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I don’t, but I also do not begrudge people for buying nice equipment. It’s just that, with the way I play the game, I don’t think it would help me. I’ve used these damn clubs so long that I pretty much KNOW how far it’s going with each of them.

When I started playing my goal was to be able to go out, play respectably (not hold anyone up or embarrass myself) and have fun. I always have fun, and I’ll never be accused of slow play.
Anth, thought I went out of my way to not be that guy. I said I don’t begrudge anyone buying good clubs etc. What I meant to say was that it would probably be wasted on me.

Don’t put that on me home slice.
Gear is fine if you can afford it.

But it isn’t going to make you a better golfer.

Let me be clear, I’m a crappy golfer compared to probably almost anyone in GYERO that plays regularly.

My bag consists of:

A Cobra 5 wood that I bought use 16 years ago at Play it again Sports, a 3 wood that I bought at a garage sale, 7-PW Cobra irons that a friend gave me, a lob wedge that I found out at Longview, and a Spyder putter that I bought on FB marketplace.

I use dollar a ball Noodles and no glove. And I’m a bogey golfer from the shorter (old people) tee box.

Slow swing, good contact, hit it straight, and two putt. Never had a lesson.
HK...let me know if you ever want slightly used golf balls...meaning hit 5-10 times...I'll give them to you. Just let me know...I'm being serious. I get back to the Lex area from time to time and would be happy to hand them off to you. I'm not a golf ball snob but a club pro once told me, whatever ball you choose to play stick with it....get used to it and learn how to play it. Working part-time at a golf course puts me in a position to collect slightly used golf balls for the nephews/nieces. I'm sure you don't need them but I'd be happy to drop them off and have a beer or two...or three with you to talk about REALLY old times. [cheers]:cheers2:
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I don’t, but I also do not begrudge people for buying nice equipment. It’s just that, with the way I play the game, I don’t think it would help me. I’ve used these damn clubs so long that I pretty much KNOW how far it’s going with each of them.

When I started playing my goal was to be able to go out, play respectably (not hold anyone up or embarrass myself) and have fun. I always have fun, and I’ll never be accused of slow play.
At this point with you having been consistent with the game for awhile now and shooting decent scores, I do think better equipment would help you and could take you to another level. And you would get used to that equipment fairly quickly. It’s just a matter of if you even care to get there. If you did then you would undoubtedly shoot slightly lower scores than you do now with better equipment. It would not be wasted on you like you say.
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Golf heads, how does this make sense?

I play by myself, and rent a cart. I pay the cart rental fee, let’s say it’s 15 dollars.

If I play with another person, the cart fee isn’t 7.50 a golfer, it’s 15 dollars per player (30 dollar cart fee now)

If we each want our own cart, it’s not 15 per golfer, now it’s 30 dollars per golfer, because then it’s “per seat” which is not the case if you’re by yourself.
Your math doesn't make sense.
- Random weeknight drunks are the best, and the worst.

- Can't wait to see what AA middle relievers the Reds get in return for their fire sale this weekend.

- Jammed a little FUNKDOOBIEST on the way in today :fire::sunglasses:

- Bijan Robinson is making DB's look silly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Gear is fine if you can afford it.

But it isn’t going to make you a better golfer.

Let me be clear, I’m a crappy golfer compared to probably almost anyone in GYERO that plays regularly.

My bag consists of:

A Cobra 5 wood that I bought use 16 years ago at Play it again Sports, a 3 wood that I bought at a garage sale, 7-PW Cobra irons that a friend gave me, a lob wedge that I found out at Longview, and a Spyder putter that I bought on FB marketplace.

I use dollar a ball Noodles and no glove. And I’m a bogey golfer from the shorter (old people) tee box.

Slow swing, good contact, hit it straight, and two putt. Never had a lesson.

Pretty much me also. Still hitting the Callaway X14's. All of my fairway woods are Callaway. Have not bought golf balls in 25 years. Use whatever my vendors from work give me. A shitty Titleist Dt solo ball will sink just as good as a ProV. My gear looks good (even the matching Callaway bag), even if it is 15-20 years old.
You f*cking dolt. It's outrageous to force cats to live in the elements while they should be living in your house, eating organic ethically sourced food, shitting in a sand box then walking all over your counters while covering everything in hair. Heathen.
Agreed. They didnt evolve through the millennia to stay outside. They are meant to have their toenails ripped out and sit in the windows at crazy lady's houses.
TDF Spoiler Alert if you watch the reruns in the evening...

