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My brief time spent in Lexington ('96) included a pocket full of change every Wednesday at Millennium....i believe.

A1A was cool. Remember Twan dancing like a mofo with every cracker girl in the building.

Didn't get out too much. Making 5.50 at McAlpins didn' afford me much other than Natural Lite and noodles.

Hit the lottery at a UK baseball game my buddy was pitching in. Dizzy bat contest got us a free large PJ pizza.
So GYERO never ventured out to Solid Platinum? Easily the best way to know if the girls with you were freaks.

Girls: So what are you guys doing after this.....

Krazy: might go back to the house and smoke or possibly might hit up Solid Platinum.

Girls: For real, Solid Platinum? We might be cool with that.....

Welp, pretty sure when they write the history of GYERO, naming Logan’s and O’Charley’s will be seen as the Pickett’s Charge of the great Lexington/Louisville bar scene debate; a terrible and avoidable mistake that Lexington could never truly recover from.
A reference to dollar draft night at Cooker would’ve been the death blow. Luckily it went unmentioned.
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Rutherford and Tim Sullivan both suggesting that Louisville reinstating and playing Brian Bowen is a serious option. It's like they finally just decided "Screw it, we're so bad at following the rules, let's just stop trying."

Arguing that it's like the Cam Newton case. Uhh, no, dipshits, Auburn wasn't on like quadruple probation, and had a plausible deniability that they knew anything was wrong when they played him. You and the world actively know the kid's father was paid, and you just got finished firing YOUR coaches who orchestrated it. You can't just play the kid now, you numbnuts.
Well by the North Carolina doctrine, if you give all the students 100k it should be fine.
Nicholasville Rd. O'Chuck's!

1. 1/2 price wings (10-12 wings on a bed of tortilla chips with celery and blue cheese - basically a complete meal)
2. Pitcher specials with the boys
3. Flirt with the middle aged bartender lady and maybe get one on the house.
4. Put a $10 on a $30-$40 tab to cover it all plus tip
5. Leave
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If nothing else, it would be worth UL taking that approach just to watch the ACC squirm and try to justify/differentiate its responses to UNC (hi there u big boy me suck u long time) and UL (Jesus Christ how did these commuter dipshit idiots ever get in).
Listen, I *hate* Louisville, but if they just played Bowen and didn't give nary a shit, I'd doff my cap and respect some badass.

Why not?
Yeah, that's the iron fisted direction in which the NCAA is heading. For sure.
I like to imagine Louisville is the one school the NCAA isn't afraid to smash. They may end up as the last school the NCAA ever hammered. The NCAA gets pushed around all day long by the schools it doesn't have the balls to govern and then Louisville is right there waiting at the end of the day. Insignificant enough that the NCAA isn't scared of them, gross enough that nobody really defends them, and big enough that they feel good to kick around.
Ummm....whats the last school the NCAA actually hammered??

There's really no reason to follow the rules at this point.
-What has to bother U of L as much as anything is that the NCAA has no qualms hammering them and taking away their title while the big boys skate for the longest-running academic scam in history. Birdgang thought they were elite but they're obviously disposable.

-A Larry Vaught parody account would be redundant and obsolete. No way to top what that perv actually posts on his own.
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Yeah, no big deal. Just taking down 1 of their 3 national titles. Pretty routine stuff.

I have no idea what the NCAA is going to do BUT they have FBI wiretap/video evidence of them paying a player the same month they were appealing the current sanctions.

We'll know the extent the NCAA is willing to go these days. Both of ULs cases were so brazen they were essentially neatly packaged for the NCAA. As much as I hate UNC, I kind of get it. We all KNOW what was going on there but other students were also able to take those same classes. I think it's bullshit but I can at least understand the rationale.

That being said, it seems that even the most ardent NCAA honks are starting to see the hypocrisy. Assuming they're going to dig in and it'll be years but change is eventually coming.

Bowen's lawyer saying he was cleared in the FBI probe.

Play ball young man!

That has zero to do with his NCAA eligibility.

I get why idiots like you don’t understand that (no offense) but it chaps my ass that some “journalists” don’t.

You really think Louisville’s administration is going to fire Tomma but then consider letting Bowen play?

These first few weeks of the season are going to be interesting in seeing just how many kids are sitting.
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