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7.5 games back
Ahead of only the Marlins in the NL
Starting catcher arrived 30 minutes before the game yesterday as an emergency callup after injuries

It was fun to pretend they had an outside shot of a hot streak and doing something, but they need to dump anyone with an expiring contract and get something out of them.
Kavosiey Smoke from Wetumpka, Alabama...


His name's been said 3 times so far. S our D SEC. We here baby. Get some.

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-Reds have a fun crew, unfortunately they couldn't crawl back from dropping the 1st 10 and they're just not that good. Time to sell.

-Telling a US Citizen or really anyone "to go back to their country" is just a real shitty thing to say. Yet, here we are with our dipshit President.

-Boston, Christopher, Todd, Green would be haul. Plus, Clarke bumping up.

-Bowden looks like a different dude at media day. Not sure he was a bad kid but he definitely had some immature tendencies. Impressive that's he's trying to become more professional.

-TDF -> Open Champ :raised_hands:
--Telling a US Citizen or really anyone "to go back to their country" is just a real shitty thing to say. Yet, here we are with our dipshit President.

Your dipshit POTUS has this country in the best shape its been in your lifetime.

And if said "anyone" would cease with disparaging this country and its values, then they wouldn't get called out for being ignorant dolts. If Trump wants to defend our values with his way of doing things, then so be it. It got him elected...and it will get him re-elected.
Trump is an absolute moron and so is any intelligent person who still defends him

Rory with a hard 8 on #1 way to represent the homeland bro

Cant wait for the Railbird Festival. So many good bands

Who cares about the Barbasol when a Major is on??

I need some football stat. My jones is strong. Cats over in the season win total is free money

Time to go to work work work work

Deuces gyro
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Not now, Todd.

- Been too busy guy for 3 weeks plus. We had a new software roll out that glitched in a different time zone and we had to remake databases and reprogram keys after spending 2 weeks with a factory telling us "WE DON'T KNOW WHAT IT GOING ON BUT WILL WORK THROUGH STEPS TO RECTIFY".

- Multi-family smoke is on par with Script peddlers. Spent the last few days down in Gainesville. I've come to the conclusion if the property manager is ugly, they won't sign a contract because they're only slightly above slum lords. This has proved out every time.

- Saw some of the GYEROlympics hubbub. Decided to find out if I still had the hand speed to hit. Wife still does the part-time lesbo softball gig so went to help her clean up. 60 mph from 43 ft and Ol' Catlanta still has it. Golf game is getting better, too. Down to an 8.5 now and been murking the Sunday league. If you don't sand-bag in a points game, you're a chump. Still haven't holed out from over 150 and asked the group nearest me to verify it's in the cup. #ohwelloneday

- Buddy that is by all accounts really book smart is arguably the worst with money that I know of. Buys a new house, 67k truck 7 year finance, a GD $2,500 elliptical while living on a moderate salary and his wife is at best a $12/hr worker. They have a kid and he starts complaining he had to trade the truck in and they were selling the elliptical for $500 on FB recently. Truth be told, I've already started to work my wife and I away from him because I'm not a very charitable guy and I see where this is going.

- Have no idea what our bball team, fball team or anything but a Sun evening golf tournament finish looks like lately. Still enjoyed sporting Cayuts gear in Gainesville, doh. Getting all that I can out of that in case Mullen gets shit right.

- Stopped at a MACDONALDs in Deland on Tuesday. Usual piss break and quick bite before forgetting to eat until dinner. Pay, step aside, look at phone per usual. Buddy walks in, a tall neck and blurts out to the cashier "Where's the little black girl?" and being a SYG state, you better perk up and really, you should leave right away but couldn't resist. I had to see this play out. He's all assbent about the management changing so turns out to be nothing. Then, he orders and decides to tell me about the area going to hell and they're building a strip club on the other side of the interstate. But not one of them classy ones, it's the one that will hire all those street-walkers. Ok, I'm out. I actually think I ran back to my truck and didn't even care what the employee handed me at that point.

- Beers and 9 this evening. Why we do this.

- Hope all of you are well. This place is still one of the best reads on the intrawebs. Not UKO, though, he's still a dork.
I went to Kyle Macy’s stupid camp at the Lexington ice center as a kid. Yeah, I did all the BS all the other kids did. I stood in line for an hour for a chance to play knock out. I held a basketball and passed it back and forth between my hands shouting “I. LOVE. BASKET. BALL.” even though I didn’t. I did the spider dribble station with the Joe-Pesci-looking old dude that specialized in teaching the spider dribble. I got my dried up orange slice. And you know what? I never interacted with Kyle Macy, yet his review to my mom was essentially that I was a great athlete who just really, really stunk at basketball. Was he right? Absolutely. Was he sanctimonious prick to a 7 year old future swimmer who just wanted a cool summer experience? YUP.

Go suck the sweat out of a freshly used jockstrap Kyle.

Kash Daniel was wearing a Stark family crest on his suit. [roll]. I love that Stoops lets guys like him, Benny, etc. show their personality and doesn't care about making them boring robots to the media.

The interview after the Mississippi State win (iirc) where Kash gave a ten minute tirade about how hoped all the Bulldog players went home and their girlfriends broke up with them while he chugged gatorade and wolfed down a fried chicken sandwich might be my favorite sports interview ever.
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