two coats of paint required" [roll]

- We got a T-shirt AND a free Domino's pizza (large) for credit card sign ups.

- Well north of 100 credit card accounts, most of them closed now. /churn

About 15 open right now, only use CSR for everyday stuff and Amazon Chase card for Amazon orders.

- Greece in 3 weeks. Eeeeeeeeeek. First class paid with points, of course.
Huge detractor. College basketball endings are what makes it the best sport/tournament out there, despite all the other shortcomings. I guess I could entertain it in the NBA. You conveniently leave out all the close games it would affect.

Keep that shit in the Big 3 or whatever. If anyone needs a fix for blowout & far-too-long games, it's the 4 hour college Football game.
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Huge detractor. College basketball endings are what makes it the best sport/tournament out there, despite all the other shortcomings. I guess I could entertain it in the NBA. You conveniently leave out all the close games it would affect.

Keep that shit in the Big 3 or whatever.
Close games are still........close.

It just that every game ends on a game winning shot instead of an arbitrary buzzer.

TBT games have been electric because of it, and also the teams are really really good.
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Given that the NBA seemingly has a double digit 4th quarter comeback every single game, it might actually help cut that garbage out.

That said, I will take the 4 minutes on the clock + all the timeouts + incessant fouling in a Tuesday night Big 10 game over waiting on one the teams to score 8 points all/air
I understand the rule completely -- the buzzer is a huge part of what makes college basketball the thrill it is, particularly in the tournament. I'm just not for some college professor nerd changing how my favorite game ends - college basketball has a hundred things it could do to improve the game, this doesn't even register imo.

It would completely revamp gambling (spreads and totals) as well to the point it would nearly be like betting an entirely different/new sport. Hard Pass.
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I mean if ANYBODY was to guess what nickel and dime cheapskate would be at the front of the credit card game, kinda shocking captain contrarian missed the wave.
You don't even have to churn and all that UKguy stuff, especially where points are at these days, but to not have a credit card with at least some rewards is just silly. Kind of like how I paid $200+ month for several years being obstinate before cutting the cord.

Last month's bill rang in at $223.

Called yesterday to cancel.

"Can we offer you a reduced price to keep your business?"
"Nah, we're good. I had them pull the cable out at the pole so I literally cut the cord as well."
"Why did you decide to cancel?"
"$200+ per month is now $110, not including dropping dish at work($137)."

I did apologize at the end because I thought I was a bit rude and she was very nice.
If you are down 15 with 2 to play and you are fouling the shit out of the other team to extend the game then the ref should have the right to kick the coach in the nuts. There fixed.
I agree that college basketball doesn't need a gimmicky rule like that... but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if there was a rule that said if Kentucky leads by 6 points or less in the last 8 minutes of the game, they're not allowed to take the air out of the ball like a bitch.

Hard Knocks tonight. :raised_hands:
Occasionally I would encounter someone who would try to cull the fake applications:

"Can I see your ID to verify this info is correct?"

"I got a DUI and have no ID."

"OK, no problem then."
I mean, credit cards and guns. They don’t kill anyone without somebody pulling the trigger.

Ban credit cards.
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People were signing up for a t shirt and a two liter outside K Lair in 1996 in return for credit card debt

Yep. Our fraternity was given some money for them to set up there. Some of us were hired out to run the booth.

I remember thinking I was part of some scam but then some attractive coeds came over and I forgot about all of that. Plus, I got a free t-shirt . . . and a bunch of leftover 2-liters.
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