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Never thought I'd see the day we went into some place like Michigan and secured a top nationally ranked linemen and beat out all the blue bloods.

Obviously a long way until signing day but still.

Even if he doesn’t sign it helps with recruiting momentum right now. His commitment may lead to other commits we may have never gotten otherwise. If he ends up signing somewhere else, it will suck, but just getting a commitment like this at all keeps pushing the program forward.
What the hell is going on with Ryan Lemond now?

I mean, is there a market for this? Even in Kentucky?
He missed all five. Seemed like he didn't account for the break at all on the first two. The third one he over-corrected slightly. By then the nerves took over. Fourth one was worse than the third. The fifth they let him move up to three feet and he missed it worst of all. Off by over a ball-width from three feet.
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Missed 4 straight, Matt felt bad and gave him the 5th from 3 ft, missed that one even worse.

Matt then gave Amanda a chance to cut it to 6 days with one putt and she missed too.

Apologies to Chumps for discussing it since it doesn’t meet his highbrow tastes of 7:30 local TV.
Whether or not you like the KSR guys, if you don't think a guy taking gimmie putts with his short-term freedom on the line and then living in a comical jail cell inside of a sports bar for 10 straight days because he chokes on all 5 is at least a little funny, I don't know what to tell you.
It originally came from some golf podcast. The hypothetical was 5 five foot putts, you have to take all 5, for each one you make you get 10 million dollars and each one you miss you get a year in jail.

Would you do it?

They scaled it down to 1k and 2 nights in “jail” at KSBar. All 5k was going to charity no matter what.
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Leading candidates for the Michigan job:

Ed Cooley
Juwan Howard

I swear to god, we all went into the wrong line of work.
I’ve laid off the GAMBOL since the NCAA Tourney. I had a nice regular season but the tournament beat me up. So much action. Razor thin lines. Was chasing bets.

That being said, I feel like my cooling off period has been long enough and am ready to CUE IT UP some with the remainder of the NBA Playoffs.
You could be torching windows with live betting. The GS/Blazer series saw blown leads of about 20 every game. Take each side live and profit.
- BBdK- leave your damn golf course community and come hang out with your friends Jerome and Chizzle sometime.

- Nobody is more informed about shit I don’t GAF about than Cricket.

- Basketball is about more than who has collected the widest array of talent.

- Mags hasn’t swung by in awhile. Come on- what’s the inside scoop?
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