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Me and my neighborhood friends would take a giant bag of empty coke cans and once it got dark we would line them up single file across the road. Then we’d go hide in some bushes and wait for a car to approach them. The car would always slow down and stop. Then they’d just drive over them. And we’d howl with laughter. A few times someone got out and cussed the sky and knocked them down with their feet. It was f*cken hilarious but if my kids did that today they’d be sold into sex slavery.
That movie is a gd masterpiece:

Don't disturb my friend he is dead tired.
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I largely agree with #4 (obviously) except for the play IU part. F them.

Regardless, BBN’s “omfg he disagrees with Cal!!1” act is insufferable. Surprised some of the resident “smart fans” don’t believe there’s room for criticism of a guy that’s in the middle of a four year drought of achieving anything of note, particularly from someone whose jersey is in the rafters. 2012

Kyle Macy Basketball Camp at Georgetown ftmfw btw. Favorite week of the year growing up.
It's not about disagreeing with Cal (who I criticize all the F'ing time) for me, I just don't like Macy's act. Never have. He comes across to me as a gumpy old bitch, his attitude towards UK has been like that as far as I can remember, including when he was on our broadcast team. I'm happy he won the title, and respect his legend here. However, unlike some, I don't feel an obligation to OMG LOVE every single person who was born in or played for Kentucky.

Granted, I didn't get to watch him play like all you other mid-late 30's guys.
GFY you POS. You can honor your country and its values without being a shitbag like "your" President. GTO.

We tried that way for 8 yrs prior to The Donald....that way pretty much sucked given the numbnut apologized for our existence at every turn. resume your 3 letter rants elsewhere.
I largely agree with #4 (obviously) except for the play IU part. F them.

Regardless, BBN’s “omfg he disagrees with Cal!!1” act is insufferable. Surprised some of the resident “smart fans” don’t believe there’s room for criticism of a guy that’s in the middle of a four year drought of achieving anything of note, particularly from someone whose jersey is in the rafters. 2012

Kyle Macy Basketball Camp at Georgetown ftmfw btw. Favorite week of the year growing up.

I’ve defended Macy and his legacy, but going to the media with this bullshit doesn’t sit well with me. Surprised it does with you.

What’s it accomplish? Also- Cal is well known to be more open to former Cats and appreciative of our history than anyone. Macy comes off like a bitter a-hole.
Me and my neighborhood friends would take a giant bag of empty coke cans and once it got dark we would line them up single file across the road. Then we’d go hide in some bushes and wait for a car to approach them. The car would always slow down and stop. Then they’d just drive over them. And we’d howl with laughter. A few times someone got out and cussed the sky and knocked them down with their feet. It was f*cken hilarious but if my kids did that today they’d be sold into sex slavery.

It would never happen today because it would require kids to go outside and kids don't go outside because their phones and other devices are inside.

Would be a cool app, though.
I'm also old, and I hate this team to death. Just today I found a link to Ashtan Hagans rapping (awfully) and that was more than enough reason to completely forget about this team until they're ready to disappoint come March.
Man the NextDoor app in 1988 would have been LIT A F

Saw some neighborhood kids lining up bricks in the road to stop traffic. Tell your bastards to stay out of the street or I’ll hit them next time.

Driving home last night and some kids had a rope tied to a stuffed Alf and jerked it across the street in front of my car. If you know who it was tell them it was a funny joke but my entire family almost died because of it.

Boy riding a Diamond Back with white mag wheels was throwing fire crackers in the mail boxes yesterday. Watch your hands!

Serious rash of ****** knocking the last few days. Damn kids haha.

If you see my kid out an hour passed dark tell him to get his ass home and get his whoopin.

Anyone have tin cans to give to the boys that keep asking me for extras? I don’t have any more!

Whoever keeps killing the Robins with a pellet gun please kill them on your own property.

If your kid keeps grabbing my bumper to ride their skateboards behind my car don’t get mad at me when they fall and die.


The next time I see your dog on my property I’m going to give it rat poison. You’ve been warned.
One former star- perhaps the only UK player ever as popular as Macy was during his playing days- got high AF and started a rumor on social media Cal was going to take the Lakers’ job a half hour before the 2014 championship game.

Cal responded by quietly welcoming the guy back into the program with a new position.

But yeah, I’m sure he’s been stonewalling poor Macy.
Geese being a great basketball player just doesn’t pass the common sense smell test. No way, bub.
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-Only did the Pitino camps for ball. Best week of the summer. Those and conservation camps, do kids go to legit summer camps any more? Ones with guns, bows, fishing, survival, disgusting showers, hijinks, thousands of mosquito bites.

-Worshiped Ernest goes to Camp as a young Anth.

-Get up, cereal, play ball, swimming pool, figure who's house we were sleeping over at, order Pizza Hut, setup a Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat tourney, drink a 12 pack of Cokes, hopefully Red Shoes was on, pass out at 4am. Those days were the best.

-Open is setting up to be a straight snooze fest.

-Poor Wout Va Aert, having a helluva first tour, catches a barrier during the ITT, and rips his leg open. Classified as a "flesh wound." Shout out to Alaphillipe, he's either on the sauce or went way over to beat Thomas today.

-Big A was all in on Rambo, pretty strong for a 5 year old. Wasn't much older when my Uncle introduced me to Nightmare on Elm St and to this day I won't watch the horror genre.

-Speaking of tomatoes, caprese & BCLT for lunch today.

-Saw a mink or weasel on my bike ride last night, no idea those little buggers were in the area. Pretty surprising.
Reggie Hanson was my coach at Pitino camp in 92. He just finished playing his first year in Japan. Man... A young Richie was fanboying. Like, I was in complete awe.

I also remember playing Pitino and Billy Donovan in 2 on 2 with a buddy of mine. They had to score 2 buckets to win and you had to only score 1. Make it, take it.

Good gracious, they were good. I don’t think anyone beat them. Neither could miss. Pitino was maybe 40. Donovan was mid 20’s.
I envy you guys who got to do the overnight camps for bball. All we got were day camps at Seaton Center or Lex. Catholic for the 101 camps, Joe B would make an occasional appearance, no players though.
Eddy Ford basketball camp was lit. Travis got his smartassery back honest.

Lokies skating rink was where true playas went. if you did not get multiple phone numbers on a friday night, you had no game. Something about those big ass pickles in that big glass jug on the counter. Store bought ones where just not the same.

Sleep Ins at the Y playing basketball and Walleyball all night was fire. Then finger banging ole Rosie rotten Crotch in a sleeping bag was the icing on the cake.
Killa & I got ROASTED for coming in late for one of the big meetings in the main gym. We were sprinting across that baseline walkway and Don starts blasting us on the Mic in front of the whole camp and made us walk onto the court to receive it. Think we even had a small punishment of some sort although I cannot recall what it was.

The basketball was great but the downtime & being on your own in the dorms was easily the best part of those camps. Same for 4H, we raised HELL in those cabins - Supersoaker fights were some epic shit, sneaking over to the girls side, etc. I know the WKY 4H is still going strong, although they apparently have AC and all the amenities (not unlike the ridiculous college dorms these days) which is wack AF.
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