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My only advice would be to apologize to your ancestors who would’ve killed to have a plaster finish on that wall (that you’re probably removing and not replacing).

Other than that, be sure to wear lots of sweaters and walk next to that brick wall as closely as possible and let me know when you rip out the toilets and go with chamberpots. smMFh.
Popped over to raftards to see whats what and I see that there are still fans who hang on every little rumor and tidbit out there like it is life and death and create multi page threads about them. Maybe it is age or maybe it is the Tubby years burning me out on that but that sounds effing exhausting.
Considering there are gem mint Derek Jeter's going for 75K I'd guess that Mantle isn't in very good shape.

A graded 9/10 Mantle sold for 2.88 million last year. That one has to be a 5 or less.

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Yes, but now your fireplace is coal powered and looks like this...

Funny listening to KSR push State Dock. It’s kind of ridiculous the boating laws in this state. You don’t have to do anything and they’ll let you drive a 80-100ft houseboat, just put down your credit card. What could go wrong?!?! At least they pilot you out of the marina, but then you’re on your own.

I mean, I’m all for people enjoying the lake, prefer they stay on the west end too.
Doesn't take a whole lot of skill to drive a houseboat in open water at 10 mph, find a cove, and run it up on the shore to tie it off.

Those people staying on the west end keeps the grouper fishing good on the east end though so I get it.
Considering that all it takes to operate a vehicle is to prove you can sorta parallel park, and pass a multiple choice/true-false quiz, I’m not overly concerned about houseboat driving qualifications.
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Yeah, sounds simple. Try doing it when it’s windy and coming into a packed cove. I speak from a position of knowledge.

How many people drown at the dmv? That’s sort of my point, you can drive a boat without any education/credentialing/license. As a boat owner, I cringe when I see a rental approaching.
I think people are drastically overstating the importance of having a license, basically something that any mouthbreathing dumbass can qualify for. Gun, car, boat, motorcycle, whatever.

Carrying that in your wallet doesn’t make you a safer operator, and it’s foolish to think otherwise.
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There's no difference in requirements for buying a boat. Just because you own one rather than rent doesn't make you anymore safe.
I got my drivers license twenty four years ago, and the only qualification I’ve had to continue owning that since is to pay a small fee every 5 years when it expires.

But hey, it’s a government issued document, so you should all sleep well at night knowing I’m a legally authorized driver!
It does establish that some minimal training has occurred, which is not always the case on the water.

Cricket is correct, owning a boat doesn’t make you a better operator than someone who rents. But considering the money you put into one, I think most people would agree some training would be appropriate.

I took a boater safety course as an incentive for insurance, but glad I did. Not saying that everyone who operates a boat needs to be a coast guard certified captain, but a minimal training program could go a long way.
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It’s Lake Cumberland not the Bering Sea!!
Houseboat people should just stay tied up to the dock!!!
Anyone go to Camp Webb back in the day? I owned the boating section like a pro. I feel I'm more then qualified to operate a large craft in the water.
I rammed the boat into the dock. Crushed fishing and archery, though. Didn't shower the whole week and learned all of the cusses. Good times.
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Good lord. Chad, don’t listen to anyone in this thread regarding any type of demolition. I’m the expert around here. You could very well have asbestos in the plaster that coats your interior brick wall. Probably horse hair of some kind. Definitely get it tested before you go grinding it off. Holler if you need help with that. You know I got your back homie.
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Actually most do, and have a smaller boat they day trip in.

Yet, they still don’t have any common courtesy for those of us that fish on the daily!! Just drive right next to ya making waves asking if you’re catching any...smdh.
Cussed a guy for taking 10 minutes to pull up to the dock in a pontoon to park so he could go get the trailer. Then watched him get in his DNR truck to back said trailer down the ramp. Asked him if he learned that in his training!!!
Chad, brax is a redneck con artist out to make a quick buck off the urbane erudite GYERO set; using their natural inclination to help the Rally's crowd against them. Don't fall for his "aww shucks im just a retarded hillbilly who dont do no fancy book learnin' but been swangin' a hammer since i was a baby" BS.
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Jesus Tapdancing Christ, Lexington.

Among them will be The Still, “a chef-driven, Southern-inspired eatery serving a seasonally crafted menu along with a thoughtfully curated list of local artisan bourbons and specialty cocktails,” according to a news release.
How unique.

Honestly at this point I think the market is desperate for a Southern-rejecting menu that stays the same year round and features thoughtless drinks to toss down your pie hole.
I take it the Schem’s won’t be taking little George there for a fine southern meal anytime soon.

Poor little guy, guess he’ll have to stick to Ruby’s.
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