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Pre-school HymanKaplan was treated to the Blue Boar Cafeteria each and every Sunday following church.

The ambience was spectacular:

Standing in an endless line of old people, fidgeting with your uncomfortable ‘church clothes’, grabbing a tray and silverware, and then perusing the endless array of goodies (gray roast beef, jello with mayo on top, whipped potatoes, stewed tomatoes, okra ) all enhanced by the aroma of White Shouiders perfume. You know the smell, that old lady smell.

The best part was that your food was doled out by bingo-winged old women with unkempt chin beards.

Really takes me back.
This will be a forever iconic photo by Mark Blinch.


*Never seen an episode of GOTs, the Wire or Sopranos. I’ll get around to it one day.

*I don’t like the PGA in May, the most nondescript major took away its only unique quality (glory’s last shot) and shortened the major season significantly in the process.

*My oldest daughter is 13 and every day is a roller coaster.

*It is an absolute lock that if you go into Walgreens to buy something you will be stuck in line behind someone arguing about coupons.

*That 6ers team is really unlikeable, good riddance.

*My wife drinks too muck coke/pop/soda so got her one of those supposedly healthy soda makers for mother’s day. Interested to see how that goes over.
Always smart to get the wife a Mother's Day gift that screams: "Hey fatty, I didn't buy enough insurance for you to get diabeetus", imo.
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-Ton of sports yesterday. MLB, Giro, TDC, NBA, NHL, PGA. Great stuff.

-6ers are really unlikable but I enjoy Embiid. Gotta like guys that have some personality in sports these days when everyone is so guarded. The others are terrible -> JJ, Butler, Simmons [sick] Sounds like they'll look completely different next year.

-Oh, Beilein heads to Cavs. :eyes:
76ers are unlikable, but for some reason I like them, if their core sticks together for a couple more years I'm sure they will be one of my most hated teams though.

I get that Toronto is an amazing city and all and in Canada, but we are mid May and every time they show Jurrasic Park during a game their fans are still dressed like its winter. Checked the Toronto 10 day and it is supposed to hit 60 one time and rain for half those days, definitely not a gyero approved weather city.
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*I don’t like the PGA in May, the most nondescript major took away its only unique quality (glory’s last shot) and shortened the major season significantly in the process.

Normally, yes. But this year you have Tiger and Bethpage which has given new life to the event. The schedule change couldn't have been scripted any better. The PGA at the end sort of lost its luster w/ all but the die hards. Now you have the Players in March thru the playoffs in August....each month has stellar golf not counting the WGC and top regular tour stops. Then NCAAF rolls around.

- Had to bundle up like it was October for a GD soccer tournament this weekend. When did this state turn into Oregon? SAD!

- Ate at Mussel & Burger Bar Saturday night. FAT!

- Props to Vibe Coffee in ETown for putting a lil' strawberry jelly on your ham and cheese biscuit shew wee that is a good call and a crowd pleaser imo

- ETown has a youth sports complex that puts everything in Louisville and Lexington to shame. Not sure how they pulled it off, but it is infuriating. F*** you, Bettytown.

- Watched a couple of episodes of "I Think You Should Leave" on Netflix. Enjoyable. Grown folks cussing at babies = A+ comedy.
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"I don't think I'll ever watch UK basketball because the online fans are so f*cking annoying"

If you want to watch it, watch it, it'll still be a top 5 TV show even if the last season is disappointing. Or don't, who cares, it's just a TV show.
Watching it after the fact will probably be more enjoyable than in real time bc you wont have to sift through people going nuclear about how a tv show has ruined their lives.

Maybe in hindsight it wasnt a good idea to name your kid after a fantasy character until you see how that character ends up.

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Notes from my couch as I sleep off this jetlag......

