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-Yesterday was simply amazing. Aside from UK Basketball & our obvious marquee Football wins, that's as good as it gets for me with sports. I was as nervous down the stretch watching that than I've ever been myself, playing golf. Truly an all time moment for Golf, and for me, in sports -- and to do it against that leaderboard, shew. :flushed:

-I think Tiger vice-captaining in the Ryder Cups when he was at his lowest was a huge turning point with him. Before, he was on an island with few friends, and generally disliked on tour aside from the money he made everyone. That's just not the case anymore. He had a whole swarm of guys waiting for him after his win, which was never the case before -- and many of those guys are true friends. I'm not naïve enough to think Tiger is some great person now, but I do think he's changed quite a bit, as humans often do.

-Love me some Xander Shauffele. Just beginning his 3rd year on tour, he's now played 8 majors, finishing 6th or better in half of them. Just so many young great players out there these days.

-Tickets for the PGA at Bethpage arrived last week. Always wanted to attend a major at a truly classic venue, and it being in NYC just made perfect sense. The buzz heading into that one will be PALPABLE. #ThisIsMajor

-I'm fairly certain nobody wants to join in 'The Bet', but if you do please consider this your invitation. I very much like my position. :sunglasses:

-So, Cole Anthony pretty much dominated the Hoop Summit. Everyone who's anyone agrees that kid is one of the more special PGs to come into college in this era. UNC has next to nothing for next year, but I suppose with him in the fold that changes everything, or at least makes them interesting.

-I will eventually watch Game of Thrones, not sure when. Although it's completely not my style of show or subject matter, that many people can't be wrong?

-So our QB's combined to go like 28-30 or whatever at the Spring Game? Not sure to be excited or worried about that...probably a bit of both.

-Wife leaves Saturday for a full week at the beach. :eyes: :).

-My back yard sucks. Really trying to treat it properly this year, but having a small fenced in space with 2 dogs isn't a recipe for success no matter what you do. The 5 figure gumball totals probably don't help anything either.

Also need to figure out a solution for the cattle trail that runs the fence line (that turns into a mud trough when it rains) -- anyone ever tried pea gravel, or anything else?

-Many will be happy to know I'll be in town for Derby this year. Looking like the backside for Oaks with my golf partner/horseman buddy at his barn -- apparently a blast back there.

-Lost (to me) in the Masters hype were the NBA playoffs starting. My interest will grow as they advance, but I plan to enjoy.

-Good seeing @tfields01 Saturday night randomly at a wedding. South End Louisville is weird like that, seems like everyone is connected somehow.

-As a whole, the Books took a bath on Tiger -- William Hill's largest US loss on any event, ever. Score one for the good guys.

-Ty Jerome signing w/ agent and entering draft, and I think he stays in. UVA will still be a rightful #1 preseason (or at least Top 3), but that dude will be hard to replace. Clarke seems ready to try, though.

-Guaranteed Star :boom:

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- Honestly, F Hurt. Duke will be awesome defensively with he and Carey. :joy:

- Really getting annoyed by the portion of BBN obsessed with this arms race with Duke. K disappointed with the last 3 GOAT teams. The ‘19 team didn’t improve a lick from November. There are other threats out there.

- Happy for Cawood, too.

- Do we really need 1,758 publications recapping every GOT episode?

- Any of y’all dumb enough to hit up Keeneland this Saturday, give me a shout.

Pencil-Necked Geek: adj., See Hurt, Matthew
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-...he was on an island with few friends, and generally disliked on tour aside from the money he made everyone. That's just not the case anymore. He had a whole swarm of guys waiting for him after his win... I'm not naïve enough to think Tiger is some great person now...

I loved this comment, but it and yesterday reminded me of the ending of the Denzel Washington movie "Flight", when Denzel's sitting in prison and his son comes into interview him. "Flight" is a movie about redemption, and Denzel's character had admitted his faults, sought help, and repaired his relationship with his son. But the last scene of the movie, when his son asks him "who are you?" in the context of doing a college application essay, Denzel kind of smiles and says "that's a good question". You see in Denzel's face that he no longer thinks he's defined by alcoholism - the conclusion being that maybe he hasn't completely changed.

How does that relate to Tiger? Well when many of you were crying when he won and hugging his kids, you know who wasn't crying? Tiger f'ing Woods. Flashes of that stone-cold assassin were back. I think that's who Tiger really is. And yeah, unlike an alcoholic, that's not a bad thing. But I don't think we're going to see happy, more reflective Tiger having beers with his buddies on tour.
Watching that yesterday was really cool. Our youngest was baptized yesterday and we had family over afterwards for brunch. Everyone was glued to the television. I looked over and told my father in law, I feel like we’re witnessing history.

The older I’ve become, the more cynical I am when it comes to these athletes and who they really are. After all of that stuff came out about Tiger I really didn’t want to cheer for him again bc of what he did to his kids and along with other stories of him being a personality less asshole.

All that aside, I’m a fan of greatness in sport. Jordan, Brady, Tiger, Federer, on and on. Watching Tiger win at Augusta yesterday brought me back to my youth. At the PGA in 2000 at Valhalla I followed Tiger for every hole on Saturday and Sunday, including the three hole playoff with Bob May. This was peak Tiger mania and I was in complete and utter awe of him. There was like an aura about him on the course.

Yesterday, watching Tiger win took me back to 2000 when I was going into my senior
year in college and made me feel like a kid again.
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I found out Tiger won in a way sports fans dream about- a text message from a friend of mine I won’t mention by name but who is a prominent poster here as well as pizza aficionado and online dating pioneer:

“Eat a ****”

“Hmm, honey- it seems Tiger just won the Masters.”
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The beauty of golf is that Tiger can still be competitive for another 3-5 years into his mid/late 40s. Imagine if Michael Jordan showed up 5 years ago and beat the shit out of LeBron in the Finals, almost what it felt like. It basically shut up all the “yesterdays athletes can’t compete with today’s, omg he would be average in today’s game, golf/b-ball/football is just a totally different game now with this new generation, etc etc” garbage you hear all the time.

This was one for the older guys - F off you millennial hipster douchebags.
The beauty of golf is that Tiger can still be competitive for another 3-5 years into his mid/late 40s. Imagine if Michael Jordan showed up 5 years ago and beat the shit out of LeBron in the Finals, almost what it felt like. It basically shut up all the “yesterdays athletes can’t compete with today’s, omg he would be average in today’s game, golf/b-ball/football is just a totally different game now with this new generation, etc etc” garbage you hear all the time.

This was one for the older guys - F off you millennial hipster douchebags.

I mean, Tiger won by one stroke, and if DJ and Koepka didnt muff their putts on 18, it’s a playoff. So I wouldn’t really call that an ass kicking, just saying.
Seems like the Hauser story has two angles, Howard with too many shots and Wojo being psychotic. Marquette fans calling for him to be let go.
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