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Roark to the A's.
Got CF Jameson Hannah. A's 7th ranked prospect.

Roark found out in an Arby's parking lot driving from CIN to ATL. :joy:
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My political take for the week is just a reminder that you can now purchase either a "Cocaine Mitch" t shirt or a "Moscow Mitch" shirt.


Of course it's red...
My bad, just not happy and using this trade as a distraction.

My nephew in Florida had a son 4 months ago and the newborn just passed. Born with multiple issues, and my sister lost a child the same way when I was 14, before having this nephew of mine.

And I have a release party in 4 hours so this has turned out to be one hell of a day!
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Ideally, because of salary you move Gennett and Roark. I just don't see Scooter worth the $$ and about everyone on the team can play 2B. Possibly get a decent prospect to take the place of Trammell.

Obviously Dick Williams called me for advice today :sunglasses:
2006 - pre-Calipari 2009 were rough years, man.

Tubby still had his fastball in 2003 and 2004 but he fell off fast. Because Billy Clyde was such disaster and Calipari is so awesome, it makes it much easier to fondly remember the Tubby years, imo.
Not gonna lie, Down Home bourbon was pretty damn good. Tried the 12 and the 5 1/2. Very smooth, Carmel, and some heat.

Now waiting for Ritchie at Hoots...meh, not real impressed with the scenery.
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That’s kind of what I thought. Krazy has posted quite a bit since he said he was leaving. Maybe drop that take after one of his dozens of posts about the Reds over the last week instead of the one about his nephew dying.
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And FTR, (again,) more power to Krazy and his endeavor.

Just don't be a bitch and say OMGZ THIS IS MY LAST POST and then come back a week later. It's dramatic and stupid.

Hang around and keep posting. We enjoy the extra special glimpses in your life. I enjoy reading it even though you catch shit.

Richie,on the other hand, hasn't had an original take since 2010 and parrots everyone else's shit like it's his own. GFY.
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Richie may be a lot of things, but unoriginal ain’t on that list. Nice try, Joshie.

Derp. TFP.

It's WELL DOCUMENTED from those on here so who has seen him take other people's shit almost verbatim.

Per usual, you have zero clue WTF is going on but man -- you're such a cute and ironic poster. Keep it coming.

- So sorry about your nephew, Krazy. We just eff around on here but prayers to your fam.
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That's rich (ha, get it?) Coming from the guy who wouldn't be caught dead posing for a picture without a pressed gingham print button down and flosses black tie to some stupid shit called FIGHT NIGHT at the Pendennis Club. Ha!

You're on vacation, douche. Your effing clients DGAF.

This is GYERO. In the spirit of the thread I'm just razzing the guy for his posts. I hope he has success and I'm very sorry about his loss. I love to drink the brown water and I'll definitely be glad to try his product. But GD Winthorp, you're not the moral arbiter of this thread. Need you to get off that high horse and put on a t-shirt.

I honestly hope krazy keeps coming back and gives it right back to me. Hell -- Brady still does it to BBdK and it's hilarious.

Maybe this isn't the place for you.
My bad, just not happy and using this trade as a distraction.

My nephew in Florida had a son 4 months ago and the newborn just passed. Born with multiple issues, and my sister lost a child the same way when I was 14, before having this nephew of mine.

And I have a release party in 4 hours so this has turned out to be one hell of a day!

Please re-read, GYERO.
What one wears or what places they enjoy does not make them uppity. I’m fairly certain everyone on here enjoys nice things in some form or fashion. It’s your whole demeanor on here. You always retreat to trying to go after people in a wannabe harsh tone because you’re probably insecure. Or you’re just angry in real life and this is some form of an outlet.

There’s a difference between busting balls on here in a witty way versus being extremely thin skinned and overly defensive while immediately trying to attack.

Of course you’re now back peddling on that uncalled for post about Krazy when the timing couldn’t have been worse. Speaks for itself.
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