The finish of the today's stage is cancelled due to snow/hail...WTF
$15 for 18 holes = 83 cents per hole.

When I hop out on 12, you’re giving me 5 bucks back. Don’t even thinking about charging me for the entire round.
Friday Shorts:

*Took my kids to the county fair this week...hadn't been in many, many years but I wanted them to experience it. TBH, it was fun, for 6 year olds that place is magical and for a 13 year old a chance to be "independent" for a couple hours just checking in with dad every so often. My $20 goldfish is still living 48 hours later. Thumbs up.

*This is nothing pertaining to race, gender, etc. but I have a spidey sense when it comes to being behind someone at the gas station that is about to purchase a load of lottery tickets. Sometimes I'll just put my stuff back and move on.

*Was 17 lbs down from NYE and then vacation time hit...boom. Add that to a golf weekend with the Bbdk's (which was an awesome time), let's just say after the Barron I have work to do. Some buddies are pushing crossfit and I'm on the fence, I want to lose weight but I'm not sure I need to shove a tire around a gym to do so.

*Anth needs to bring back the white belt this weekend, for old times sake.

*This is not political commentary but I'm getting cushlash with Megan Rapinoe.

*We have one outside cat that occasionally the kids will let in the house. Lucked out on that humane society fur ball. The kids drag him around, put him in strollers, build forts and lock him in and he just rolls with it all. Doesn't even flinch when approached by dogs. Still has claws, I give him food an water every night and crack the garage door and he good. We will graduate to a dog eventually but for now he's a good low maintenance pet.
I'm already down one ACL. Maybe I'll go the Chase route and get one of those indoor biking things with a video instructor that fat shames me for 45 minutes every morning.
This isnt surprising at all but the Peloton CEO recently mentioned they actually increased prices to try and rally slumping sales-- and it worked like X's a million. Pretty much fits their target demographic I guess.

Remember this when Down Home 12 yr is selling at $249 (lol 249 proof Hank!!) in December.
Our county fair in bumtouch VA:

Monday: FFA night
Tuesday: Miss County Fair night
Wed: Preppy night
Thurs: Ninja night
Fri: Redneck night
Sat: Mix mosh of the above with half dozen or so fights.
PTI(pti) has been injured more than all the GYERO Gym rats & CrossFitters combined, fwiw.


Lol ok.

My biggest running “injury” in 15 years has been a stress reaction. My radiologist/long drive friend saw the MRI. Basically, my ankle hurts.

Enjoy your inversion table, hoss.
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There used to be a cross fit gym right at the intersection of Frankfort Ave and Ewing Ave right near my former condo.

One day in the summer of 2012 I was on my way back from work. I was a little worked up. Just started at RB&T during a refi boom and was a little stressed. Air conditioning in my old explorer was out and it had to be 94 degrees or so. Traffic is at an absolute standstill anywhere within 50 yards of Frankfort Ave & Ewing but I couldn’t figure out why. When I finally get to make the turn on Ewing I see a gang of assholes pushing fng tractor tires down the middle of the street backing up all kinds of traffic . I was so steamed. For a few minutes I seriously considered hitting the pedal and running the entire lot of these douchebags over.
There’s one closer to my house where the CrossFits run their laps and such by the patio seating for a pizza place. That’s fun during dinner.
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My favorite dive bar in town closed today after 40+ years. :cry:

What a place, man. It's like a MUCH less pretentious version of CCI. A dive bar stuck in time.

- all cash
- old school juke box (hit the up or down arrow to flip the cd cover pages over)
- bartender that spends his time drinking heavily and ridiculing the patrons
- absolutely no drinks with > 2 ingredients (bourbon + coke = 2, for example)
- total shithole
- no central ac (3 window units)
- free potluck chili every weekend night
- a reliable place to secure illegal drugs at any given time
- 24/7
- no refrigerators (beer kept on ice)
- price tags listed on all of the booze behind the bar
- all the odd jobs (barbacking, taking out trash, etc) were done by various homeless guys and tipped out by the bartender


*rolleyes, turns off peloton*

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