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- Pulled out the Rip 10 for my best buddy’s 40th last night. Damn good bourbon but not even close to WLW. About on par with Four Roses 130.

- Quentin Grimes- what a bust. Considering how good he looked over the summer and up in Indy, kid went from a Top 6-7 pick to probably not getting drafted. The OAD/elite prospect game has not been good to Kansas. They’ve had a few successes but their best players have been the ones Self developed.

- We return everyone we’re supposed to now and I’m not sure we need to add anyone else. Just thinking about Herro or Johnson returning pumps me up. Either would be an AA candidate. Herro has higher upside but I think Johnson would home in on his weaknesses this summer and come back dangerous.

- I love Spring and early Summer. Not until mid-July that I’m thirsting for Fall.
-Self has trouble with young guards. He's been better with the wings and bigs.

-I still think we add 1 more player. If it's not one of the elite recruits or de-commits then we should grab a big.

-Analyzing the Baker situation, why would he transfer this year? Makes no sense. Suck it up and play sparingly this year and grad transfer next year for 2 years eligibility. All transferring would do is cost him an actual year on the court.

-Masters :golf:[banana]

-Paris-Roubaix this weekend. What a time to be alive!

-Good luck to our boy PTI @ Zion 100.
Chad is so full of shit, I don't turn 40 until September. Can't take anything that guy says seriously anymore.

-I've been doing this ABCD Majors pool with ABH's buddy for a decade+, and it's absolutely incredible how big it's gotten. $20 per sheet, and all sheets must be turned into him IN PERSON at some NKY bar.

2646 entries for The Masters, and a prize pool of $47,500 (dude pockets a little over 5K for his efforts) 19K to the winner. :joy: Unreal.
-Analyzing the Baker situation, why would he transfer this year? Makes no sense. Suck it up and play sparingly this year and grad transfer next year for 2 years eligibility. All transferring would do is cost him an actual year on the court.

Yep. People are losing sight of the fact that he already had to sit out a season.
German-Americans just didn’t GAF. Research Monmouth St. in Newport for some fun reading sometime. Vegas before Vegas until that mick bastard Bobby Kennedy broke it all up.
Speaking of improving yourself krazy, friend and I bought the Southernmost Scavenger Hunt (#wherespinky) and took over January 1. Been awesome so far. Tons of room for growth and been making great money for the past 15+years.

Gave up booze this month and back to two a days between the gym and the house workouts. Just crushing right now. Let myself go since the holidays and time to get shit right.

No booze sucks for a few reasons, mainly Tinder is basically worthless if you’re not drinking.

Have a Hunt today at 1 and hitting the pool afterwards for some R&R. Whole body is stiff.
Bam is probably the most pleasant surprise on that list. 6'9", maybe, center with no jump shot to speak of doing fairly well in this league is a testament to his strength and athleticism. Almost 60% of shots are 3 feet and in.

WCS too. Dude's skills are perfect for today's game, but I just assumed he'd have a store that sells ironic parody 90s t-shirts and smoking weed with white guys by now. Always felt like that and catching butterflies was his true passion.

Not surprised, but glad Miller is carving out a nice grizzled vet role. He can probably drag that out another decade if he stays healthy.
It's the same person.

FALSE. I may be a terrible poster, but please do not clump me in with that idiot.

Krazy, if you do end up making your own, take a drive to Hopkinsville and visit Casey's Distillery. Dude has a really nice set up.
To be honest the way things work it would be alot better financially for me to just pay annual storage to these distilleries to keep my barrels than to open a distillery.

I am doing proactive research into it when my day job gets out of the way, but these distilleries plus land are incredible costs to bear.
Every considered just selling it out of your trunk like a real entrepreneur?

My grandfather who worked for Glenmore Distillery had some good stories about selling some product on the side. Did a lot of trading with the Philip Morris guys straight up bourbon for smokes. I believe he skirted the law for his side gig but did serve a few overnighters for other alcohol related offenses. He wasnt a very nice guy... had his favorites but kept a general disdain for most people.

Nice read on what happens when you wait your entire life to cross seeing Augusta off of your bucket list- but then it rains a biblical amount and you end up shit out of luck and spend more time in lines being evacuated than you do on the course. Still waiting on the universe to make it right with me after my experience there.
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- Just thinking about Herro or Johnson returning pumps me up. Either would be an AA candidate.