* Barcelona
- gotta be the cleanest, nicest big city i've ever been to. people literally sweeping the streets with brooms and dust pans 24 hours a day.
- gaudi is the mf p.i.m.p.
- parc guell and particularly the sagrada familia are amazing
- best city of our trip for the upscale/classy/high ends shops/restaurant crowd

* Montserrat
- a 1,000 year old abbey that sits at 4,000 feet wedged perfectly into a crevice in the mountains of Catalonia.
- just a day trip

* Granada
- gotta be the hipster capital of spain. tons of little alley ways and dive bars/restaurants that drew a crowd at all hours of the day/night
- the alahambra was the highlight of the trip for me. an amazing islamic castle high on a mountain with pristine gardens and palaces
- best city of our trip for the nulu type/american-going-on-a-european-backpacking-trip crowd

* Ronda
- Puente Nuevo is a bridge that connects the city of Ronda across a 400-foot chasm
- hiked both from the top down, and went to the bottom and hiked up and around the base
- saw an old guy who was hanging out around the bottom painting the bridge. retired. from toronto. was in spain for 3 weeks traveling around painting. as we walked by and struck up a conversation he happily laid in the grass and thoroughly enjoyed having a nice chat. occasionally sold his paintings but mostly just gave them away. if you're looking for goals in life, that's it.
- best city of our trip for the small town, quaint, romantic crowd

- got to town just as La Fieria was beginning -- it's their version of Mardi Gras. women in traditional flamenco dresses, men sharply dressed in nice dark blue suits. carnival rides and huge tailgating type parties
- Royal Alcazar -- aka the Water Gardens of Dorne.
- best city of our trip overall -- very clean, great bars, extremely affordable....basically the perfect combo overall

- i wasn't overly impressed. that city was dirty af, and by the time we got there we were exhausted, the weather was bad, and our air bnb sucked.
- best city of our trip for catering to the english speaking, partying crowd. tons of bachelor parties (english, irish)

Overall thoughts
- didn't see 3 fat people the entire trip. lots of walking and biking in their lifestyle, and small food portions
- managed to drive a 5-speed around those hilly ass, tiny little city streets. talk about nerve wracking
- you can definitely see the difference in culture/lifestyle. when your cars and housing and food is all smaller, you can afford to take a break for 3 hours in the middle of the day. socialism, ftw.

Next European trip --> Berlin/Prague/Vienna in September.
Watching it after the fact will probably be more enjoyable than in real time bc you wont have to sift through people going nuclear about how a tv show has ruined their lives.

Maybe in hindsight it wasnt a good idea to name your kid after a fantasy character until you see how that character ends up.

We need to track down these people naming their child Ramsay and make sure they're not actually fans of GOT. If they are CPS needs to be involved because they're sociopaths.
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- My 9 year old son has started calling people, "Dingus." Not sure where that comes from, but it sure sounds like a cool way to call someone a dick without being too vulgar. He's rounding into such a gentleman.

- Never watched GoT and I'm not bragging. I'm not big on the "fantasy" genre and it just doesn't look like it would appeal to me. This will be the only format and the only time I reveal this unique quality about my life.

- Bubba said on Mike and Replacement Mike this morning that moving the PGA to May is good for the game of golf so that should settle it.

- Assistant coaching buddy of mine is having a bachelor's party up in Cincy and I have been "forced" to attend. Golf and casina. I'm about 10-12 years older than everyone that's rolling up and I don't think attending is in my best interest. Here's why: 1. Most of these guys played for me at some point. 2. I don't need to spend the money. 3. It's during Memorial Day Weekend and I usually cook for the fam. 4. This is his 2nd marriage (Hey, you only get married twice <--- hashtag?)

- Morrison's cafeteria when I was a little tyke. I loved it. "I'll have some of the yella."

- Can't get into a cardio routine to save my life right now. Kids are at the age where they want to go with dad for a run. That's fine and all, but the girl has to stop every half mile or so because her legs hurt/side hurts while the boy chooses to ride his bike about a quarter mile ahead of me tempting traffic by speeding down hills and changing sides of the road (we live in a "country" subdivision-lite community).

- Kinda disappointed none of y'all wished me a happy teacher appreciation week last week. Sad.
Accepted a generous pour of that Zacapa 23 from Boat this weekend. Not sure liquor can get any more smooth than that. Never even been much of a rum drinker, bourbon and scotch for me, but that has now changed.
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