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Apparently Paul Hewitt was in the building today. I didn't realize he was in the huddle.
Other than Bilas, Rafferty, and Vitale before he became a cartoon, are there really many good color college analysts? Dykes is a muppet who tries waaaaay too hard to be the young Dicky V with all his goofball sayings but we could do worse.

I need to get that device that syncs the local broadcast team with the tv feed. Anyone know what that is?

I don’t have that device, but I have a method that works for me every time.
I listen to WLAP on I Heart Radio. It is always behind the feed on my HD TV channel.
I simply pause the game on my DVR until the radio call catches up.
Works every time.
I don’t have that device, but I have a method that works for me every time.
I listen to WLAP on I Heart Radio. It is always behind the feed on my HD TV channel.
I simply pause the game on my DVR until the radio call catches up.
Works every time.
I don’t have that device, but I have a method that works for me every time.
I listen to WLAP on I Heart Radio. It is always behind the feed on my HD TV channel.
I simply pause the game on my DVR until the radio call catches up.
Works every time.

The downfall by doing this is that you cant pause,rw,ff and keep in sync
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The downfall by doing this is that you cant pause,rw,ff and keep in sync
Well, I tape every game and rewatch them so I am not that worried about rewinding during the game, but if something crazy happens, I will rewind and then it is easy to just pause again to sync with the radio.
I have been doing this for at least 5 years and I haven’t had any issues.
It isn’t for everyone but it works for me. I get so anxious and worried during games that I just can’t listen to the TV announcers negativity and slobbering over the opposing team. ;)
Smoked a turkey breast today. Sliced up a bunch of jalepenos and threw it in the brine, marvelous.
A word on Keldon Johnson...

My best friend did a year at Oak Hill. He still has good relationships with the staff, so whenever Kentucky is interested in one of their dudes, he gives them a call.

The Oak Hill guys LOVE Keldon Johnson. Love him.

Grain of salt on this one, but apparently of all the Oak Hill players from the past, the one that reminds them the most of Keldon Johnson is Carmelo Anthony.

^I didn't realize Oak Hill had hired Jon Rothstein as an assistant coach.

Other more realistic player comps I've seen for Johnson range anywhere from Aaron Harrison to Brandon Roy to Anthony Peeler.
Once Vanderbilt is back then I like Gabriel in that 7th or 8th man spot when you need some energy or some rebounds. We're just going to be struggling if we're depending on him to do anything more than that.
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Exactly. Gabriel is a 15-20 minute a game guy right now. Heavy on rebounding and defense and energy, and very light on shooting. 13 shots against Utah Valley was ridiculous, and should never happen again. He's a 5 Point/5 Rebound kind of player, and needs to focus only on what he does well.
RE: Gabriel's energy? What? Because he snaps his neck back when he runs and his hair flops around? Shit. You see all these arms and legs flying about but rarely with purpose.

It may 'look' like he's being active but he doesn't seem to get many deflections, doesn't block shots, doesn't rebound out of his area and doesn't have a nose for the ball. Again, he's just not productive if he isn't out there knocking down shots. Need Vando back to take those minutes.

- Keldon Johnson will be dope. He's a smooth wing and it appears he's a really good finisher around the rim. He's got good athleticism but from the tapes he still understands angles and knows how to use to absorb contact. He and Quickley will be sensational together.

- Herro! EEEK.

- Quade G will need to improve that D from atrocious to barely serviceable ASAP but I'm not sure he has the foot-speed to stay in front of anyone legit. He's going to be abused by more than a few guys this year so Marcus prepare for it. At least he can stretch the floor, otherwise at this point I'd call him severely overrated as a 5*, burger boy, etc...
If Tennessee some how actually did hire Gruden, and he ended up being a total disaster, that would potentially be the greatest thing in SEC football history.

You mean better than Lane Kiffin taking the job for one year and being just good enough to get their fans' hopes up, immediately bouncing for USC, and then continuing to troll UT on twitter for years?
RE: Gabriel's energy? What? Because he snaps his neck back when he runs and his hair flops around? Shit. You see all these arms and legs flying about but rarely with purpose.

It may 'look' like he's being active but he doesn't seem to get many deflections, doesn't block shots, doesn't rebound out of his area and doesn't have a nose for the ball. Again, he's just not productive if he isn't out there knocking down shots. Need Vando back to take those minutes.

-College football recruiting, man. That's why you don't pay attention until February.

-Love KJ/IQ/Herro. Shooters. Add them to SGA, Quade Epps, and Jermarrrrl and we've got six interchangable parts at the 1-3 next year(though I sense one of the three returnees doesn't actually return).

-Haven't seen any smoke on Wiseman reclassifying, but if Richards leaves, it makes sense. If Duke's gonna pull that sort of thing to create their SUPERTEAM, we might as well, too.

-First 10K on Saturday. Rainy and 48. Perfect.

-Kara Lawson does a great job. Doris Burke does a great job. Whoever this lady is on Fox-56 who did the sports last night while wearing the shirt of an old pirate....not so much.

-Tree goes up two days after Thanksgiving. Comes down MLK weekend, usually. One *regular* tree downstairs, a Disney-themed tree upstairs. And now we do that stupid elf thing, because my 9-year-old is persistent as #AllGetOut.

-What restaurant dish do you wish you could completely duplicate from home? Mine is probably the htipiti from Athentian Grill. Crack.
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-Gabriel gets rebounds and we both already said we like him in limited minutes after Vando gets back. Thanks for disagreeing by recycling our take.

-This team has a long way to go, NO ONE was moving off the ball on offense. Planted in the same spot, eyes following the ball. Made some shots last night that helped mask that issue.

-Can we somehow combine Alexander and Green? SGA is not good at running the offense, like awful, and Green may be the worst on ball defender I've seen. Granted that dude last night was good but he had no trouble blowing past Green.

-Don't blame them for not zoning last night. Only way they beat us is by hitting a few more 3's. Our length inside was giving them fits. Now, once KU starts getting to the rim at ease, we need to think about it.

-Not sure if Wiseman is reclassifying or not but I don't want to end up in another Bagley situation. Kid loves Cal.

-What a weird team.
- To be at his best, Zion W needs to be surrounded by shooters so love that Cal is stacking next years squad with them.

- Live tree- cat eats it and is puking for a month. Fake tree- dog eats it and ruins it within a week. smh
Good to see that we immediately abandoned the zone after it worked pretty well in the first game.

Yeah I'm not saying to do it all game but like Friday night the team was more effective in it and actually what probably won the game for us.

I mean they were getting open looks by our shitty man to man so why the hell not try it?
SGA is dope. Very capable of calling a pick and running the occasional weave. Most importantly, dude had 300 deflections the first game, was really the only defender with half a clue. He's an eater. I don't appreciate Cal benching him.

And Cal can lick my nuts if he abandons the zone. We played zone for like what 7 minutes that first game? Created like 10 straight points off turnovers and pressured the ball more than any Cal team I've seen recently. Actually ran a team out of the gym. It was unreal, and really showcased our 7' wingspans.
-Don't feel good about the Kansas game. Would definitely be impressed if we were to come away from that matchup with a W.

-Benny Snell might be the best RB to ever wear a Kentucky uniform when it's all said and done. Dude is a beast and I enjoy watching him play.

-We kicked Vandy's ass. 7-3[smoke]

-Miami's turnover chain is incredibly Miami and I love that they are good again. Watching them destroy ND was very satisfying.

-Maria Taylor :fire::fire::fire:
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