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Wall/Cousins and Herro/Keldon only accomplished the same amount if you don't count anything but the end result. The first pair helped bring UK back from the dead, Ran a train on college basketball for 4 months, and won an SEC regular season and conference title. Had an objectively better year than this one.

Yeah, I kind of agree Beave. Herro seems like a guy (to his credit) who likes taking on big challenges and doesn't doubt himself. He came to UK because he wanted to compete with the best and the same mentality is why he's not coming back. I get that.
I just hope Calipari openly gloats about getting a white kid who was (somehow) a mediocre shooter turned into a one and done first round pick.
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Herro and Keldon are fine. They were high ranked recruits who came here wanting to be one and done, but maybe could have improved with another year. If they’re hearing first round, best of luck gentlemen. Enjoy the ride (and luxury vehicles.)
I actually think Tyler herro is the rare case where being white is going to help him get drafted higher
I honest to God hope we never again have another white player of any statistical relevance. Jesus Christ, a handful of you have really driven the race angle into the F’n ground this season.

Oh rly dickhead? I’d like to drive you into the ground. How about right in that hole in your yard?? I got an idea. Why don’t you fill it with your f*cking ASS
I honest to God hope we never again have another white player of any statistical relevance. Jesus Christ, a handful of you have really driven the race angle into the F’n ground this season.


Hopefully in 26 years Herro will not be seeking attention so desperately that he distracts from us winning the national championship game in 2045.

(Or is filmed committing grand theft from an Apple store).
Now look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but you know touching his wife's feet and sticking your tongue in the holiest of holies ain't the same fvcking ball park. It ain't the same league. It ain't even the same fvcking sport!

Wall/Cousins---Herro/Johnson aint the same fvcking ballpark
We need to play slow and ugly. It’s how college basketball is trending.
Denver and Utah have really upped their uni game over the past couple of years (except their alternates). Glad to see some teams using some common sense on such matters
To be fair I think Richards bricked fewer dunks as a sophomore then as a freshman. The leap!
He averaged 3 fewer minutes a game this year so actually his dunk bricks/minute ended up higher this season

Could definitely see where some pine-tar would help Nick going forward.

Looks like LSU's AD is out... potentially related to backlash he got for suspending Wade prematurely. If you can't suspend your guy after he ends up on an FBI wiretap, i'd say your authority has pretty much been stripped away.
I was already wondering who would shoot it next year. :chairshot:
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