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There are lots of people at Churchill Downs, including, but not necessarily limited to, Reid Travis, Keldon Johnson, Tyler Herro, and Paul Washington.

They made the correct call. The 7 took my 1 horse out of the race and probably the win. Only bet the exotics and didn’t have the 20 so no chance at cashing a ticket.
Yep, I lost and admitting it!!!
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Maybe it was the right call. I have no idea. I'm sure there'll be a lot of strong opinions here and only a few actually have any real understanding of the rules of horse racing. I'm smart enough to know that I don't have that understanding.

What I can say definitively though is that I'm f***ing sick of people in suits staring at video footage and telling me what actually happened in my sporting events. Sick of it. It sucks the fun out of sports for me.
Here’s a tip for all the Billy Joe Secretariat’s.....that happens all the time and the horse gets taken down.
One of the reasons serious bettors don’t bet much on the Ky Derby is too many firsts for every horse in the race....never raced that far, carried that much weight or been in a field that big. Too many variables to bet big and be confident!!’s true!!!
Been betting horses for over 50 years and couldn’t tell you how many times my horse has been taken down over an objection. However, not even close to a “Bridge Jumper” about a bad beat....shew!!!!!
My opinion - the horse, I think War of Will, that the 7 cut off was coming like a freight train and would have won the race. I also believe the jockey on 7 knew it was happening and veered out.
At the party I attend, my group bought War of Will and Game Winner in the Calcutta auction. I really thought WoW was loaded at the top of the stretch before he was bumped. Amazingly, the horse didn’t fall and wipe out 2/3 of the field. That had disaster written all over it.

We were bidding hard for Max Security. Stopped at $750. That was my top choice but I couldn’t back him more than 700. Last year we were outbid by the same group on Justify. He brought 1200!!! As soon as the top 3 we’re made official, I dipped outta there. No telling what kind of mood those folks were in because they had a lot invested in that auction!! They also bought Improbable for 675 and By My Standards for 350. Bad times for them, but I’ve never been so happy to be outbid.
It’s amazing #1, War of Will, didn’t go down, which would have preceded the biggest wreck in history as all the horses were coming behind them. Jock didn’t do it on purpose, but it was reckless to not have control going around final turn.

After 23 horses died at Santa Anita, a wreck on national tv might have put a fork in racing here. So jock has to come down.

On a personal note, that little shit came over and wiped out my key horse. I had War of Will to win, in exactas and trifectas every which way from Sunday.
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Call me crazy, but I don't think people really care about the DQ. Horse racing only really matters on Derby day or if a horse has a chance to win the Triple Crown at Belmont. By this time next year what happened yesterday will be a distant memory. With sports betting going more and more mainstream my guess is it only gets more popular.

James Harden may be my least favorite basketball player to watch, and Chris Paul may be my least favorite person playing basketball but I still want them to beat the Warriors so last night gave me a little hope. Curry coming up short on the open dunk to end the game was an added bonus.
Mashburned, I worked in the Mutuals dept of a racetrack for ten years. BTodd is right, horses are DQed frequently after jockey objections and steward’s inquiries.

I was really upset about the decision at first, but once I really looked at it and calmed down I could see that is was the right thing to do. I hate that it had to happen that way and I’m not totally sure the incident did change the outcome of the race, but it was a clear violation and rules are rules.

That truly could have been a terrible disaster and I have seen a horse have to be put down on the track. It is horrific.
A buddy won $13k on the race. He nearly threw up 3-4 times during the inquiry. He is acquaintances with horse owner, Guinness. He put all of the $200 KSR/TVG promo on Country House to win.

A buddy won $13k on the race. He nearly threw up 3-4 times during the inquiry. He is acquaintances with horse owner, Guinness. He put all of the $200 KSR/TVG promo on Country House to win.


Buddy I went with won over $13K on a futures bet he had on the 20.
-RE: @B.B.d.K. only way I can handle the 2 days at this point is our current setup, up and back with WS's work on Friday, bus ride home calms everything down and has you ready for bed. Also, with it being her work we can have a blast but can't get completely loose. I was out cold by 10p in my own bed. Fresh as can be Saturday. Not going to the backside and drinking a 1/5 of BIB whiskey would be my first suggestion.

-Felt ok, considering the circumstances, yesterday. No where near 100% but maybe 70ish. For the first time since we've been parents, G took a 3.5 hour nap :pray:, and was completely cool sitting around watching TV.

-Nothing but work and quiet weekends until the fall. Absolutely worship.

-Our group did pretty well. Friday we hit the show parlay start to finish with $10 buy in and everyone got $400ish on return. I've never had one go the distance. Too much fun. Started off slow Saturday then hit a few decent ones and thanks to the inquiry walked out well up on the weekend.

-They made the right call pulling the 7, IMO, but the wrong horse won. Hell, the wrong horse got 2nd. Oh well. The doomsday old curmudgeons predicting it is AWFUL for horse racing are idiots. "The best horse didn't win." No shit? That would be a first. [eyeroll]

-Derby is just the best. The post race atmosphere is :joy::scream:Appears several of my friends got to experience the locals while stumbling around the track after Oaks/Derby. Some of the snaps took me back to my teenage years.
Derby Fever certainly infected the UCL household on Saturday. Here were some of the questions posed by my children:

"How is this a sport?"
"Why doesn't the horse get the money instead of the owner?"
"Has a horse ever pooped in the middle of the race?"
"Why are you making us watch this?"
"Can we watch Henry Danger?"
"Could Schwoz from Henry Danger be a jockey?" (May have been asked by me)
*Opted for Oaks only this year since the Derby forecast looked like a washout. And going back to back makes the drive home that much worse on Sunday morning.

*Dawn at the Downs is always one of the highlights. Seeing the horses on the backside on Derby week is pretty cool.

*Thursday afternoon we caught a TV crew interviewing some guys walking down Longfield and stopped to watched bc they looked absolutely majestic. One guy had a prosthetic leg and a t-shirt that said "QUIT STARING- AINT NUBBIN' WRONG WITH ME" while the other did the interview for the cameras. They asked him about coming out to "Thurby" and he went off the rails. The gentlemen, who mentioned he was from "Smokolona," quipped back that "Thurby is a b.s term that people from Louisville despise... real Louisville calls it THOAKS... We calling this day THOAKS."

*Busted a show parlay on the race after the oaks- which was stupid that we even bet it.

*Crushed a chicken leg and a brat on the walk back to the car- the post track sidewalk food isnt anything special, but when you walk out a bit tipsy- its hard not to be enticed by the smell of the grill.

*Made the rounds at couple Derby parties on Saturday which was the right play for us. Won more money on race-pools just blindly picking a horse that I ever could actually trying to handicap horses. The derby buy in was $20/horse so the prize was pretty nice for the winner... who was initially a young child. Watching a middle aged man casually walk over after the inquiry and grab the cash from a kid with tears in her eyes was definitely a life-lesson in the making for the kid.
-Nothing but work and quiet weekends until the fall. Absolutely worship.

:joy: Congrats on taking off the summer grandpa.

I’m ready to shed my winter skin. Golf today and Ruby’s tonight. Heading to the lake tomorrow. Kick starting the 100 days of summer.

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