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--I haven't heard a single golfer, pro or amateur, who's in favor of the PGA move. Pretty sure the sponsors of the last few weeks tournaments aren't either given all the notable absences. So of course, UKO disagrees. What a psychopath.

Koepka, Reed and Day like the move...just to name a few. I guess you haven't been listening very well...*shocker*

The new schedule is going to take time for the players to adjust and make their stops accordingly. For a golfball, you didn't need me to tell you this.

Enjoy your trip, and if I do see you, I will still buy you a drink, despite your ignorance.
Lol. So now the invite was meant for me to go 3rd wheel to the tournament. K.

"Hey ws, I'm headed to NYC with Mr & Mrs DK. See ya in a few days."

Yeah, that's not weird.

I'll chalk this up as an easy dub. :pimp:
Lol. So now the invite was meant for me to go 3rd wheel to the tournament. K.

"Hey ws, I'm headed to NYC with Mr & Mrs DK. See ya in a few days."

Yeah, that's not weird.

I'll chalk this up as an easy dub. :pimp:

Again, not how it went down at all - see above.

I'll be in NYC & at Bethpage for the PGA Championship. Pretty sure I'll take the W here - Hope you have a terrible weekend, and eat shit. :golf:
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BTW, one of the soccer dads decided to drop a "You hate to see it" every time one of our kids effed up this weekend and it absolutely killed me.
Lol, that's Anth's deal...but I like it when there is an actual conversation to be had about something. Typing on a keyboard >>>> texting during the work week. Definitely not calling his ass and talking on the phone, wtf does that?
-in my youth i occasionally used the word catamount in lieu of tantamount when comparing things. Alcohol may have been involved.

-nice pair of sutor mantellassi loafs in khaki suede on the way. Needed some fresh summer dress shoes.

-gonna be spending quite a bit of time in nky/cincy in if any peeps wanna get together and chat about football/fine garments and footwear over a nice french press let me know.

-finally saw endgame last night. 7.5/10. Never read comics as a kid...but dig superhero movies. Escapism and what not.
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- I look at GOT more as a medieval drama than fantasy. Always enjoyed studying that era in history class.

- A bit taken aback by the shots at BBdK in here. I’ve never had a problem with the guy. Solid. Selfless. Does his best to avoid conflict. Willy, on the other hand ...

- Strongly considering exposing some brick (interior wall) in my house this weekend. The dust/debris concerns me but seems like a fairly straight forward task. Any advice?

- @rudd1 let’s grab dinner some night.

- Is there anything more ridiculous than community awards? Ass-kissing and money-grabbing at its best.
Chad, I am probably the VERY last person to comment on this, because I don’t know shit, but isn’t your house like 1000 years old? Any asbestos concerns ripping shit out?
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I believe Chad said his house is 100+ years old. If so, not likely to have asbestos. And if there is, it probably won't be in the walls. Asbestos insulation wasn't a big thing until ~WW2 and if the interior wall is brick, there probably isn't any type of insulation anyway.
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Coaches love the thought of the NBA, man. All basketball, all the time, with none of the other recruiting, & other shit/NCAA that comes with college. I guess I get it.

Still, I can't think of a guy in the country who's built his program better & more consistently to his exact specifications than John Beilien -- dude turns out the same team seemingly every year, adding just a few new players, like a well-oiled machine. Yet, he jumps at a chance to coach the most hopeless franchise in the league currently, where it's a 100% Guarantee they are going to be terrible for the length of his entire contract until he gets fired. Smh

Praying for Zion I suppose, but even that won't change the direction of that hopeless franchise. See: Anthony Davis & Pelicans, or a myriad of other examples.
I forget who the card shop owner is around here, but Mickey Mantle 1952 rookie card is on eBay.

6 days left and currently at $38,200

How many old guys have you met that claim to have had one of those and put them in the spokes of their bicycles?
The McDaniels' recruitment has been really odd. Unless I'm mistaken, Cal hasn't been out to visit him in months and he was thought to be a Washington lock, then it's 95% UK, his trainer is all but saying he's coming to UK, everyone flipped picks, rumors of signed paperwork. He fell in the recent rankings more than anyone. So I wonder if Wednesday's "alleged" commitment was pushed off? The most obvious tea leaf would suggest we're trying to land a bigger fish.
- Has Giannis taken over Anthony Davis's role as witch? Seems like he's doing everything that AD is supposed to be doing?

- Beilein just doesn't seem like NBA material to me. Over/Under 1.5 years. I hope I'm wrong because I like the guy.

- Billy D getting lots of mention about being next at Mich. Except for Jay Williams, of course. He thinks Juwan Howard would be a shoe-in there and really change the culture. Not sure what that means. If it means that Michigan should pull a Memphis and just sell-out to AAU recruiting through a former early 90s star with ties to their university and zero college coaching experience, then yeah, that should change the culture.
Torres was on Leach this morning talking about McDaniels listing UCLA, and being asked recently by someone about Alford's firing having an possible effect, and the kid responded he didn't even know Alford had been fired. He's different, to say the least.

-I'd love to have either, but Blackshear >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any freshman big man.
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Who would that even be? I'd rather have Blackshear out of the two, but I thought we were trying to get both if possible.
I hope Blackshear. Corey Evans thinks he staying in the draft, Tucker has thought we were the most likely landing spot. Seems like he's been focused on the NBA and not cbb at this point. I think both McDaniels and Blackshear with EJ was a pipe dream.

Motor seems to be the biggest question mark with McDaniels. I guess that's why he dropped so much over the AS circuit. Just weird that Cal hadn't been making him a priority, maybe he just wasn't going to wait on him, then everyone is all UK, then he's not coming here. Don't think I can recall a similar scenario this close to a recruit's decision. What makes most sense to me is UK is the one that pumped the brakes.

Cal isn't going to strike out.
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