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full disclosure our Peleton is in our 3-season screened in entertainment room that was added on to the back of the main house.
Got Golf Club 19 for PS4 last weekend. Hooked. Game is the tits for golf fans.
I played the first one, and it was way too difficult. I like my golf games to be less realistic. If I want to shoot 89 I'll show up at the Eli.
I hated the 1st one, why I waited so long to get the new one. Couldn't do anything 50 yards in, 3 putted every hole. But the new one is a lot easier and you can adjust clubs and course difficulty to tailor your game. $20 right now as well.

They really should've brought her back to play Tom Cruise's wife.
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69 year old Tom Watson w/ a smooth 70 today at the Senior Open. Dude is amazing.

Such a great follow:

That entire game is on youtube as well. In just a couple minutes of watching it- Vitale gives praise on an emerging Desmond Allison, and the impact that incoming guys like Marvin Stone and John Stewart are going to have over the next few years. :(
-CrossFit is good if you, like any workout, use the proper amount of weight and form. It’s cardio and lifting at the same time. Problem is people are competitive and that’s how they get hurt.

I do basically the same shit in my backyard for free. Circuits of push ups, deadlifts, wall balls, ball slams, curls, extensions, jump ropes, etc etc. the best part is it’s everything finished in an hour.
-Shit, I'm on Zwift with a turbo smart trainer for my indoor rides. Get real. Great setup at half the cost of the peleton. WS does use the peleton regularly, so it's not just collecting dust in our solarium(converted attic).

-I do HIIT/ functional training/ lifting twice per wk. Made a big difference. I do great in the spring and summer and struggle bus through fall and winter. Finally back to my preferred weight after the shoulder injury with goals of dropping 7-8 more.

-wore glove shoes once 10 years ago and booozler still obsesses about it. They still didn't look as douchey as loafers while doing yard work.

-white belt is long gone. You guys really don't forget anything. Also, you need to update the jokes.

-holy blisters, batman. Large bucket of balls at the range. May have to double glove it or just tape everything.
Still use the white belt with golf. I’m old so I’m allowed to be several years behind fashion trends. Eat me.
Heading to the lake on a friends boat as I read texts from another friend about the new lake house he purchased while texting another friend about going to their pool tomorrow.

Living my best life and bringing nothing to the table, basically
If one is getting blisters while hitting balls at the range, double glove is not the answer. Not gripping the club so tight is the answer to not getting blisters.
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