So per your expert analysis....Herro has gone from an overhyped and inconsistent prospect to an AA candidate next season. Is this your "tear em down and build em up" Billy G philosophy you used to adore?

* Even as an adult last week was tough. You live/eat/breath college hoops with the Cats for 5 months and then bam... It’s over. You start to analyze everything. The March rush is gone. No games to look forward to.

Elite 8 losses are the hardest to digest, IMO. I know we want the ultimate prize but getting to that last weekend and another Final Four banner hanging in Rupp is noteworthy.

* I really do believe UK was playing about as good or better than anybody through mid February until Reid Travis went down. Him being out and then PJ being out just touched up the rhythm, spacing and groove this team was in. We were just never the same.

* Cal needs to get out of his own damn stubborn way and desire more possessions. College basketball has shown that there’s so many ways you can a title but I go back to Adolph Rupp and even Dean Smith’s/Roy Williams’ philosophy... I have the thoroughbreds, you don’t. I want more possessions.

* Pilgrim is now reporting that he thinks Baker is staying. Guard play will be outstanding next year. It’s hard to value how much a player like Hagans will improve from his freshman to sophomore year.

* Spring Football SZN. I’m going to watch and am excited about next fall. A lot intriguing storylines. How much of a leap will Wilson make? Our d line will be really good. Who will step up in the secondary? Bowden is going to the best offensive weapon in the East. Mark it.

* Lil Lass #1 has “soccer practice” every Saturday mng. It’s hysterical. She essentially runs around trying to kick the ball and end up kicking down cones. She’s a feisty one so I’m hoping she develops a competitive spirit and will be an athlete. I’m done and getting clipped so my lassies are it.

* This weather is the tits. I feel like we haven’t had a true spring in years. Last night I was driving back from b-ball at church.. Windows down, tunes blaring. Birds were chirping, everything in bloom. So healthy to see all of this after the grey and wet winter. Vitamin D, baby.

Tonight after the girls go down I’m thinking patio time with some frosties, tunes and a cigar so I can stare off into space for a bit.
Every considered just selling it out of your trunk like a real entrepreneur?

Actually, yes! I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have an issue selling this go around myself.

It’s been on my mind since the first distributor meeting when they told me they basically buy it and do as they damn well please regardless of who I know wants it or not, and the price they charge is basically non of my business so my idea on retail price is not their concern.

I’ve considered a lot since then.
Sad but Elite 8s are so meh for the Faithful. Probably because we’ve had 38 of them. It’s not a bad season but not good enough.

Yeah, you can’t explain that sunken feeling of loss and disappointment that moment you realize the Cats are losing to non-fans. Trust me- I’ve tried. I essentially follow recruiting for years before dudes get to campus and talk to you bozos 365 days a year for what happens for 3 weeks every March. There seriously isn’t one day that goes by when I’m not thinking about UK basketball one way or another.
For a tradition unlike any other, the Masters is pretty similar to other annual professional golf tournaments.

As a non-golfball, I don’t think that’s true at all. Definitely something special about The Masters.
* I, for one, think Herro and Johnson would improve as sophomores.

* Nice little weekend....

- flew into Vegas last night
- Zion today to do some sight seeing
- Zion 100 tomorrow/Saturday
- celebratory beers Saturday night (if we can find a bar [eyeroll])
- Back to Zion to hike a short part of the narrows Sunday
- drive to Vegas and watch the Masters from a sports book
- fly home Sunday night

* Utah is weird. Within a 3 hour drive, there’s 5-6 amazing national parks, but it seems unappreciated. Maybe it’s Mormon culture, but everything here is so incredibly bland and understated. It’s like they go out of their way to be dull and non flashy. Weird.

* Tommy Fleetwood ftw.

* The tournament truly starts around the second nine Sunday afternoon, imo.

* Patrons.
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Chad is so full of shit, I don't turn 40 until September. Can't take anything that guy says seriously anymore.

-I've been doing this ABCD Majors pool with ABH's buddy for a decade+, and it's absolutely incredible how big it's gotten. $20 per sheet, and all sheets must be turned into him IN PERSON at some NKY bar.

2646 entries for The Masters, and a prize pool of $47,500 (dude pockets a little over 5K for his efforts) 19K to the winner. :joy: Unreal.
Show some respect to (presumably) The Saddle Club, rubes.
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