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Mary Hart and Larry King are driving me batty behind home plate. Much more distracting than the celebs at Lakers games.
Creepside-had it’s moments. Great patio scene before there was anything better downtown. Had some fun times. Never thought the food was any good.

Rosebud-also has its moments, but more known for being rediculously crowded. Still, did quite well there.

U-club-all you can drink tuesdays and Thursday for $7. Elite talent. One of my favorites.

Keys-always a good time, solid player in the college rotation. Especially loved laugh track live. Won Dave Matthews tickets for best joke one night.

Fish tank/whatever was on the corner of Euclid. Always terrible imo but was always packed with talent. Girls having fun and what not.

Never liked McCarthy’s.
The U Club has been erased from my memory apparently.

Compared to what I see today, man did the late 90's early 00's crew get the short stick on everything from campus amenities, to food options, to bar scene.

The funniest thing about that bar scene era were the fly-by-nighters that would have a good 6 to 9 month boom then get busted by ABC. Joplin's was one, maybe? Mustang Sally's.

But, hey, I'd do it again.
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Chad not respecting Varsity Blues during its prime is revisionist history.

No- I liked it okay but Big wcc is now and always has been about character, ambiance and atmosphere when it comes to drinking establishments.
I had a dream last night that BKH called the UK-Centre game - and the game was televised by the Centre Sports Network instead of the SEC Network.

Centre's players were all GYERO posters.

And when BKH introduced them before tipoff, he had the graphics department show their GYERO avatar instead of a picture of the actual person for the TV broadcast.

"Starting at guard, Anth735!" **Shows a picture on the screen of passed out drunk Mexican and for stats shows his post count and likes.
"Starting at the other guard, BRax!" **Show a picture on the screen of that muppet.

"Starting at forward, MaxPowerrrrr!" **Shows a picture on the screen of the pig.

"Starting at center, UnfrozenCatFanLawyer!" **Shows a pic of whoever that girl is....

You get the idea.

I should probably stop reading GYERO late at night before I go to sleep.

BKH, make it happen!
Two Keys still remains the king of UK bars. Tin Roof is probably second. My buddies and I always stuck with Two Keys or The Other Bar.

Thursday night $10 all you can drink at Two Keys was deadly.

The Other Bar is relatively new. Couple buildings away from Two Keys right next to a convenient stores that sells overpriced cigs. Has a porch out front. Honestly was my favorite spot to go.
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Chad & Anth chiming in on UK bars always makes me chuckle a little bit.

Kitty's sucked (comparitively) btw.
UK students before 2010 chiming in on bars makes me chuckle. Your bars closed at 1am. Lolz. They also 99.9% sucked balls. I lived 1 block from 2 miles of the best bars in the region that closed at 4am. Gtfo.
UK students before 2010 chiming in on bars makes me chuckle. Your bars closed at 1am. Lolz. They also 99.9% sucked balls. I lived 1 block from 2 miles of the best bars in the region that closed at 4am. Gtfo.

Counterpoint: The 1 AM closing time meant everyone was in prime form and ready to take it to a house party. A later closing time meant more people were ready to call it a night. Not saying I preferred the 1 AM close, but there was a silver lining.
Meh, it sucked. UK is a great college campus and certainly the sports teams, tailgating, greek scene are way better than anything Louisville has to offer.

But the bar scene? False. It was wack. I'm sure you all had a few bars you loved and 2 Keys is/was fine. But don't step regarding bar scenes its the one area you can't chuckle. Bars closing at 1 is dumb. Pre house parties then the bars is by far the best method. Living 200 yards from Bardstown Rd in college was awesome.
Every college bar scene is great when you’re in college because let’s be honest- it doesn’t take much.

- population of college aged, like minded individuals
- cheap domesto
- shot and drink specials
- maybe live music/DJ occasionally

Boom- just gave everyone the recipe to a good college bar
Well, I've found my topic for my KSR post today. According to this guy, Kentucky is the most overrated CBB program of the last decade. It seriously took me a while to figure out what this dude is talking about.

Behold, the worst thing I've ever read

Also, I've never been to a bar anywhere that closes at 1am.
One thing that stood out to me in college in a major way was the concentration of smoke at Two Keys. When I would visit for a football game I was blown away. Like, it was mind boggling that there could be so much heat in one spot.

There was some serious talent in Charleston but every fraternity or sorority had their own go to bar and that was kind of their territory. It was all spread out.

That Two Keys patio was practically overwhelming at times with the talent level strutting around.
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Weird town for sure. There’s a few neighborhoods with a lot of clubs (Theater district) and in the summer at like 1:30 when those all close at the same time...madness.

Like 2,000+ girls in the streets just roaming around hammered in their clubbing gear. Shew.

Winters they all just stay in, and in the summer and fall lots of folks head to the cape plus schools are out so downtown isn’t really crazy.

Every once in awhile though on a nice summer night the city is electric, but it’s not consistent at all.
Anth- smh.

Just glad he didn’t refer to himself as a “BarStar” like he used to when we first took him in.

After 12 years of club slang, cheesy clothing and always trying to order bottle service, looks like Sloot finally is instilling some class into him. What a project.

BTW, trying to claim Bellarmine is better socially than UK is classic Louisville. smh again.
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I'll still take Thursday night in Richmond during the early 90's over any of your bar scenes. Yeah, the bars closed at midnight. Who cares? You just started earlier.

Now Fridays and Saturdays were hit or miss because of the large number of commuters. But those Thursday nights, man...

Every now and then I'll have flashbacks and go sit in someone's backyard and play an imaginary bass drum with a spatula to the beat of my own music.
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